Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Snyder: The 48th Best Place to Live in the USA!

     Snyder, AMERICA is the 48th best place to live in the country. Our village on the plains, our lil' town steeped in western history, our city just 75 miles from anywhere ranks higher than thousands and thousands of metros and hamlets from coast to coast.
     Don't take my word for it. USA Today with 24/7 Wall Street, a Delaware corporation which runs a financial news and opinions company with content delivered over the internet, posted the report this month.

     There is a ton of tiny details to this report but while I hopefully have your attention I have a multiple choice question. Would you A) Read the news and scoff at it? B) Read the news, be happy and move on? or C) Read the news and see it as the GOLDEN TICKET?! I bet by punctuation you can tell that I'm a 'C' guy... I definitely see it as a GOLDEN TICKET to grow and diversify our economy.

     If I were KING for a DAY, here's what I'd do with this information.
     1) I'd convene a committee with representatives from the city, the county, the chamber, the development corporation, the hospital district, the three school districts, the hospitality/retail sector, the arts/history enthusiasts and the energy groups.
     2) My very one-sided KING's speech would be: "This information is HUGE. All of you have one week to develop a plan to get this information to the WORLD!"
     3) I'd add: "After one week, your world-wide attack plan must include answers to the following questions:
     -What did y'all (I'm a southern KING) identify as attractive about this USA Today report?
     -How would each representative like to see their group presented, based on this report, to the WORLD?
     -What is the group's one week plan to deliver this news with substantive support?
     -What is your one month follow-up plan?        
     -What is the plan to maintain momentum?
     -What is the group's six month goal?
     -What are the group's one, five, ten, 25 year goals?

     Readers, please read the report. It's quite flattering. But that's all it is, unless we do something or encourage those elected or assigned to do something to DO SOMETHING! Look to Wilson, Arkansas:
     The report covers the 'crucial' stuff for a community. That's the good news. We have the crucial stuff.. the infrastructure.
     But speaking now as a REGULAR JOE or BILL in my case, don't you want more? I do. Chinese delivery would be nice.

Bill Robertson, Steamed dumplings and Hot n' Sour Soup..... Bring it!

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      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...