Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Beach Blog #8

Bikes, Bikes & More Bikes
     Whoever coined the saying "You're never  forget how to ride a bike," must have been from this part of Florida.
     There are bikes and bike paths everywhere here.
     There are two wheel bikes, three wheel bikes, four wheel bikes. There are regular pedal bikes, sit down to pedal bikes and bikes that you pedal with your arms.
     This is "Bike-City!" And why not? The area's mostly flat, the paths are smoother than most city streets and there's more parking for the bikes than for the cars.

     Our unit came with two, old beach comber style bikes. They have big, fat tires, thankfully heavily padded seats and super wide handle bars. Unfortunately, there's only one gear so even the very slight uphill rides burn a little.
     We've ventured out on two wheels a lot so far. We're not 12-years-old any more. So, we're taking it pretty slow. We've both become pretty vocal at warning the folks ahead of us to "WATCH OUT!"
     And so far, we've had to stop only once for a mildly serious safety lesson.
Left, Right, Left
     "Make sure there's enough time for both of us to cross, I don't look for traffic. I'm just following you," Teresa said from behind me.
     "I just go when you go."
     "Uh, that's probably not a good idea. You need to look left, right, left too," I said over my shoulder.
     "Okay. Gotcha. Just wait for me."
     Weebles wobble but they don't fall down is a good description of our bike riding. So, we're taking it slow and easy.
     A day away from home wouldn't be complete without our search for 'where the locals go.'
Oyster Po-Boy, Seagrove Market Cafe

Grilled Shrimp Tacos, Seagrove Market Café
     This day, we found the oldest eatery in the area, The Seagrove Market Café. Like just about everything else, it was super close to our unit, not super cheap but in this case ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!
     T had the over flowing grilled shrimp tacos. I think I counted about 10-shrimp per taco. I had their oyster po-boy. It was packed full of perfectly sized oysters. You can't tell from the pictures, but we're eating outside and wearing shorts and flip flops in February. So all in all, pretty dern good.
     And meeting folks from far away places continues. Just yesterday, we crossed paths with South Africa, Nashville, Canada, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. They were all wearing shorts too.
Bill Robertson, going for a walk on the beach

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