Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

     Is it just me or has anyone else noticed there are certain things that are going to go wrong and usually at the worst time possible..... Or, nearly the worst time possible?
     Usually, it's man-made stuff that goes on the fritz at the worst time. But sometimes, it can be other things too... but in my experience, it's usually the man-made stuff. If I didn't know better, I'd think it was a conspiracy.

     For this post's purposes, I have a personal example, a friend's example and a third example that affects more people than you might think in this part of the world.
May in Snyder
     Take one look at the picture on the left. Snyder at 72. No big deal. But then look at the high temps for the rest of the week.
     I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count as to what man-made device is NOT working very well at our house.

     You guessed it. Our air conditioning's struggling and not doing a very good job at that!
      Our situation I think is a perfect example of my lead sentence.... Has anyone else noticed there are certain things that are going to go wrong and usually at the worst time possible.

     Thank goodness for fans and A LOT of deodorant!

Memorial Day Water Leak

         The next example of bad luck, poor timing and a general pain in the fanny situation comes via a friend. We passed by his office today and spotted his truck.
        Our brief text conversation sums up the surprise and unwelcome situation.
Our Text Talk
     This is perfect instance of 'if something completely unexpected and most certainly unwanted' is going to happen somehow it seems to happen at the worst time possible.
     Ben and Rod, who are referenced in this text, aren't holiday workers. They pull plenty of long hours more than their fair share days of the year to take off on the holidays.

      And I know everyone included in this water leak fiasco is a family person and at least two or more have incredible appetites for good beef.
     So on this holiday, that so many use as a 'family grilling get together' opportunity, this water leak would definitely qualify for the bad timing, rotten luck, really frustrating type of  unexpected and unwanted interruption.

     There is one more example of a bad timing, rotten luck interruption that's not man-made, but affects so many in west Texas.
       It's the call from the sheriff's office that sounds something like the following:
The Dreaded Cow Call

       The phone rings. The caller I-D shows SCSO.
       "Mr. Robertson?"
       "Yes." Of course, anytime anyone calls me Mister or William it's not going to end well.
       "This is Deputy Jones with the Scurry County Sheriff's Office. You have cows out."
       It's not a question. It's a statement.
       "I do? Where? How many?"

      You get the point. The call's completely unexpected and usually at the wrong time. I can't think of a single time that we got that call that it wasn't at the very least inconvenient if not absolutely the worst timing possible.

     Cows are funny. They don't get through a fence Monday through Friday during regular business hours. And when they get out at night, not only are they usually Black Angus cows, they usually escape their pastoral prison with superior bad timing.

      Once, I got the SCSO call while we were hosting a Christmas dinner party for 75 people. I left, got the cow back in the pasture and fixed the fence before dessert.
      Another time, a big red bull got out and dodged capture for about an hour in a driving rain and hail storm.

     So, the question; why are certain things going to go wrong and usually at the worst time possible issue crosses the man-made vs. natural line. I suppose we can't do anything about it other than acknowledge the issue with a rhetorical question. Of course, why wouldn't you break or get out at any other time.?

Bill Robertson, Once my water froze when I had a house full of company expecting/hoping for their morning showers.

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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...