Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

The Great Toothpaste Debate. Am I Cheap or Thrifty?

     I don't use coupons, but I do look for good deals. I absolutely hate to shop, but considering that I'm our households go-to grocery getter I flex my 'thrifty-ness' at our local supermarket and, I flex IT a lot!
     I'm at the store everyday. Seriously!Unless we're out of town, I'm at the store every single day. Take a look at today's shopping list.
Today's Shopping List
     Tonight, we're having wings and burgers as we watch the SAINTS game. GO SAINTS! I bought the 'wingettes' yesterday to marinade in my super secret sauce so today was more about the burgers and necessary accourtrements.
     There's nothing helter-skelter about this list. The tomatoes are to the left as I walk in the store. The cheese and lunch meat are down Aisle #1, the buns are on the left of Aisle #2 and so on.
     I'm in the store so much that I can make a list and NEVER go backwards. The meat throws me off every now and again because sometimes I forget the ground beef is perpendicular to Aisle #5 or the pork chops are closer to Aisle #7. But the point is, I know our grocery store. In fact, I've challenged the kids who work there to find something before I do. Every time... I'm back at the register before they can even find the right aisle. It's a gift.
     I take my grocery shopping very seriously. I figure if I'm going to be there everyday, I might as well search out the best store deals. And, it's that 'thrifty-ness' that is the genesis of The Great Toothpaste Debate.
Toothpaste Choices/Snyder, America
     Take a look at the picture on the right. That's our toothpaste aisle. There are so many choices, but I really think we're all being duped by big business.
     You can't tell it by this photo, but some of those brands on the top shelf go for five to six to almost seven dollars!!! Really???
     Some have SCOPE. Some promise bad breath protection. Others promise that you'll have shiny teeth of steel. I think it's all MULARKY!
     So if you look way down on the bottom shelf... to the far left... you'll see the old standby. You'll see the toothpaste we've used since "Gunsmoke."  There it is.... Plain ole CREST.
Save! Save! Save!
     Plain ole CREST at $2.29 vs something fancier for a lot more. Of course, I bought the plain ole CREST.
     Teresa and I are educated people, but you'd never guess it by our kitchen conversation last night.
     "That toothpaste is terrible," she said.
     "It's the same stuff you used 30-years ago. It's fine," I said.
     "It tastes like chalk and it make me gag," she said as she feigned a gagging pose.
      "You're fine!"
      "No! It makes me gag," again acting like she was heaving on our kitchen floor.
     The bottom line is... We're sticking with the $2.29 CREST until it runs out. Then if I can sneak more into the house, we're using the cheap/thrifty brand again.

     One more thing, I'll always look for a deal on coffee. We like Gevalia, but have you seen those prices. Good grief!!! $8.99!!! We both add stuff to our coffee. So what difference does it make what coffee we buy?
    You can't tell by the above photo but the store brand is $4.99. I bought two. One was from Costa Rica. The other was from Italy. I figured... 'Wow! What a price for foreign coffee. Add a little milk or a little creamer and all's right in the world.'
No Skimping Here!
     There is one national brand that  I will NOT under any circumstances consider replacing with a less expensive version.
     I learned a long time ago that, probably before I was responsible for cooking for anyone but myself.... You get what you pay for when it comes to frozen potatoes.
     A bad experience has made me an Ore-Ida man for life. I remember my spud mistake. It was terrible. The price seemed too good to pass up, but when I opened the bag... Oh, the disappointment.
     Maybe you think I'm exaggerating, but just today on Aisle #11.. just at the corner of the frozen potatoes, frozen vegetable and frozen bread section,,, I got my affirmation.
     I ran into an old Snyder friend. She's a singer, a mom, a wife and a grandmother... All credentials for knowing her stuff.
     We talked about everything from the weather to the holidays and then... the question.
     "Do you see any Ore-Ida Hashbrowns with the peppers and onions," she asked.
     "Uh.. let's see... No."
     "Dang it! They stopped carrying them," she said.
     "They have the store brand. Do you want those?" I asked.
     "NO! They're terrible."

     I walked away vindicated.

    Grocery shopping is a chore.😏

Bill Robertson

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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...