Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie & Me: Covid-19, #1

     I'm sitting here at The Windmill Ranch in Snyder, Texas or Paradise on the Plains as I like to call it, and it's hard to imagine that half the world is shutdown and all the world is waiting for the left foot to drop due to the Coronavirus  Pandemic. Covid-19 is changing lives, ours included.
The Windmill Ranch, Snyder Texas
         We're having a beautiful spring day. The sky's clear. The temperature is good. We've had a good dose of rain. And most importantly, the usually ubiquitous wind is NOT blowing. For us, this is a great weather day!
         So here we sit wondering 'what in the world is going on in the world'? What are we supposed to do? What's the smart thing to do? What about church tomorrow or the meeting I have next week? What about the grandkids? What about our kids who live in bigger cities and don't watch the news?
        I want to make it clear that we are not panicking. But, I also know because I worked in the TV new business for 16-years, that while TV news groups salivate over blowing stories out of proportion, I've NEVER worked with any newscaster who intentionally lied or distorted the facts. So what I'm saying is; This is real folks. What are you going to do with it?
        Someone posted on Facebook "Why not make a list of things you hope to do." So, here I am. I hope to write. Why not write about what you know or experience? That's what a college professor once told us.
United Grocery Store, Snyder Texas
     The panic buying in the bigger cities has been documented, but it's in small town America too. Take a look at the picture on the left. That's our grocery store in a town of 11,202 people.
     I go to this store everyday. By name, I know the managers, the cashiers, the produce men, the deli ladies. I raise one finger and I get one pack of cigarettes. I raise two fingers and I get two packs of cigarettes. I'm not proud of that, but I know this store and even around Thanksgiving I have not seen crowds like this.
        Now, I go to the store before 8:30am to beat the crowds and to avoid people. So no question, Covid-19 is changing our lives.

     The Great Toilet Paper Depression is also affecting us in small town America.
United Grocery Store, Snyder Texas
     I took the picture on the right on the Wednesday before the proverbial 'crap hit the fan.' As you can see, the cheap stuff was already taken. The double and triple ply remained on the shelves. This morning, ALL of it was gone.
     This morning, I noticed all the fresh chicken is gone too and only the expensive beef is still on the shelf. Strangely though, there's still lots of fresh produce, canned goods and even bottled water. Also, the fears are apparently not affecting beer and wine sales.

     I'm not real sure what Teresa and I will do in the coming days. I'll probably write about it and hopefully include a few pictures to illustrate what we're seeing.
On a Diet
          One thing we are doing that's completely unrelated to Covid-19 is, we are on a diet. Teresa wanted to lose weight. My doc told me "to shrink." Seriously, that's what he said!
          He's Egyptian with the shiniest head you've ever seen. He talks and moves real fast, but he's a pretty cool guy.
          The picture to the left is our food. The front, left basket contains the 'snacks.' The center basket is the 'soup.' The right, front basket has the 'breakfast/snack bars,' the back, right has the 'starches' and the back, left basket has other 'stuff.'
         The bottom line is; It is like eating paste, chalk, drywall or paper. As someone who grew up in the deep south where food is absolutely everything, it is now a terrible, terrible disappointment to dread what's for dinner. But, I think it's working. I've lost 17-pounds. T's lost 22 and kept it off. I'm sleeping better and I can drive through McDonald's without completely craving a Big Mac (the BEST!)

     Gracie the dog is good. She's walking with us as we take this diet challenge on the road. Like I said earlier, we've had a good dose of rain. Unfortunately, Gracie's found just about every mud puddle to take a break.

Bill Robertson, craving just about anything that's not on this tasteless diet. ANYTHING!

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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...