Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #79

     Teresa's a medicine woman, we've been to knick-knack hell and our wireless Joey is communicating with our Hopper, but the aspect isn't perfect. I'll explain all the above and more with pictures worth a thousand words.
Thank Goodness T Cut My Toenails/Snyder, TX
     In my last blog, I wrote about my tumble down our "stairs of death." This is exactly the second week of my slippery slide and my toes and wound are doing much better. Teresa's been a patient and thorough medicine woman through it all. Each morning, I get slathered in a white cream, gauzed up and then wrapped with an ACE bandage. I sit back in a comfortable chair, hold each the scissors, the tape, the gauze and etc. All the while, T calls out, "Tape. Scissors. Gauze." 
Knick Knack Hell/Scurry Co., TX
     I can't say I wouldn't have fallen down the stairs if  we didn't move, but I can say we took a short trip to Knick-Knack hell because of the move.
    Who knew that we had so much unnecessary, decorative stuff. Geez. I've bought more bubble wrap, packing tape and U-Haul boxes in the last month than I've bought in my entire life. πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–And let me tell you this... That fun thing everyone does with bubble wrap can really get on your nerves when wrapping the umpteenth breakable Knick-Knack.
Waterbugs/Snyder, TX
     The coolest part of our move is that we moved into a house with a pool and that means fun for the family. We knew the grands were water bugs, but now we know that they're SUPER waterbugs.
Waterbug/Snyder, TX
     Speaking of moving... Moving might be more painful than having teeth pooled without anesthesia or akin to the scene in The Marathon Man when Laurence Olivier is drilling into Dustin Hoffman's front tooth while asking; "Is it safe?"
I Want My MTV/Dire Straits, 1985
     One of the not so painful things, but tremendously things is the lapse in modern technology during a move. It seems almost criminal to whine about it considering the multitudes who moved across our country in a wagon, but.... Moving and waiting for TV and a good internet connection is indeed aggravating. No disrespect to the Bonner party.

     Gracie update: She is significantly traumatized by the move. I think she's constipated too. I have no idea where she's pooping, but it's not in our yard.
     Diet update: It's very hard to follow the rules when it's easier to order a pizza, but we're both okay. T announced this morning that the scales were in the laundry room. She said that she'd gained only two pounds during all this. I didn't weigh myself, but thought: "Wow! We actually have an indoor laundry room because we haven't in the last four to five years."
     Random thought of the day: Our city council's on the verge of approving incentives to pave the way for a multi-million dollar housing project, but they're waffling because opponents are worried. How do you convince worried people that a plan really is a good plan for the bigger picture?

Bill Robertson (8/13/20,) You always get what you pay for. DON'T BUY THE CHEAP PACKING TAPE!!!!"

Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...