Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and me, Covid-19 #4

    The Covid-19 cancellation train just pulled into our station. My youngest son and his fiancé just postponed their April wedding due to Coronavirus.  Joe and Sharon had planned to marry at Battle Mountain Farm in Franklin, Tenn., but now everything is TBD... To be Determined. We all absolutely hate it for them, but fully support their decision.
    I suppose one of the many questions that they're asking themselves, like so many others in the same situation is: "Where do we begin"? Then, there's the avalanche of other questions that quickly follow: "What about all our deposits? What about our flowers, food and everything else that's been ordered. What about the paid in full honeymoon in a distant land?"
     We had two bottom lines for Joe. I'd wager other parents had the same two lines for their young, adult children. The first was telling Joe that he made the smart decision. I'm sorry he had to, but I'm proud of him. We told him that he'd have many, many more big weekends in his life but he'd also have his share of downturns. The part one bottom line was, he will persevere.
     Our other bottom line for Joe and all the younger people in our country was: You are not 10-feet tall and bullet proof. Promise me that you'll be aware of what's going on, pay attention and take necessary precautions.

     Talking about Joe gets me to thinking about Joe. He's the child who told me once as we gobbled Big Macs and fries at the Royal Oaks McDonalds in Franklin, Tenn., "Dad, it just doesn't get any better than this." He's also the child who wrapped up a baby goat in his favorite University of North Carolina jacket when we lived in the country and kept our landlord's goats. He's the kid who fell asleep playing the game Hide n' Seek. Then, his mother called me at work frantic that she couldn't find Joe. And, he's the kid who was a walk on football player at Tennessee Tech , but ended his playing days with a full scholarship thanks to his hard work and dedication.
     I'm sure that all the moms and dads with kids in similar wedding cancellation situations like Joe and Sharon are hurting for their children. But these are scary times, there's no getting around that. We're proud of Joe and Sharon for their choice. I'd bet good money other parents feel the same way we do.

     Diet Update: It still sucks. We're having fish tonight. About the only way that I really like fish is fried with a lot of tartar sauce, fries and hush puppies. But, that's not the way we're having it tonight. And to make matters worse, we're not having fries and hush puppies. We're having baked vegetables.
     Here's a question for you. If you could pick any meal for supper tonight from anywhere (homemade or take out,) what would you eat? I'd have a burger and fries from Dearman's in Baton Rouge or maybe the same thing from Georges under the overpass on Perkins Road in Baton Rouge.

     Gracie Update: She's outside right now literally chewing on a tree limb. She's completely oblivious to the goings on in the world. Of course, she doesn't have thumbs so we don't expert a whole lot.

Bill Robertson, if I didn't have the burger and fries--I'd want the Mexican Dinner at El Chico with some nachos. Teresa wants Sweet Shop Steak Fingers (Snyder, America)


Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...