Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #18

     There are tales of incredible thoughtfulness and thoroughness in these times, 21st century education looks like school bus #15 in Snyder and my grandmother's irises are blooming. Who knew she was an LSU fan?
Debra Yandrich/United, Snyder TX
     Debra Yandrich runs, manages and takes care of the United gas kiosk. I think she's been behind her counter just about every time I've stopped in for gas, smokes or whatever. I've never seen her wear a mask, but today was different.
     It was what she said while I was paying my bill that caught my ear and prompted spotlighting her in this blog.
                                      Debra: "Put in your rewards number."
                                      Me: "No, that's okay."
                                      Debra: "It's okay. I wipe it down after                                                          every customer."
                                      Me: "Really? Every customer?"
                                      Debra: "Yes sir. Gotta keep my customers safe. I wipe down the gas nozzle                                                       handles and keypad at least once a hour, too. If we're busy, I wipe 'em                                                  down every 30-minutes."
     Now, that's customer service. I suspect United has a policy for its employees working the registers, but I got a feeling they don't always go above and beyond like Debra.
Wifi Hotspot/Snyder, TX
     Now to school bus #15 and the $64,000 question: 'Why is it parked in the United parking lot?' Simple. It's one of five Snyder ISD wifi hotspots.
     Students here and everywhere are being home schooled these days. A lot of our local kids don't have computers so they don't have internet access. Snyder ISD provided those kids the computers and equipment. Then, they created the school bus hotspots. Kudos to whoever thought of that idea, but it's sad they had to in the first place.
Mima's Irises/Randals Corner
           My grandmother's name was Josephine. My grandad called her Josie. We called her Mima. She liked to fish and grow flowers. Now, the irises that she planted literally decades ago are blooming at Randals Corner, about eight miles west of the square.
     They're mostly purple, but there are some yellow/gold ones too. So, that makes Mima an LSU fan because their colors are purple and gold. Geaux Tigers!

     Gracie Update: She hasn't figured out that bicycles move forward. She doesn't understand yet that when we ride our bikes it's the same as walking but faster.
     Diet Update: Pan seared salmon with roasted vegetables tonight.

Bill Robertson, I remember the day Mima taught me how to fish at Josie's Tank, behind the burned down house at Randals Corner. We used cane poles.

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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...