Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Love to Love Ya & Delivery is FREE!

     Teresa and I just finished driving about 175-miles within the last 36-hours and we never left Snyder or Scurry county. In fact, we never ventured too far from College Avenue which is Snyder's main drag. You might say; We drive for LOVE!😘😘
The Blossom Bucket/Snyder, TX
     This marks our second year helping to deliver Valentine's Day flowers for our friends Theresa and Rodney Dupree, who own and operate The Blossom Bucket in Snyder America.
     Both years have been a little different, but each year has also had one thing in common and that is.... BUSY!!!! The volume of flowers going out is staggering.
     Theresa & Rodney had two teams delivering the day BEFORE Valentine's and FIVE TEAMS delivering on the big day. Keep in mind that while we, the deliverers of LOVE are pulling up, packing up and driving off with our bounty of bouquets, "The Inside Squad" is working shoulder to shoulder creating arrangement, after arrangement, after arrangement!
The Blossom Bucket/Snyder, TX

     It's not brain surgery delivering LOVE. In fact, it's usually a chance to knock on someone's door or visit them at work or wherever they are and they're actually happy to see you. I think the only few rules are: Don't wreck the van, Don't break the flowers or lose the balloons. And always, smile!
     I gotta admit that sometimes the smiling is forced but probably not why you might think.
     It's easy to smile when you're greeted with a smile. But I guess I'm surprised by how many who get flowers... just take 'em out of my hand without any emotion at all.      
     Sometimes, they look sad. So, the only thing I know to say is, "Aren't they pretty? I hope you enjoy them." Sometimes, they look at me like, "It's about time." All I can say then is, "Enjoy." And believe it or not, there have been times when the look I get is, "Is that it?"
     There are a lot of things I want to say to that reaction but usually none apply to the sender. My reaction is more about the creators who put genuine time and effort into making something pretty for someone they probably don't know. So in these cases, I generally go with a smile and hopefully a mood changer like: "I watched Theresa make 'em. She thought you'd like 'em a lot." It's a lil' lie, but if I said what I really felt like saying, I'd probably get hit and The Blossom Bucket would take a hit, too.
     The good news is that most of the times we're met with giggles and glee. The bad news is no matter how infrequent we get the other responses, it's still sad for everyone from creator to receiver.
The Blossom Bucket/Snyder, TX

     Flower sales are big business at Valentine's Day, duh! I 'googled' it. Each year, about 110-millions roses are sold in the U.S. on February 14th. And, that's just February 14th!
      We started delivering roses on February 13th and it's a very safe bet that Theresa and Rodney began arranging roses and more long before the anniversary of LOVE.
     In fact, I pinned Rodney between the roses, the tulips and the chrysanthemums and asked, "What percentage of your business is Valentine's Day?"

Me: "Just a ballpark. How big is this day?"
Rod: "Umm, big. But we stay busy all year with lots of other events."
Me: "Okay. Can you give me a percentage? Is Valentine's Day the biggest day for y'all?"
Rod: "That and Mother's day. But this is big. Probably 8-10% of our business. Maybe a half months worth of business."

Hot Rod Dupree/The Blossom Bucket
     That's Rodney is the picture to the right. I thought I'd snap a quick pic while he was on the phone, but before I knew it he was off and moving.
     I know the expression is; Off and running. But, Rodney doesn't run. Instead, he's continually moving. If he doesn't have a phone in his ear taking orders, he's writing down orders, or he's counting inventory, or for his deliverers' he's organizing our next outing.
     Watching him reminds me of a traffic jam on the interstate. Of course, we want to go the speed limit of 70-or so. But if we keep moving at 25-40 mph we really feel like we're getting somewhere.
     Rodney's not a drive the speed limit type of guy on these days we help deliver for them. He's more of a 'steady' kind of guy. The funny thing is.. He's not called 'Hot Rod Dupree' for nothin'. His passion is drag racing. You know, the big long snouted cars that go from 0-to-300 in less time than it takes to blink. Still on Valentine's Day and later on Mother's Day, Rodney's the pickup driver who had enough sense to get off the interstate and take the frontage road. Sure, he's not making great time but he's moving and moving ALWAYS means progress.
Theresa Dupree/The Blossom Bucket
     That's Theresa Dupree in the picture to the left. I don't know where to begin with Theresa.
     The picture will tell the story if you take a good look. She's on the phone taking an order. Meantime, I count at least four arrangements that she's working on simultaneously.
      Theresa's long time Snyder. She knows absolutely everyone. It's a blessing of a small town. Theresa has an uncanny ability to know who's ordering and for whom and to know what that recipient would like. It's really a tremendous peace of mind knowing  that when you're handing off something as important as love to grief that Theresa knows what would make the recipient joyful.
     Our conversations usually begins with Rodney and usually by text message...

      Us: "Hey Rod. Would y'all put together or send something to so-in-so.?"
      Rod: "Sure"
     Us: "Our price range is ____. Please just ask Theresa to work her magic."
     Rod: "👍"

     Every time, Theresa puts together something that without fail ends with us receiving a phone call from the recipient saying a big thank you.
     As usual, we had a great time delivering for The Blossom Bucket. It's a nice feeling delivering smiles. Thanks y'all.
    If you'd like to see more of The Blossom Bucket please check out the following link..

Bill Robertson
(Great working with Dedra Driggers, Susan Scott, David & Denise Brown, Mrs. Ann Everett's team and Dana Munkres' team)
Dedra: Hold onto the BALLOONS!!!


  1. Florist shops smell so good! Look at all those flowers in the pictures! Y’all done good, Rod, Theresa, y’all, everybody!

    1. Their shop does always smell so good. And Rod & Theresa are really fantastic. Thanks for reading. Please share. Love you, B

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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...