Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Who Pooped in the Pavilion Potty (when the water was off)

      Gotcha! I'm guessing you clicked on this blog because of my well thought out title. The bad news is; Someone did poop in the pavilion when the water was off and we're on the case. I'll get to that in a few paragraphs.😏😏

     But before I get to the #2 of the story, I'm going to start with the #1 of the story and that is living in small town America is both a blessing and a curse.

Covid Vaccine Day/Cogdell Memorial Hospital

     One of the best blessings about life in Snyder, America is our local hospital, Cogdell Memorial Hospital. No time was this more evident than this past Saturday for at least the second of our hospitals Covid Vaccine Days.

     Teresa and I took mom to get her second dose. It took more time for us to walk from our car to the door of the hospital and back to our car than it took for Marianne to get her second shot. This is not only a big deal thanks to the staff's efficiency, but also factor in that Marianne's a professional visitor. 😆😆Cudo's to CMH staff and friends. Y'all did great... better than great. Thank you. 

The Sushi House/Snyder, TX

     You know what is a curse in a small town is the variety of good places to eat. Don't misunderstand me. Snyder, America does have some really good places to eat, but we like variety like I suppose most of small town America.

     But, we do have sushi and it's really, really good. Who'd think Snyder would have a Shushi House? I'm not sure if I like the sushi as much as I like the soy sauce, but whichever it is it's still pretty good. So, I guess a curse is now a blessing.

The Gentle-ist Termite

     Did anyone know Teresa's solitaire nickname was the Gentleist Termite? I write that 'it was' her nickname because she's since graduated to Ace Astronaut. I watched her play Solitaire for 10-plus years during our travels and quiet times and had no idea she had such a funny alias. So, imagine my surprise just the other day when T announced the 'game' changed her name to Ace Astronaut. I think she was very proud of the apparent upgrade.

     Now to the mystery pooper... This part of the story is messy on a few different levels. First of all, Eww. Second, it's creepy. Third, and I think we've all been there when, we flush a toilet somewhere other than our home and the flush is inadequate. Well, that's what happened in this case.

The Mystery Pooper Place/Windmill Ranch Preserve

    The problem began when we had to turn off ranch water due to a busted valve. That meant, no water to sinks, toilets, nothing. That was on a Friday. We went back Saturday. There were remnants in the pavilion toilet, if you get my meaning, and the toilet tank was empty.

     Somebody pooped, flushed and then about 10-seconds later said to themselves: "Oh crap." And then when they tried to flush again, they said "OH CRAP!" Pardon the pun(s). Anyway, no harm/no foul. 

Bill Robertson (2/21/21,) Again, a VERY BIG thank you to the team at Snyder's Cogdell Memorial Hospital.



A Wedding, A Camaro and A BMW

      Most recently, I wrote a blog that included news about my youngest son, Joe, getting married to his

   college sweetheart Sharon. 

Joe & Sharon/November 2020

       Like so many other couples in 2020, they had to push their wedding back from the original date in April to the new date in November. It didn't matter because everything worked out great and the whole event ran like clock work. 

McCarron Airport/Las Vegas

     This story begins after a long day of traveling from Lubbock to Nashville via McCarron airport in Las Vegas. By the time we got to Nashville, the place was deserted and our standard-run of the mill rental car had been taken by more timely customers. So, we got our first of two upgrades.

The Camaro/Nashville

     We wanted something like a standard Chevy, but we got this souped up Camaro. It had the roar, the speed, a bunch of fancy buttons, but  all our luggage wouldn't fit in the trunk and it was so low to the ground I think I scrapped my tush on the pavement. The night only got more funky, but that's another story.


    We returned the camaro the next morning and that's when we got seriously upgraded to this fine, black BMW sedan. It's also when you could've stamped "Country Bumpkin" on our foreheads.

     This fine piece of German engineering was so complicated that we literally pulled over in the airport parking garage to call a friend with a similar car. Teresa and I couldn't even figure out how to get the side mirrors to go from 'retract' to 'operational.' I promise, this is absolutely true. Thanks to our friend, we stayed with the Beamer but it really tested our intellect.😂😂

         November was at the peak or near the peak of  Covid. Few people were taking chances being around people they didn't know. Teresa and I realized that very quickly but were still able to enjoy much of what Music City has the offer.

Nashville Greenways

     Nashville has many great "Green-Ways" around the city. We found one near our place and walked and walked without seeing hardly anyone. The peace and quiet was fantastic, but also very spooky. This place would normally be full of people, but we saw hardly any on our visit.

North Italia/Nashville

     Nashville's known for its music but the food's pretty good too. This is what the most popular, Italian restaurant in town looked like at 12:00pm on a weekday.  We shared Squash soup, grilled bread with olive oil and Spaghetti & Meatballs and it was WOW!

Grilled Bread with Olive Oil/North Italia

     The Main Event of course was Joe and Sharon's wedding. It really was great. They picked a place called Battle Mountain Farm near Franklin, Tennessee. Although they'd originally scheduled their wedding for April, I'd bet the setting was even more scenic in the fall versus the spring.(pic-bmf)

     Everything went off without a hitch. The new couple said their vows. The party continued well into the night. 

I think I'm most impressed that neither Joe nor Sharon let all the Covid crises, tension and turmoil rattle them. They're smiles and their gratefulness put us all in a different time... at least for a weekend.

Bill & Teresa/Williamson Co., TN 11/2020

     Teresa and I enjoyed another of our many visits to middle Tennessee. This time, it was most likely our first time to came across so few people. I think we'd both agree that our time together anywhere is better than any time alone everywhere.

Bill Robertson (2/19/21,) Joe and Sharon got a dog... Boone.


Technology is Great When it Works

    Hello  friends. I don't know about any of all, but I love technology. The rub is, technology hates me. I mean technology hates me like I hate liver and martinis. It hates me like some republicans hate democrats and visa versa. But now is the time when I'm very disappointed in technology.

     I inserted a picture of my new fav, White Cheddar Crunchy Cheetos, to illustrate my frustration. Not only have I not been able to write a blog in several months, but I also haven't been able to share what I consider fun, story telling pictures from my exceptionally normal but pretty great life in Snyder, America.

     So, I'm stuck writing this "Test Blog" and inserting a picture of possibly the best snack food ever chemically generated just because I need to conduct a test.

     If you received this blog via being tagged in Facebook, it's because I would really like your reply to a very simple question. And that question is.... Did you receive this email in the very much readable mode called "compose" or did you receive it the very much unreadable mode called HTML?

     I"m gonna insert another picture just to see if I can and if I can move it from right to left or center to left. Stand-by...

Please tell me if you receive this completely "test" blog.

Thank you,

 abc def. This a test blog. I can't get out of html mode even though I'm writing in compose mode.

I;m now trying to see if I publish this if it's publish as compose or HTML.

Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...