Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #11

     The word TIMES is getting bandied about a lot these days. Scary times, uncertain times, challenging times, etc, etc. Covid-19 certainly merits all those descriptions, but also a question. How are you spending your time in this time of quarantine, isolation or self-preservation or whatever you choose to call these TIMES?
     Before I write anymore, this benign question DOES NOT APPLY to those on the front lines ranging from medical teams to grocery store personnel. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say YOUR TIME IS CRITICAL to our time in the future. I'm talking about the rest of us who aren't exactly performing brain surgery.. The regular folk in this irregular time. How are you spending your time and more precisely what are you binging on TV?
     For me, watching sports has always been a mindless passion... specifically watching golf. I'm a golf fanatic. There was a time when, if I wasn't playing golf then I was practicing golf. If I wasn't practicing then I was watching golf. If I wasn't watching golf then I was watching the GOLF channel. And, if I wasn't watching the GOLF channel then I was watching a golf related program or movie.
     The rub now is, all the golf programming is a rerun. I already know who won.    
      Teresa and I are Netflix, Prime TV & Disney+ newbies. We didn't even know we had to have a Smart TV to access these streaming services. But now, we got 'em and we're gettin' our money's worth.
     T's a big Grey's fan as in Grey's Anatomy so we gotta watch that. My favorite character is/was George, but they killed him off in Season three. Richard's pretty good too. Of course, Miranda Bailey's always fun. Grey herself is a whiner. And McDreamy is a brilliant brain surgeon. Oh and Karev… anybody remember him from The Wedding Planner and the male bonding? But, I don't watch Grey's as intently as Teresa.
       My favorite show now is Outlander, the story that crosses back and forth from the 20th century to the 18th century and back again. The Scottish accents are so thick, we activate the subtitles just to understand the dialogue.
     Time travel might be fun in moderation. I wouldn't go forward, ignorance is indeed bliss, but going back is interesting to me.
     First, I'd replay just one high school football game in 1979. I was our school's quarterback and I ran for my life every Friday night. Wouldn't it be fun to be 17-years old with a 57-year-old's football savvy? I think so.
     After that, imagine all the people you could meet. I think I'd like to visit with Wyatt Earp. I know I'd like to interview Abraham Lincoln. It'd be fun to see a jousting tournament, but I don't want the cats meat or hot wine (that's a line from Knight's Tale with Heath Ledger.) What if you could go way, way back and walk with Jesus and his disciples? What if you were one of the five thousand? And for the sake of relevancy, how about a couple days with Noah?
     I'm pretty sure there would have to be certain rules so you didn't interrupt history in the making. I wonder how hard it would be to abide by those regulations. 

     Gracie Update: Bored, bored and bored, but good. Actually, she's gettin' kinda fluffy. 

     Diet Update: We're not getting kinda fluffy. The diet food without taste is really paying off. Tonight, we're having a one real meal. We're having Eric's Salad from Pour House Dallas or PHD. I don't do the Thousand Island dressing, but T says if you do,,, it tastes a lot like a Big Mac... my fav.

Bill Robertson, Check out Outlander, but beware because it's pretty racy.


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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...