Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #67

     I learned a new language today thanks to Frank Garcia at Marricle Well Service here in Snyder, America. The new language is called 'Well' talk. That is Water Well Talk and for me, it's harder than conquering Latin, Greek and Chinese all put together.
Watering at The Windmill Ranch Preserve
     It's simple watering your lawn in the city. You turn on the hose bib and VIOLA!! You get water and usually water with good pressure. It's not so easy in the country life. Pressure like the type we're getting from this tri-pod sprinkler is about a five-step process and if one step is bad... they're all bad. The absolute worst part is... The root of the trouble is usually in the dreaded Well House.
WRP Well House/Scurry Co., TX
     This is our Well House. I hate it. Honestly, I'm a little scared of it. I'm scared because it's The Hilton Hotel for every spider, mouse, rat and rattlesnake on the property and with good reason. It's dark, dank and cool. I'd check-in if I were one of those critters. But, I'm not. I'm a human and it freaks me out.
Would You Go in Here?/Well House, WRP
     Turns out my 'pressure tank' was lacking, lacking pressure that is. Unfortunately, I didn't know that until I spent about an hour going round and round with at least five different valves, walking back and forth to faucets to check pressure. That's when I threw in the towel and called Frank with Marricle Well Service in Snyder, America.
     Me calling Frank: "Pick up, pick up, PLEASE pick up." Finally, the voice of hope, Frank Garcia with Marricle Well Service in Snyder, America.
     Me: "Frank, something's amuck with our well... AGAIN!"
     Frank: "What's it doing?"
     Me: "Sprinkler started, almost immediately cut off, motor in well house is off & won't pressure up."
     Frank: "Sounds like your pressure tank needs air. But first, is there water in the holding tank. Oh yeah, you have a cut off valve. Turn that."
     Me: "Um, okay. What?"
     Frank: "First open all valves, shut off the motor and then empty the pressure tank."
     Me: "The faucets?"
Faucet or Valve/WRP, Scurry Co., TX
     Frank: "Yes, those are called valves."
     Me: "Oh. Where do I shut off the motor and how do I empty the pressure tank?"

     I could keep writing because Frank took more than one of my calls today and talked me off the ledge at least twice. The great news is, I'm looking out the window right now and the tripod sprinkler that was working great when I started writing this blog is still working great. Thanks Frank! (with Marricle Well Service in Snyder, America)

     Diet Update: The fun weekend with the grands put on four pounds. I'm pretty sure it's gone now after walking back and forth to that dreaded well house.
     Gracie Update: She walked with me to the well house for the first couple times. Then, I'm pretty sure she said "Knock yourself out buddy. I'm staying in the shade."

     The Word of the Day is: PYRRHIC (pier-ick, adjective) Won at too great a cost to be worthwhile for the victor. Odds of me using it in a sentence.... 75%

Bill Robertson (6/15/20,) I didn't include a PYRRHIC sentence bc all the examples online were too complicated or long and I was tired of typing.

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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...