Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #12

     If I were writing a news release reflecting my community's response to Covid-19, I'd start with personal bullet points that in order range from the most severe/necessary information to the least. The last item or two would be more light hearted to always sign off with hope.

     By the way, it's a news release NOT a press release because the information being delivered is for more than the press media.
                                              -Scurry County Covid-19 Update
                                              -Scurry County Response & Action Plan
                                              -City of Snyder Response
                                              -Development Corporation of Snyder Response
                                              -Volunteer Services
                                              -Ireland, Gracie & Diet (Obviously, not necessary😂)

Scurry County Newser
     First of all, our county leaders held a news conference this afternoon informing us of two very important things: 1) There are no cases of Covid 19 in Scurry County and 2) as of 11:59pm tomorrow (Friday,) our county is under a Shelter in Place order. I don't have a problem with that because I know these people issuing the order and I trust them.
     The man in the middle, in the light colored shirt, is our Judge, Dan Hicks. I know Dan. This is his first term. He's a former cop and city ordinance officer. He's a white hat wearing type of guy.
     The man to his right is Dr. Bid Cooper. Back in our deli days, he'd call in and order two Rueben sandwiches. I know him. The gentleman to Dan's left is our school superintendent, Dr. Bland. Believe me, he's got our community's best interest at heart. The woman in front left runs our hospital. She's married to Squatty. Her name is Ella Rae Helms and she's fantastic. The men in back are left to right,Fire Chief  Perry Westmoreland and Mayor Tony Wofford. They're all very good people and I trust them.
     Our city government has already posted it's Emergency Declaration. The city and county's policies are similar and both are progressive and well thought out.
Brooke Proctor, DCOS/Snyder, TX
     The Development Corporation of Snyder, which is charged with bringing business to town, is now in helping existing businesses stay in business. Brooke Proctor is the executive director. Her responsibility now is delivering crucial updates so businesses know where to turn for help. She's posting a "Business Minute" daily to give our local businesses all the news they may need to stay afloat.
Snyder Chamber Staff/Snyder, TX
      Volunteerism is alive and well in Snyder, America like so many other cities, towns and villages across the world. The beauty of living in rural America is the wonderful volunteers are not anonymous people. They're friends and neighbors and we know them. We know their families. We know their children. We know their back story.
     I walked into our local grocery store, United Market, this morning and met this smiling group. They are our Chamber of Commerce staff. From left to right, that's Josh, Summer, Sandra and Linda. They're giving their time to sanitize grocery carts, specifically on Mondays and Thursdays in the morning hours which coincide with United's senior shopping hours. They're definitely NOT six feet apart, but they were before I asked for this picture.
     Our Senior Center with United is delivering groceries Monday-Friday to Seniors. They couldn't do that without a battalion of unselfish people. Thank you!
Not Spring Yet/Scurry Co. Texas
       To the lighter side, spring has sprung. Or has it? Don't trust this wave of warmer weather. I've seen ants, but not Scissortails nor mesquites blooming yet. Those are two tried and true Old Wives Tales that indicate spring is here.
     This big tree is Old Trusty. Once it pops out, spring is here. But right now, it's not doing anything nor are the smaller mesquites.
Ireland or Texas/Scurry Co. Texas

      You'd never guess it wasn't spring yet judging by all the green we have out here at The Windmill Ranch Preserve.
      I've never been, but all this green grass has me thinking of all the Ireland stuff that I've seen in the movies or on TV. The cut grass smells good too.

     Gracie Update: She wallowed in a mud puddle this morning on our walk. She's been outside ever since.
     Diet Update: I saw a commercial that Jersey Mike's is offering 50% off all sub orders when ordering through their app. That news chaps my fanny for two reasons... 1) The Italian Sub Mike's Way is not on our diet and 2) We don't have a Jersey Mike's.

Bill Robertson, having chicken tonight.




1 comment:

  1. Chicken is good. Fish is good. Veggies & fruit are good. Packages are not good.
    Volunteerism is fabulous.


Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...