Wedding Reception @ Rosemary Beach FL |
See the kids on bikes in the picture at left? Their mom had a really hard time convincing the littlest one that he was not invited so they would not be going to the birthday party.
Rosemary Beach Farmers Market |
The Rosemary Beach Farmers Market is one of a few held along Florida's 30A each weekend. We went early and thank goodness. By 9:30, it was wall to wall people and most of them with strollers.
Rosemary Beach Farmers Market |
We rode our bikes back to our unit with bags full of fresh, local treats including some local-wildflower honey and great mustard from Matt's Mom's Mustard Store.
By lunch, I visited with a bunch of bikers, on real bikes not a Schwin like myself, out for a Saturday ride. Duke, Dan, Brie, Gidget and Po-Boy are my new best friends.
And then there's the lady who relieved herself in the middle of the street. We didn't see it. We heard the tale. A woman driving a fancy BMW tried to parallel park yesterday outside Cowgirl Kitchen, a fun place near the beach. Some passerby actually had to stand outside her window and tell her to pull forward, back up and turn left or right.
After she finally parked and walked away, the crew at CK said they had to share the story. Apparently the last time the lady in the fancy BMW parked in the same spot and went across the street for drinks at The Pearl, she later came out and relieved herself over a city drain.... in the middle of the street. Goes to show, drunk and stupid looks the same no matter how you dress it up.
Bill Robertson, off to the beach!
Quite an interesting day you had!