Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #71

     Wanna see a make you 'stop and look' type of sight? Read on and I'll show you something that's not only very pretty, but also mother nature organized into dozens of rows and intersections and all of them at perfect right angles. But first, a grasshopper jumped up shorts and made we wiggle a bit.
My Trusty Husqvarna/Windmill Ranch Preserve
     This is definitely the Year of the Grasshoppers, at least it is in Scurry County, home of Snyder, Texas, the unofficial "Paradise on the Plains." I had to keep my mouth shut today while mowing, otherwise I'm sure one of the hundreds of grasshoppers would have jumped in. One did jump ahead of my trusty, orangish Husqvarna and landed inside my shorts, pants leg.
The Year of the Grasshopper/Windmill Ranch Preserve
      So what do you do when a chartreuse grasshopper jumps inside your pants while your mowing? You keep mowing and start wiggling all the while hoping the grasshopper will go toward the light. And, it did.
Near Roscoe, Texas
     Here's the make you 'stop and look' sight that I wanted to show you. It's a sunflower field planted on the northeast intersection of Interstate 20 and U.S. Highway 180, about 10-miles west of Sweetwater.
Sunflowers @ 1:15pm, June 26, 2020
     T & I spotted it today on our way to get a couple great, Schlotzky sandwiches. We ate in the car while weaving our way from county road to county road to find these well manicured beauties.
A Stop and Look Sight/Nolan County, Texas
     If you're in the area, the easiest route is to take the county road going east out of Roscoe. The flower field is just after going under the Highway 180 overpass. It really is a peaceful sight.

     Diet Update: Small "Original" with Salt n' Vinegar chips today. So good.
     Gracie Update: Sleepy in this heat.

Orthoptera Caelifera/Windmill Ranch Preserve
The Word of the Day: Orthoptera Caelifera. Noun. "The Orthoptera Caelifera can leap 10-times their own body length. Today, an Orthoptera Caelifera didn't make it that far when it leaped into my pants causing quite my surprised wiggle."

Bill Robertson (6/26/20,) Wear your mask. Otherwise, you'll be home-schooling your kids again this fall.

1 comment:

Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...