Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #69

     Murphy's Law tried to crash our anniversary weekend, but our preacher's message saved the day and when you lose 30-pounds something, somewhere is gonna change.
     It felt like we were cursed from the night before our big 10th Anniversary weekend. The electricity went out at our house on a hot, steamy night. It was bad and sweaty. I broke a vase trying to close a window, but we prevailed albeit with very few hours of sleep.
Uncle Chiens/Lubbock, TX
     Our original plan was Hawaii or maybe Washington, DC. But with Covid, we settled on Lubbock but with lots to eat. Diet be damned. We were going all out.
     Our menus included Chinese from Uncle Cheins with a picnic in the park. Turns out, none of Lubbock parks have a bench much less a picnic table. So, I had beef and broccoli and steamed dumplings while T had Chicken Fried Rice and a Pork Eggroll in our car. It wasn't our plan, but it was absolutely fine and believe it or not, I didn't spill anything on me.
#322 & Its Weeping Toilet
     Next stop was our romantic getaway and that's where Murphy's Law began to flex its muscle. Check-in was great and room #322 was great or at least we thought. Turns out #322's potty wasn't a good flusher. We found that out very fast.
Perfect Afternoon
     No worries. We headed downstairs, reported the issue and took off on our day. We got as far as the hotel patio and settled in (no judging please.) Our view was nice. Our visit was great.
Wedding Party
And, we even met the groom from a small wedding party.
     Once we were cleared to return to good ole room #322, we got dressed up for our special dinner at the hotel's Four Star restaurant. We had reservations at 7:30.
     The first fly in the ointment became glaringly obvious at our 'getting ready' time. I've lost 30-pounds.
Big Clothes/Great Shoes!
None of my 'nice clothes' fit. You can't tell from this picture, but my pants are literally synched around my chest and my custom made "White Buffalo Wear" shirt is big enough for me, you and your friend. But, I love the shoes! We laughed and laughed and laughed.
Have a Lil' Salt with Your Spinach
     My dinner was almost inedible, but the conversation was as near perfect as I could ever have hoped. T like her Shrimp Scampi. I enjoyed my Filet with Bernaise, but my spinach had enough salt to clog my arteries, your arteries and your friend's arteries. I couldn't eat it and I love spinach!!! Dessert was out of box, but who cares when your eating chocolate, pecan pie in bed while watching a good movie. And then at approximately 1:39am...…… Trouble and trouble with a capital T.
Standing in Toilet Water/At least It's Clear :)

     Teresa: "Bill. Bill! BILL! THE TOILET'S OVERFLOWING!!!"
     Me: "What?"
     Teresa: "Wake up! The toilet's overflowing."
     Me: "C'mon. Really?"
     Teresa: "Yes! Really!!"
     Me: "What should we do?"
     Long story short is, I call the front desk and a very young woman answers...

     Very Young Sounding Front Desk Clerk: "Front desk, may I help you."
     Me: "Um, hi. We're the Robertsons. We're in 322 and our toilet is overflowing."
     Very Young Sounding Front Desk Clerk: "Um, okay, um, okay... I'm sorry. What can I do?"

     Again, the long story short is: The young woman herself brought us a luggage cart and helped us move from #322 to #328. We were fine until approximately 2:45am...

     Teresa: "Bill. Bill. Wake up."
     Me: "What?"
     Teresa: "This toilet won't stop running. It's started back up five times."
     Me: "No way. Tell me it flushes."
     Teresa: "Yep. It does. You just gotta jiggle the handle. So, when you get up tonight.. jiggle the handle."
Five Guys/Love, Love, Love It!

     We woke up the next morning. We weren't made. We channeled our preacher's message: It's all how you frame things." So, we decided to frame things with some carbohydrates.
     We had an Everything Bagel slathered in cream cheese from 'Einstein's Bagels.' It was arguably the best meal in the last six weeks. Then, we had burgers and fries from 'Five Guys.' It was the first time since February for either of us to eat French Fries. Then, we went to 'Men's Wearhouse' and that's where the ole diet showed its results.

     Me (walking into Men's Wearhouse): "Hi. I'm here because ya'll measured me for a tux a few months ago for my son's wedding, but I've been on a diet. We're thinking I should get re-measured."
     Men's Wearhouse Measurer Person: "Okay. Step over here."
     Me: "Yeah, I've lost about 30-35 pounds. Thought we better check."
     Men's Wearhouse Measurer Person: "Okay. Let's measure your neck first. Oh, WOW! Let's start from the beginning."

     Turns out, I'm down three sizes at least at Men's Wearhouse.

     Diet Update: See above.
     Gracie Update: We kenneled here while in Lubbock. Her suite mate was a GIANT Great Dane named Chico and now they're great friends.

     Word of the Day: DUBIOUS... Adjective... Hesitating or doubting... "Alex looked dubious, but agreed." (I don't think that's correct.)

Bill Robertson (6/23/20,)  We had a GREAT ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND. Thank you Doll. I love you like a great surprise everyday.

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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...