Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Bill and Teresa's Excellent Adventure: 5) San Diego to The Top Gun House

     The thing about writing a blog while traveling is; The good stuff happens so fast that many times my camera phone gets left in my pocket. I wish I could show a video of what happened today at Camp Pendleton.
     We made a wrong turn and ended up at the camp's Del Mar gate. No biggie, I thought.

     Me: "Hey marines! We'll ask for directions and be on our way."
     Marine: "Sir?"
     Me: "Hi. We're lost. How do we get on the 101 to get the San Juan Capistrano?"
     Marine: "Sir. Give me your driver's license and turn around after the cones."
     Me: "Oh, okay."

     I got my license from another marine who was armed to the teeth and sped off. About that time, Teresa's added... "That just shows you how authentically stupid we are." My words don't do it justice. These guys weren't kidding. Scary!

Jack's Place/Pacific Beach, CA
     All the above happened before I could even reach for my phone... probably a good thing considering the marine's arsenal. But the speed also applies to finally meeting up with Jack and Allison in San Diego, more specifically Pacific Beach.
     We drove down instead of taking the train (almost a big mistake.) We went by their place which is perfect. It's just what it should be for a young couple beginning their adventure. I suppose at times, maybe many, they argue that bigger would be better. But if I could see the future, I'd bet a lot of money that they'll look back on their time in Pacific Beach as practically perfect in every way.
     We spent our time with the young Robertsons visiting, eating and visiting. We ate street tacos at El Prez and listened to the surf off the patio. But before too long, T & I returned up "the 5" to Oceanside but not before the beach walk to end all beach walks.
Pacific Beach, CA

     We walked a long way on the beach. Then when it was time to get up to the main drag, the only option was the giant hill in the picture to the right.
      If you can enlarge it, there's a fire hydrant. We walked to that first. Then, there's that big truck. We walked to that next. Then out of picture, on the left, is a stop sign. We called it quits at that point. It was a very big hill.

     Our visit with Jack & Allison in San Diego included a lot more but nothing too extraordinary.. just fun. The real good stuff began when we all got back to Oceanside. T & I came home after the big hill and a late supper. Jack and Allison came up Saturday and stayed the night to watch the SAINTS defeat those pesky Eagles Sunday.
The Graves House a.k.a. The Top Gun House/Oceanside, CA

     We had a great visit with the kids, as we call 'em even though they're in their mid-20s.
      Anytime a parent gets time to eat, visit, walk and visit some more with their children is considered a good time. We did all the above in spades plus we watched the SAINTS dismantle the Eagles.
      The pic on the left is the Graves House a.k.a. The Top Gun House. Graves was a doctor in the 1800s. Top Gun of course was a big movie. This is the house where Tom Cruise goes to dinner with Kelly McGinnis after his volleyball game with Val Kilmer. Remember? "5:00pm SHARP!!!"
Swami's Café/Oceanside, CA

     The house is rundown and sits on a hotel renovation site. It was Jack and Allison's idea that the hotel should renovate it and maintain it as "The Top Gun Suite" for it's future guests. And why not? Renovate it... Charge a bundle! Folks around here pay $3.09 for gas, $11.95 for a ham omelet and $16 for half a dozen oysters. Why wouldn't they pay $500-$750 a night for a private bungalow? 😊

     Coming up, sea lions, In n' Out, pasta for straws, the Japanese library & Junior Seau's house.

Bill Robertson


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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...