Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #80 (The Last C-19 Blog)

      The best customer service in the WORLD comes from a tiny, donut shop in Snyder, I hugged  a woman this week who I'm pretty sure thought that I was crazy, hospitals have the best band-aids and I'm tired of Covid. I'm tired of writing about Covid. And, I've very tired of people making fun of Covid. This is my last Covid blog.

Tiger Donuts/Snyder America

     Lil' sister Julia and nephew were coming through town today. Luke, the nephew, is a teenager. We figured that he'd eat and eat a lot. So, I went to TIGER DONUTS this morning. I ordered 1/2 dozen glazed, a 1/2 dozen chocolate glazed, a 1/2 dozen Old Fashioned and a 1/2 dozen Caleches. I know that sounds like a crazy amount, but a teenage boy is a grazer and 18-donuts and six-caleches are like a side salad to us older folks.

    Whatever you do, STOP and go through the drive-through at Snyder Donuts. I don't know the woman's name. I don't know if she's the owner. All I know is that when I drove off with my 18-donuts and six caleches that I was happy and joyful.. In fact at one point, she offered me some of her multi colored peppers that another customer brought to her. Don't miss Tiger Donuts. The donuts are great. The attitude is off the charts......

She's Zelma, Not Gail/Snyder, TX

     Masks can hide a person's true identity. I hugged a woman at the grocery store yesterday who looked at me like I was a nut... and she had good reason.

    I thought she was my friend Gail Snyder. And apparently, it wasn't the first time that I thought she was my friend Gail. Here's what happened yesterday.

     Me: (with my arm around her shoulders,) Hi! How are you?

     Woman: I'm good. How are you?

    Me: Great. Good to see you. How's Max?

     And this is where the conversation went south. All of a sudden, the woman had this look on her face that scared me. I thought, "Oh my, Gail's husband Max has died." Although I haven't kept up with Max and Gail in recent years, they were both a crucial part of my WTX acclimation.

     That's when the woman, who I'm hugging like we're the best of friends, let me off the hook.

     Woman: "I don't think I am who you think who I am."

     Me: "Oh. You're not Gail?"

     Woman: "No and I wasn't the last time we talked either."

     Me: "Y'all were going camping! That wasn't Gail and Max?"

     Woman: "No."

     Me: "Then, who are you?"

     It turns out the woman is/was Zelma Irons. She worked at the WTC library and it was Teresa's stepmother who hired her for the job. So in the end, we laughed about my mask-mistake, but appreciated the weird connection we made at Check-out #4.

Bandaid Perfection/My Right Arm

     I've written in a previous blog about my leg. I fell down stairs and hurt my right leg pretty bad. I've been for a "nurse's visit" at least 12-times in the last six weeks. But, it's the very first visit that got me thinking.

     During that first visit, the nurses asked "When was your last Tetnus shot?" I said, "Last century." They said, "Well, you're getting another one now.:"

     They gave me the shot and put a band-aid on my arm. Crazy thing is that after six weeks, THE BAND-AID IS STILL THERE! What's the adhesive? Cement. Bottom line is, if you want band-aids forget aisle 12 at the grocery store. Go for a "Nurses Visit" at Cogdell Memorial Hospital.

     So that's it. I'm tired of Covid. I'm tired of writing about Covid. I'm tired of some making fun of Covid. And, we as a family are very tired of Covid interrupting our plans with those we love.

     Diet, dog and the random thought of the day forthcoming. For now, COVID-out!

Bill Robertson (9.7.20,) I had donuts today for the first time in about a year. They didn't suck.




  1. Tiger Donuts holds the top spot in best colaches in West Tx agreed. Hands down. Nicole spent some fun times there in high school after football games with the owner’s kids. I know how to say the name, but not how to spell it. Sounds like The “Say” family....Good tasty times. Take care. Thanks for entertaining us with the stories.

  2. Wonder how many times “mask-taken identity” happens?!


Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...