Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Who Pooped in the Pavilion Potty (when the water was off)

      Gotcha! I'm guessing you clicked on this blog because of my well thought out title. The bad news is; Someone did poop in the pavilion when the water was off and we're on the case. I'll get to that in a few paragraphs.😏😏

     But before I get to the #2 of the story, I'm going to start with the #1 of the story and that is living in small town America is both a blessing and a curse.

Covid Vaccine Day/Cogdell Memorial Hospital

     One of the best blessings about life in Snyder, America is our local hospital, Cogdell Memorial Hospital. No time was this more evident than this past Saturday for at least the second of our hospitals Covid Vaccine Days.

     Teresa and I took mom to get her second dose. It took more time for us to walk from our car to the door of the hospital and back to our car than it took for Marianne to get her second shot. This is not only a big deal thanks to the staff's efficiency, but also factor in that Marianne's a professional visitor. 😆😆Cudo's to CMH staff and friends. Y'all did great... better than great. Thank you. 

The Sushi House/Snyder, TX

     You know what is a curse in a small town is the variety of good places to eat. Don't misunderstand me. Snyder, America does have some really good places to eat, but we like variety like I suppose most of small town America.

     But, we do have sushi and it's really, really good. Who'd think Snyder would have a Shushi House? I'm not sure if I like the sushi as much as I like the soy sauce, but whichever it is it's still pretty good. So, I guess a curse is now a blessing.

The Gentle-ist Termite

     Did anyone know Teresa's solitaire nickname was the Gentleist Termite? I write that 'it was' her nickname because she's since graduated to Ace Astronaut. I watched her play Solitaire for 10-plus years during our travels and quiet times and had no idea she had such a funny alias. So, imagine my surprise just the other day when T announced the 'game' changed her name to Ace Astronaut. I think she was very proud of the apparent upgrade.

     Now to the mystery pooper... This part of the story is messy on a few different levels. First of all, Eww. Second, it's creepy. Third, and I think we've all been there when, we flush a toilet somewhere other than our home and the flush is inadequate. Well, that's what happened in this case.

The Mystery Pooper Place/Windmill Ranch Preserve

    The problem began when we had to turn off ranch water due to a busted valve. That meant, no water to sinks, toilets, nothing. That was on a Friday. We went back Saturday. There were remnants in the pavilion toilet, if you get my meaning, and the toilet tank was empty.

     Somebody pooped, flushed and then about 10-seconds later said to themselves: "Oh crap." And then when they tried to flush again, they said "OH CRAP!" Pardon the pun(s). Anyway, no harm/no foul. 

Bill Robertson (2/21/21,) Again, a VERY BIG thank you to the team at Snyder's Cogdell Memorial Hospital.



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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...