Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

The Beach Blog #2

Bill & Teresa Robertson, Santa Fe

     For this post, I want to hit the accelerator and get from September 2017 to just a few days ago. I left off talking about our decision to pay for half our trip to Florida. We wanted to pray about it and think more about spending the balance before committing. We were also concerned about the length of the adventure. A whole month is a long time.
     When we prayed, we prayed for peace of mind. We felt if we awoke the next morning and still faced any anxieties or reservations then we had our answer. We also wanted to speak to Marianne because without her blessing we knew we couldn't make the trip.
     As it turned out, prayers were answered and Marianne gave her blessing too. With that, we took the plunge.
On the ranch porch with Marianne
     I called the faceless voice. He charged our credit card and emailed a final receipt. We were set to spend February on Florida's 30A.
     The next many weeks T & I checked and double checked on the arrangements. We stopped the mail, paid all the bills, made arrangements to pay the bills due while away, found good folks to watch the house and the ranch. We even found time to fit in a very nice Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Yes indeed, we are extremely fortunate. And I suppose, that's one of the hurdles I personally face taking this trip.
     I mean, let's face it. There are too many kind people in the world without two nickels to rub together, without family and/or a roof over their head. And here I am, festering over a vacation. But not any vacation. A month long getaway. Truly, it's a chance I don't take for granted. Now, the dye is cast. I'm sure not going to complain. I just want to make sure my pleasure isn't just for myself but for Teresa too and my goofin off isn't a burden to all those who's kindness and generosity absolutely made this possible.
Big Red, 2012 Chevy
     We hit the road January 31, 2017. We left the donut shop by the Snyder Square with two Old Fashions (donuts, not cocktails), two milks and a lot of cheap napkins at 6:17am. Big Red, our 2012 Chevy Silverado with 110,000+ miles was loaded with everything from toothbrushes, golf clubs, snacks and more. We're excellent road trippers. We've been back and forth to Arizona and Tennessee to see our kids more times than we can count. Big Red, with a ton of checking by the Nix's Auto team in Snyder, has never let us down.
     We knew we couldn't make it the 1,046 miles to Florida in one day. We definitely knew we didn't want to drive that far in one day. So, we made arrangements to overnight near Jackson, MS. But first, we made a stop in Plano to see my step-mother Bee Gee, who Teresa had never met and who I had not seen in more than a decade.
     She had moved since I'd last seen her, but she still have that smile and that great laugh. It was a real treat to catch up with Beeg and her brother, Robert, over lunch in her new home. We shared old stories, told new ones and enjoyed the time. It's funny to get reacquainted. The memories and the pictures for so long unshared and unseen, but never forgotten.
Laura, Peter & Bill Robertson, 1970s

     By 2:00, we were back in Red and heading out of Dallas for Jackson. By 9:00 the next morning, we were Florida bound and by 4:00, we unlocked the door to our home away from home for the next many days and nights.
     Remember that faceless voice who kept taking our money? Turns out, he was on the 'up & up.' We couldn't have hoped for a better first impression.
Looking out our Door
     Now, we're kind of up to speed. I'm writing this post nearing the end of our second full day. We wake up each morning to this view and ask ourselves, "Whatcha wanna do now"? Strangely enough, we find ourselves looking out to the gulf. Then, we both agree... We'll know it when it happens.
     About the only thing we've committed to is something from the ocean EVERY meal. So far, so good.
     Next post: Shrimp po-boys, steamed shrimp, crab Louie and everything else that screams: When at the beach. Again, many thanks to Marianne. You've never said no to me and for that I'm either really screwed up or bound to do something that has you never regretting your decision. Love you mom, B.
Bill Robertson, watching cloudy skies roll in like the emerald surf.


  1. This is a test. Just checking to see if the comment section works.

  2. Have a wonderful month! How awesome!


Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...