Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

A One Armed DCOS

     I am writing in response and opposition to an editorial in The Snyder Daily News dated Saturday, April 28, 2018 by publisher Bill Crist. The title of the editorial was "Let the economic development begin."

     First let me say that I agree, DCOS funds should not be used for throwing parties being organized as fundraisers. In fact, I don't think any group receiving tax dollars should release that money for parties as fundraisers because the formula simply does not work. But that's a topic for a later discussion.

    My opposition to Mr. Crist's editorial, and we've amicably debated the issue many times, is he and many others feel the current charter of the DCOS should remain as its mission. That is a charter that focuses almost exclusively on enticing industrial and manufacturing to Snyder for job creation and economic diversity.

     Mr. Crist wrote, "it (DCOS) was created by the voters to increase the number of jobs here." He also wrote, "For the DCOS to take its eye off that prize would be a mistake." It's that opinion that prompted my response.

     The current DCOS charter is like sending a boxer into the ring with one hand tied behind his back. What harm would it do to change to a Type B or Municipal Development District corporation? I realize that takes an election and that takes taxpayer dollars. But isn't that a small price to pay to potentially grow and diversify Snyder's currently overwhelmingly narrow economic base?  

     Leaving the DCOS to operate with its current, narrow charter and to expect different results is a very reactive approach to take for our community's future and one proven not to work exceptionally well. Want more jobs? Want more diversity? Want more economic growth? Try something new, I say. What can it hurt to untie the boxer's arm to give him a fighting chance in the ring of potential progress?

Bill Robertson


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