Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #68

     Smoked salsa.. Say it with me. Smoked salsa. It turned out as good as it sounds. I borrowed a recipe from Smoke-Master Rod Partain and WOW. I'm so pleased with it. T thinks it's a little hot, but she says she likes it. Also, we've had the summer of just about everything out here. This summer it's all about Grasshoppers! And, Gracie pooped in the wrong place.
Smoked Sala Ingredients on the GMG
     Rod's been bragging out this Smoked Salsa for weeks. He even sent me a picture of his wife, Stephanie eating out of the blender. But, I better not show it because I'm pretty sure she's wearing her pajamas.
Smoked and Ready/Windmill Ranch Preserve

     The recipe is:           Two pounds tomatoes (I used big ones-Rod used Roma)
                                      Two onions (I used big white ones)
                                      One Poblano Pepper
                                      Three Jalapenos
                                      One clove of garlic
                                      Smoke at 200-degrees for two hours
                                      Mix well in a blender or Cuisinart
                                      Add salt, pepper, brown sugar and any other spice to taste
                                      Cool and enjoy!
Windmill Ranch Smoked Salsa

     The finished product has the consistency of a very chunky salsa. Two of the jalapenos is enough to add a strong, zesty kick.
The Summer of the Grasshoppers/Scurry Co. TX

     Now to the bugs. Grasshoppers, and LOTS OF THEM. Every summer, it's something out here.
     We've had the summer of wasps (not as bad as you might think,) summer of moths (much louder than you might think) and the summer of the rats (that was pretty ugly.)
     This year, it's all about grasshoppers. They're outside. They're inside. When you walk, they jump around in front of you. They're chartreuse green or speckled brown. They're about half an inch big, but up to more than an inch long. They're not dangerous, scary or gross in any way. They're just everywhere!

     Diet Update: My excellent Smoked Salsa has very little bad stuff in it. So, I'm putting it on everything from fresh vegetables to my world famous Frittata.
     Gracie Update: (Probably TMI alert) We snuck out for a very early nine holes this morning. Gracie jumped out of my truck and immediately pooped in the parking lot. It wasn't just in the parking lot. It was in the space of arguably the most influential woman in Snyder and absolutely the most influential woman at the golf course.
      I didn't pick it up right away because it was so early. I figured that I had plenty of time before any golfers started to show up. Well, I was wrong. This aforementioned, influential golfer pulled in about 15-minutes later. The bottom line is: She came within inches of a dog poop golf shoe and she wasn't too happy about it. I picked up the poop and Gracie and me left the course.

Bill Robertson (6/16/20,) The good news is, Gracie had healthy looking poop. That's big for an animal in the country. Actually, it's good for all of us. Again, that's probably Too Much Information. Cya.


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