Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

The Deli-Blog #5 (Karaoke)

     We started with Pandora. Then, we added live music. Then, we thought Karaoke would be a good idea. And, it was--for a short while at least.
      Our Karaoke night began in the waning years of the deli but before we eliminated our night time hours. We needed a cash infusion. We thought we'd spend a little on a Karaoke D-J and make bank on the business. And, that's exactly what happened. Like anything new, our Thursday night sing-a-long started slow, but quickly drew to a packed house with some talented and some not so talented singers.
      Our Master of Ceremonies was non other than Elvis, aka Mike McLeod. He'd sound check every Thursday night with the real Elvis' "You Gave Me A Mountain." To this day, that song, even sung by Snyder's favorite jeweler, still gives me chills.
     Karaoke started on our outdoor stage. I think I sang the first song, "You Light Up My Life," to Teresa. I was terrible. Shortly after that first night, Karaoke graduated to our indoor stage and exploded as the place to be in Snyder on a Thursday night.
      Like I said, we had some good performers. They were young and old. One of my favorite memories is of young Walker Wilson at age five singing at his dad's birthday party.
      Probably the best performer was a surprise to all of us. Not because he was really good, but because no one in Snyder had seen him in years. His name is/was Lloyd.
      Lloyd walked in out of the blue and took the stage. I was told he was a local guy, but left Snyder many years ago for life on the west coast. I guess Lloyd came back for a few weeks to see family and found us. He sang and dazzled the crowd with unexpected costumes and even Elvis type moves for about three weekends in a row and then poof... he was gone.
     Besides Lloyd, there was the crowd pleasing Alex Dreith, son of Snyder's friend Mike Dreith. Alex was working at the deli at the time, but our policy was if you wanted to perform... perform.
     Alex's  golden nugget was "Sweet Caroline." He'd take to the stage, completely off key, but by the time he hit the chorus, the standing room only crowd would be on their feet singing along to "Sweet Caroline... Good times never seemed so good (SO GOOD! SO GOOD!)."
      "Big A" unfortunately didn't last long at B.A.D. He had bigger plans and he was/is surely missed. We wish you well Alex. You had the "X" factor in customer service.
      One of the good ones who later kind of wore us out because it was week, after week, after week was Big Juan with his rendition of the Los Lobos song ""Heaven," which begins with the declaration VAMANOS!
       Big Juan sang each Thursday and always started with VA-MA-NOS! It was so loud the speakers cracked. Still, Juan came back into the boundaries of reasonable volume and really did a nice job on the rest of "Heaven."
       I guess the wearing out part came from the same songs each week for many, many weeks. Some were pretty good the first 10 or 20 times but after that, we all kind of huddled behind the deli counter and just waited for the next singer.
       Some singers though just weren't that good the first time or the second or the 15th time. In particular, an extra exhilarated grandmother gave us all the 'OMG, when's she gonna finish' vide. If her singing wasn't bad enough her bumping and grinding was a little out of everyone's comfort zone. And to add salt to the wound, she'd not only get up on stage multiple times throughout the night, but she'd also show up just about each Thursday. You could almost hear a collective "bless her heart" whispered throughout the audience. Still, we had to admire her spunk.
      The deli's Thursday night Karaoke ran its course and ultimately died on the vine. Elvis, aka Mike, is still D-J'ing in the area and still operating his jewelry store in Snyder. Lil' Walker Wilson is now a sixth grader and quite the young man. Flamboyant Lloyd disappeared as quickly as he showed up. Big Juan had a heart attack but last I heard he was recovering. Alex joined the corporate ranks and I'm sure is on his way to the top of the heap. As for the spunky grandmother..... Well, bless her heart.

Bill Robertson, Karaoke was a money maker but Tuesday Night Trivia was an absolute mint. Pictures included.

1 comment:

Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...