Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Beach Blog #12

      Today was all about eatin' and exercise. Truth be told,  the exercise kind of wore us out, but we're determined to embrace it and continue it when we return to Snyder, America.
      As for the eatin', Teresa's about 65% I-tey. So, anything with Alfredo, Marinara or pasta(ish) is her go to. Me, not so much. But I enjoy a good pizza.
Angelina's Pizzeria & Pasta, Seaside FL
     Teresa wanted Angelina's Pizzeria and Pasta in Seaside. I wouldn't say this place set me on fire, but I'd definitely go back.
     See that pizza? We'll be eatin' it for days. T had a shrimp pasta dish to stay with her 'seafood at every meal' commitment.
     Anyway, it was pretty good and came with GIANT portions. I'll tell you more about that later.
     By the way, great service.
     One more thing you might need to know about us is, we eat and talk about what we're gonna eat later. The conversation usually goes like:

     "Okay, we're having I-tey for lunch. I don't want I-tey again. What should we get for supper?"
     "Let me think on it. Let's eat first."
     Then about half way through the meal we continue with, "Okay, what's the plan?"
     Back in Snyder, the conversation usually includes, the store, laundry and the garbage. But here, we're saying "Let's go here, get that and then go there and get that and then..." It's a wonderful culinary treat to have specialty shops at nearly every corner.
      This time, we returned to that Bodega style market called Modica Market in Seaside. Every nook and cranny, every shelf and counter-top and every cooler is filled with something to eat or drink.
              The icing on the cake, literally the icing on the cake was the carrot cake. We had other choices like the orange cake, the strawberry cake, even a carmel cake, but chose carrot.

Sweets at Modica Market
       We tried a piece of their Key Lime Pie earlier and it ate like lotion feels... with none of that after taste pucker that comes with the Key Lime Pies in the freezer section. 
      This time, the clerk suggested the Carrot Cake. That's it, middle shelf, far right. That's once slice. We got three items at Modica and the box for the cake slice was the biggest. 
      The prices on 30A may look a little steep at first, but everywhere gives you giant bang for the buck. The portions are all huge.
Carrot Cake
          As for the exercising part, I may have exaggerated. We took a long walk, but it was on a "fitness trail" in the Rosemary Beach Village. 
     With a map in hand, we followed a pathway of sidewalks and boardwalks that wound it's way through the canopy of trees in this incredibly tight little place.
     The homes go up around here instead of out. There are some that look like they belong along the water. Others look more like the shotgun houses of NOLA or ski chalets on the slopes.
Fitness Trail, Rosemary Beach, FL
         Whatever their appearances, the 'fitness trail' meanders so close to front doors and patios that walkers can wave to the people inside or get a pretty good idea about the furnishings. In one case, we could easily over hear a woman having a pretty animated conversation on the phone.
      Exercising or walking, it felt good to shake off the cabin fever after 36 hours of rain. We both love a rainy day, but up to nine inches in less that two days was sufficient to satisfy.
      Next, there's a Farmers' Market to check out and we got those bikes for a little more exercise.

Bill Robertson, 2:30 Tee Time 


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