"Tinkerbell" lives in a Snyder park and if you think today's hot--You don't remember July 12, 1998.
Lunch in the Park/Snyder, Texas |
We parked under our normal tree this week for our ump-teenth Covid-19 lunch in Snyder's Towle Park (pronounced Toll.) About the time I finished my JR. Hungr-buster with everything on it, a little girl got of her parent's car with her phone camera at the ready.
Fairy & Gnome Homes/Towle Park, Snyder Texas |
She walked around this big oak tree and took a picture of something that liked look like a big knot at the tree's base. Then, she got back into the car and the two drove off to where ever they were going. And that's about the time T looked up from her lonely DQ Taco and said....
Teresa: "There are fairies and gnomes in the park."
Me: "What?"
Teresa: "Fairies and gnomes. You know the lady who ran for sheriff against Troy?"
Me: "Yes."
Teresa: "Well, the weekend paper said that she was going to put Fairy & Gnome Doors on trees in the park."
Me: "Oh. Good to know. I'm gonna get a pic."
Towle Park/Snyder, Texas |
Sure enough! Open a knotty looking door on trees scattered around the park and you'll find fairies and gnomes. It's all part of a fun contest created by Jeanette Pritchard. She told The Snyder News (
https://www.thesnydernews.com/): Parents are encouraged to take photos of their
children with each door and to post it to Facebook and tag her. The first child to find all the fairies and gnomes and post
photos will be featured with a door of their own in the next hunt. She also said that children could submit names for the
fairies and gnomes. The fairies and gnomes move to another park at a future date.
Hotter than ?????/Snyder, Texas |
Next, you don't have to be a brain surgeon to know and feel that we're in the oven for the next several days. Forecasters have us a triple digits as high as 107-degrees through this week. But if you think that's hot, look at this!
Snyder's July Heat History |
It got as hot as 112-degrees in 1989 and 109-degrees in 1998 for the Snyder-Midland area. That was 31 and 22-years ago respectively. So suffice it say, this isn't our first rodeo but it's still going to be dangerously hot. Take care everyone. Hydrate!
Word of the Day:
VERACITY (noun,) Conformity to facts; accuracy, "Officials expressed doubts concerning the veracity of the story."
Diet Update: 30-pounds lost and holding.
Gracie Update: It's knocking on 100-degrees. She's already wearing a fur coat and it's black. She's hot.
Bill Robertson (7/9/20,) Tinkerbell would be proud to call Towle Park home.
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