Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Two Geeks, Two Chickens & A Pan of Enchiladas

     Once upon a time, a Geek was a circus performer entertaining 18th century audiences with strange and unusual acts. I heard a story that a good, old fashioned Geek was a person who bit off the heads of chickens. Sounds like something that was tremendously entertaining in the long, long ago.

     But now, a GEEK is a hero. They even come in packs. They're the people who come to the rescue of TWO CHICKENS like Teresa and me. They are the GEEK SQUAD of Best Buy... and they are worth every penny. And what goes better with a GEEK SQUAD encounter? A pan of chicken enchiladas, of course. LOL, I bet you were wondering how I'd work enchiladas into this story.

Teddy & Troupe/Our Geek Heroes

     The  beginning of a story always begins at the start and the start of this story begins with an ancient computer, at least it was ancient as technology is defined these days.

     We did a thing. We got a Mac because our older model PC bit the dust. Start-up took too long. Trying to open apps took even longer. The joke in the house was: "I'm going to start the laptop. I'll be back after a shower, walk, errands and a nap." No, it wasn't bad. I didn't need to take the nap.

     So.. We went to Best Buy. The smart kid talked us into a Mac. We got the Mac. The staff on hand asked, "Do you want us to set it up?" And that's where we made our first big mistake. If you're over 50 and anyone younger asks "do you want help setting up," take their offer!

     The Readers Digest version is: We Brought the computer home, opened the box, literally said a prayer and began the set-up. We got as far as the On & Off button. We clicked something and it asked for our password.  We clicked on something else and it asked for our password. There's absolutely no denying it that by this time I was about to explode. I'm saying, "Just open DAMNIT!"'

     T'S the calm in the storm. She took over at the keyboard. Before I knew it, it was MAGIC! We were in. Hallelujah! Then, something went amuck. Somehow, someway, the new sumbitch as I'm now calling the Mac, has somehow synched some of T's stuff and some of mine. We have her pictures, but my contacts. We have T's log in, but my messages. T said, "I can fix it. Go smoke!" Sounded like a stellar idea to me.

     If you know nothing else about my beautiful, caring wife, it's that she does not give up. I've seen her stay on a task for much longer than it deserved because she has that 'I'm gonna get this done if I have to stay awake all night gene.' But in this case, T met her match. Mac kicked her ass. The last words she spoke that night were, "Call the Geek Squad.'

     And that brings us to our two new heroes and almost to our plate of enchiladas. Our heroes are Teddy and Troupe. Not surprisingly, the two have been to our house on more than one occasion. Talking to them about tech stuff is almost like us talking to our grandchildren, the really young ones. The teenagers probably think we're idiots too. 

     We had a 10-item list for Troupe and Teddy. It was kind of embarrassing when Troupe said, "Oh my.What did y'all do?" We gave 'em cookies to shut up and keep them fortified. The bottom line was, the youngsters got us fixed up real fast. I knew we were out of our league when one of the good GEEKS asked,"What else ya got?"

Bill's Not Yet World Famous Enchiladas

     As you can imagine, it's was past dinner time at this point. We knew it would take awhile for the GEEKS to figure out all screw-ups. So to be prepared like any 50+ couple, we made a pan of chicken enchiladas. Look at 'em! WOW! FANTASTIC! So now, we're opening a new eatery. We're calling it Bill & Teresa's Enchilada and Queso House. You haven't lived until you've had T's queso. Order the spicy version. It's $6.50 per order, but it comes with homemade chips.

Bill Robertson (9/8/2021,) Cluck! Cluck!



Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...