Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Smallville Politics Blog #1

     The political climate in my little hometown is beginning to look a lot like something we expect to see at the national level. We have name calling, vicious rhetoric in social media, overwhelmingly slanted editorials in the local media and political signs galore. In fact, in my 11 years since returning to our city on the plains, this election is creating the most hub-bub that I can remember.

     It's obvious to even a blind man that the voting public wants change. The rub for me is; The voting public is typically the older set and in our case, this voting public I fear wants a change 'back to the good old days... the way things were...'

     I 'googled' the word change. The definitions are all the same pretty much everywhere I looked. The bottom line being that change is new. It's a different direction.

     I fear, and that's probably too strong of a word, that the change most of our 'voting public' wants is not a change at all, but a return. A return is defined as 'back to the beginning or a previous point.' Who in their right mind wants our community to return to back to the beginning?

     The 'voting public's' stance, which is a solid argument in most cases, is all about spending of taxpayers' money. They don't want their money spent on projects or ideas they feel are beyond the realm of elected officials duties. It's all about services, services, services.

     Here's what's going to put the nail in Snyder's coffin. The old 'voting public's' going to get out to vote for a return to the way things were because they don't need anything to change. They simply want reliable services.

     If the younger people of Snyder don't vote, not only will Snyder not change-it will also die on the vine.

     I'm writing directly to the voters who have children, even grandchildren who they hope will want to stay in our city. Without your vote for progress through progressive elected officials, who can blame a young person for coming home only for the holidays?

     So, I offer: Ignore the bias in the local media. Bless their heart--they can't see the forest for the trees. Ignore Concerned Citizens for Scurry County.... Good grief, most of the participants would fit better in the Gossips of Scurry County or The Scurry County Mis-Information Society. Beware of zealous social media trollers... they're tantamount to that sheep in a wolf's outfit.

     I saw a bumper sticker. It read: Nothing changes if Nothing changes.

Bill Robertson, Community services are like clean sheets at a motel. I expect them, but I want more.



Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...