Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Smallville Politics Blog #2

      As I write this post, our community is just two days away from the primary election. I don't know about other cities with elections, but our little slice of heaven features 14 candidates running for three seats. To say our local election is hotly contested is as much an understatement as saying, a ghost pepper is a little on the hot side.
      The cliché is, get out and vote. It's free. It's your chance to make a change. But the truth with our election and probably most of the others is, voter turnout will be less than 20-percent. I'm pretty sure it's going to be the angry 20-percent around here.
      I can't prove it, but I'd bet my pay check that most of that 20-percent will be older registered voters. The voters who don't need a change. Subsequently, they don't want a change. And that 'stick your head in the sand' attitude seems pervasive among the majority of the candidates and the local media that can easily sway the voters.

      Here are some examples of what I consider taking a step back in time attitude.

      A candidate for county judge says: "A conservative choice for Scurry County."
               --A conservative choice? That's it? I offer, we're not sitting on easy street around here. Does anyone else think we need more than a conservative approach to get our county moving forward.

      A candidate for an open county commissioner position advertises that a vote for him is "a vote for better road maintenance."
              -Please!!!! Stop it with the road maintenance issue. Of course, the county's going to watch over our roads. Again, stumping for better roads is like a motel saying 'we use clean toilet paper.' Better roads? That's all you got?

     Another candidate for a commissioner post cites: "We all know about the BAD projects "Maverick West," "Cavender Road" and the "Hanger." And in big BOLD LETTERS, He goes on to say: "Saving Rather Than Spending."
             -First of all, I bet a nickel this candidate would cite what he calls the BAD projects if those projects had worked. For my money and my hopes for my hometown, I want an elected official who's at least going to try to give me more than the expected things.
             -As for saving vs spending, of course. But at some point, what exactly are you saving for? Our county has dire issues right now that need addressing right now. I suspect a solution for any of them is free and I also suspect none of them will change without spending.

       And yet another commissioner candidate says he's 'dedicated to the people of Scurry county.
             - That's good to know, but what makes you qualified to help run county government?

      Not a single candidate advertising in our local paper said anything like, "My number one priority is maintaining/upgrading existing services and after that, my vote will always be to spend taxpayers money on the projects that move Scurry county forward and better assist our community in attracting new business."

      Before I sign off, please let me add: I definitely support and hope our county elected officials will continue supporting the many, well maintained services we all have come to expect. I support using my/our tax dollars for those services first.

      My vote is for the elected officials to take my extra money, if there is any, and thoroughly investigate and move forward on projects that maybe not now, maybe not next year but in five years or even 10 years will benefit all of our county.

Bill Robertson, Nothing Changes--If nothing changes.

1 comment:

  1. Kinda wish i were running for office so i could try to make a difference. Oops, i did that one time!


Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...