Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #78

     A buck naked man on Hole #8 startled us and I was the buck naked man who slid on my fanny down a flight of stairs. 😬 I think that's the best lead sentence I've ever written because it's completely true and I hope it kept your attention.
     Teresa and I escaped the severe, West Texas heat for a few days for the cool, comfortable mountain air of Pagosa Springs, Colorado. It's 7,750 feet above sea level and we felt every bit of it.. Good and bad. 
Pagosa Springs, Colorado
     The naked man showed up on our first full day. We got up determined to mind our diet, get some exercise and rusticate as best we could. Hole #7 wasn't that big of a deal. It's a dogleg left with sand traps guarding the green. But believe me, Hole #8 with the Naked Man sure got us picking up our pace! 😅
     We were on the cart path, starting at the tee box. The Naked Man exposed himself at about the 150-yard marker. 
Naked Man On #8/Pagosa Golf Course
     T: "There's a man naked in his doorway."
     Me: "Huh?"
     T: "There's a naked man to our left."
     Me: "Where?!"
     T: "To our left, about your eight o'clock."
     Sure enough, there he was. Naked as naked gets. He was standing there stretching behind his sliding glass window. Either he didn't care or he thought his window wasn't see through. He was far enough away that we couldn't see details. But he was close enough that we almost jogged the last 150-yards to the green. 
Lunch with a View/Pagosa Springs, CO
     I wish I had a picture of all the people completely disregarding the Social Distancing Guidelines. It would've been absolutely comical if I/we couldn't get the 'dumbass' quotient out of our heads. I mean bars, restaurants and more jam packed, with mostly Texans... No one wearing a face mask.😭😱😱😱
     We avoided all those places, got our food while wearing masks, stood waaaaaay back from anyone but ourselves and took our culinary eats back to our home away from home. 
Great Food Gets Big Picture/Thai Pagosa
     I celebrated my birthday while in Pagosa and treated myself to two of my favorite things: Chinese food and Golf Stuff.
     If you ever travel to Pagosa Springs, you gotta stop at a tiny little place called Thai Pagosa . It's about as big as a mall kiosk and the menu is absolutely impossible to read, but it's really, really good.
Calloway Fitting/Pagosa Golf Club
     But before my dumplings and noodles, I did something I've never done in my 48-years of playing golf. I've taken lessons since I was 10-years old. I've bought clubs and played courses from Las Vegas to Albuquerque to Myrtle Beach, but I've never had a club fitting. What a tremendous experience! Suffice it to say, I'm anxiously awaiting our UPS driver.
Smashed Mailbox/Snyder, TX
     Coming home has been interesting and a little painful to say the least. First, we went to check our mail and our mailbox looked like this. I'm guessing a right handed person with a baseball bat had a hand in it. We bought a new mailbox. The check out lady at the hardware store said, "We sure have been selling a lot of mailboxes this week." So, we guess the good news is that our smashed box was a completely random act by a bunch of bored kids. 
Ouch/Cogdell Memorial Hospital
     And now to complete my lead sentence. I fell down our stairs this week. I was in the shower and started to smell electrical smoke. That's when...
     T: "Bill! There's smoke in the house! Get out!"
     Me: "I smell it. Okay." I checked the hot water heater, which is upstairs and all was okay. I wrapped a towel around myself and started down our 'stairs of death.'
     T: "It's downstairs. Look at all the smoke!"
     Me: "Yep, I see it. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap." Bump, bump, bump, bump, bump..."
     My feet slipped out from me. I hit my fanny and then hit every step on the way down. My right leg got pinned under a wooden framed couch and pulled the hide back on my shin like the Toughest Pawnee played by West Studi in "Dances with Wolves" scalped Timmons after he ate the really hot bacon. It hurt and still hurts a lot. Been to the doc twice in 24-hours. The nurses really need to work on not saying, "Oh no."

     Gracie Update: She stayed at her favorite place while we were out of town. It's Klipin K-9s and she loves it. 
     Diet Update: We exercised so much that even though we had sandwiches and lots of Chinese neither T nor myself gained more than a pound or two.

     Random thought of the day: I've lived with the 'stairs of death' for 12-years and never slipped. 

Bill Robertson (7/31/20,) I think the buck naked man on #8 was about my size. 😁😁😁

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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...