Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Local Artisans, Craftsmen & Other Stars in Scurry County

     We may not have Chinese food delivery in Snyder, but we are chocked full of amazing artisans, craftsmen and creators.

     I was shocked by the volume of views my last blog "Pat the Pie Lady" received. Not only did the story of Pat's perfect pecan pie and Ms. Chloanne's good old fashioned, Sunday After Church lunch garner more 'views' by the hundreds than any other blog, it also received more responses and reactions than any other of my other writings.
     So strike while the skillets hot I say. Here are some more locals, working way behind the scenes who without word of mouth, might never have their talents put before the public.

     In no particular order, here are some folks who've dazzled me with their creations.

     -Terry Huestis: Terry can build anything and it looks great! He mostly works with steel/metal/iron. He works alongside his wife Linda, a.k.a. Jose. The two are a real team.

     -Max Snyder: Max is a woodman. Need a table, call Max. Need a door, call Max. He takes wood and bends it like leather to create his pieces.

     -Nathalie Kelley: Give Nathalie a paint brush and just stand back. She'll never tell you, but she's won all kinds of awards.

     -Tom Roberts: Tom's an old sailor who paints like a man on a mission. Many of you might know Tom from his days with his studio inside The Manhattan Coffeehouse.

     -Brian Asher: Brian's western pencil art is mesmerizing. The detail he puts into the horse, the cow, the pasture can keep you looking at his work for hours.

     -Ken Spoor: His a local pastor by day and a woodsman the rest of the time. Ken saves old wood from abandoned homes, churches and schools to turn into doors, tables, chairs and more.

     -Stormy Shields: Stormy creates jewelry. She has her own on-line business with original, even customized creations.

     -Theresa & Rodney Dupree: There's no way in the word to call their flower arrangements from their Blossom Bucket anything but works of art.

     -Maxine Ragland: Everybody knows Mrs. Ragland's pies.

     I'm sure there are many more hidden creators in our midst, but my mind is drawing a blank at this point. But, I do have a point.
     And that is, we have artists among us. The rub is, like all good west Texans they call very little, if any attention to their talents. I can think of only the Duprees from the above list who've been able to turn their extraordinary talents into their primary revenue streams.

    I know we're not going to make any magazine's Arts District article, but we are blessed with some complete originals not necessarily hanging on our walls, but definitely walking our streets.

Bill Robertson, I can't even draw a stick figure.


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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...