Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Beach Blog #11

     For as long as I can remember, Teresa's said, "I sure would like a rainy Sunday." Rain's hard to come by while living in west Texas and to get it on a specific day is akin to other sayings like finding a needle in a haystack or fur on a rattlesnake. But not here! We have rain in spades this weekend, even on Sunday.
          The heavy stuff didn't come down for awhile, but it came down hard enough that we found ourselves trapped at a local watering hole late yesterday. We'd ridden our bikes thinking we'd stop in, stay a short while and return to our unit for breakfast for supper.
         Before long, T said, "They have Uber & Lyft here."
"What," I asked.
"They have Uber & Lyft. We could get a ride. Lyft's 13 minutes away."
"Honey, our place is across the street. We're not made of sugar."
"I am," T mumbled.
     We raced for our bikes, pedaled like we were 20 years younger and didn't melt and breakfast for supper is always a treat.
      So, how would you spend a very rainy day at the beach? We decided to hunker down and enjoy a site we don't get to see too often on the Llano Estacado.
     First, homemade biscuits and jam to go from Big Bad Breakfast. It's so close, I didn't even get wet getting in and out of Big Red.
Big Bad Breakfast Biscuits
     Combine a big, fluffy biscuit with raspberry jam add a little sausage, some fresh Florida oranges with a rainy morning and the ocean surf crashing into the sand and VIOLA! That's good eatin'.
      I don't know what it is about these biscuits. They're the size of flat softballs and fluffy is not good enough to describe them. Heated with a dollop of butter and a smattering of jam equals some pretty good stuff.
     For icing on the cake or butter on the biscuits in the case, it's a "Fixer Upper Marathon"! That's livin'.
Fixer Upper Marathon!
     Is anyone else addicted to this show like we are? We sit down to watch one and hours later we realize, "Uh oh, we didn't feed the kids."
     I can't drive a nail. Seriously. But after a Fixer Upper or two, I am Chip Gaines! Then in usually a matter of minutes, it's time to change a light bulb and I can't even find a ladder. Still on a rainy day at the beach, I'll watch and call maintenance if something goes amuck.
     For me, the best part of a rainy Sunday whether here or anywhere else that gets a TV signal is golf. I'm a huge golf watcher. Sure I'll nap, but I watch too.
Golf & Rainy Sunday = Ahhhh
     I think I started my golf watching back in my much younger days in Snyder. Clay Johnson and I would go swimming at his grandmother's house in Towle Park. Some how, we or maybe it was just me ended up at a neighbor's house.
     I remember they were watching golf. So, I watched. I've been hooked ever since. There's no question that I'm a golf nut. I even replay rounds in my head to go to sleep at night. 
     In this case, the tourney's the AT&T Pro-Am at Pebble Beach. It's pretty easy to kick back on a rainy day and watch golf at a duffer's paradise. So all in all, I too like a rainy Sunday.

Bill Robertson, PCB's received 7.25" of rain in 24 hours

1 comment:

Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...