Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Teresa Got Into A Knife Fight

      Did the blog title get your attention? I can't take credit for it. My dear, sweet and super fun sister-in-law, Vena Beth Alesio, phoned it from her home in Lincoln, NE.

Post Surgery/Day 1

     Of course, Teresa did NOT get into a knife fight but that sounds a lot more exciting than what really caused this nasty incision on her left forearm. Plain & simple, it's the result of removing a Basal Cell Carcinoma, aka Skin Cancer.

     The good news is; If you get skin cancer, the skin cancer you want is Basal Cell Carcinoma. The bad news is, the pain is exactly what you'd expect from this kind of surgery. 

Cogdell Memorial Hospital/Snyder, TX

     If T were writing this blog, she'd tell you her day in the hospital began about 40-years ago. That's when she, like so many of us in our 50s and 60s, would lay out in the sun. We weren't wearing sunscreen. In fact, we were more than likely lacquered up in baby oil thinking that concoction added to Hawaiian Tropic would give us some type of sun-kissed glow.  I guess it did and that was great for our 20s, 30s and 40s. But now, the conversation at the doc's office goes more like this...

Takin A Closer Look

            Doctor: "While you're here, let me take a look at some of these spots on your skin."

            Patient: "Uh, okay. I feel fine. What are you looking for?"

            Doctor: "Skin cancer."

            Patient: "Oh."

     T's got two more weeks of the stitches. We're watching her arm... even with a magnifying glass. The good news is the pain is getting less and less each day.

Picture Pickin' Time

     In much lighter news, our new-old house project is taking on more of our personality. We're on the verge of hanging our pictures and photos. The 64-thousand dollar question is, where to hang what.

Ross Hataway Original

     We have quite a few originals. Some are one of a kind pieces by local artists like Brian Asher, Jess Everett, Tom Roberts & Ross Hataway, Ross painted this picture of my boots. T gave it to me for my birthday. There's a great story behind the boots and the painting, but that's for the two of us. 

Sedona, AZ

      We also have photos of many years gone by that bring back some terrific memories. This one is from a cold and snowy April day in Sedona. By the next day, we were back in shorts

Go Saints!

     About the only colorful wall hanging that has its confirmed place is this New Orleans Saints print that Jack and Allison gave us for Christmas. It will hang in our front room/make shift office. The print is from when Nashville hosted the 2019 NFL draft. It's not a one of a kind, but it is unique and special to us, at least.
Leftovers for Lunch

     And what's a Bill Blog without a foodie element? We made leftover meatloaf quesadillas with  black beans and pimento cheese on the griddle for lunch today. It sounds over the top, but it adds up to less than 500-calories.

     It's fun to get back into the blog writing saddle again. I hope y'all will continue reading and share with all your friends. I started writing blogs in January of 2018. You can check out my full blog collection at

     And for more on some of these west Texas artists check out...

Bill Robertson (3/4/21,) SUNSCREEN! The worst sunburn I ever had was on a cloudy day at the beach (Thanksgiving, 1976ish)

Toilet Paper Holders, Broken Water Wells & A Big Leaky Pool

      If I ever meet the inventor of the toilet paper holder, I'm gonna punch him or her right in the nose. I can't carry tune, I can't whistle with my fingers, and, I can't drive a nail. All three of those are genuine and absolute talents and the tricky toilet paper holder today proved the icing on the cake.

Mr. Fixit @ Work

     The trouble, or the blessings depending how you look at it, began when we moved into a new, old house (1975.) We got it for a pretty sweet song so we put our efforts into updates. It's funny how a 'mid-century' house, as it's called, can be outdated down to the little things,,, like toilet paper holders.

     Experts handled the important stuff for us, but I figured that surely I could handle a few little chores, like the toilet paper holder.😞😞

The Finished Product

Well first, I couldn't. Then, I could. And then, I did. I installed a toilet paper holder. I gathered a big assortment of tools but as it turned out, all I needed was a level and a screwdriver. I installed a toilet paper holder!! 
The Ranch Water Well

     The BIG FREEZE did affect our ranch well house. The good news is, it's not used for anything important. The bad news is, I still gotta cobble something together to get water to the flora and fauna in the area that we call The People's Place. The really bad news is, the flora and fauna may die.

Baking Experiment

     I've written many times about how much I like to eat. I've included many stories about how much I like to cook. As part of our renovations at our new, but old home, we updated our kitchen. So, I thought I'd tackle baking. How hard can it be? Take my word for it, it's not only hard, it's also super time consuming. 

     One Sunday afternoon, Teresa and I got some yeast, a lot of bread flour and other stuff. We set out at noon to make 'Old Fashioned Yeast Cafeteria Rolls.".  By 5:00, we had overcooked 'Old Fashioned Yeast Cafeteria Rolls.' My new note to self is; Store bought baked goods are worth every penny.

The Gaming Tables Are Open in the Casino

     Our new, old house is a big change from 10-years of living in the country. We definitely went bigger because we hope little grand children will visit. We also went  back in time by about 40-years. The included photo is our master bathroom area. The painter even said, "Oh my."

Bill Robertson (3/3/21,) The toilet paper holder works great, the water well's not worth losing sleep over and we like 1975ish. I still can't whistle. If you'd like to read about 150 of my other blogs check out; 








Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...