Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

How to Use Your Sunglasses & the West Texas Camel

     I can't make this up. My new sunglasses came with instructions and there's a live, real camel in the tiny west Texas hamlet of Hermleigh, population 200-350.

Smart Sunglasses

     Teresa and I treated ourselves to new sunglasses. My old sunglasses were plastic and cost $9.99 at Walmart. I gave Teresa her old sunglasses about 10-years ago. So, we thought we were both due some new shades. Apparently, sunglasses are smarter than the Average Joe or Jane these days. 

Lots of Instructions

     Not only did our new Foster Grants, no not really, come with instructions, but also the critical information is in no less than 28-languages. I guess the good news is, the sunglasses maker thinks very little of a lot of people in a lot of different places, not just Americans.

Don't Use Dirty Rags (duh)

     The fine print ranges from: "Category and Type of Filter," to "Do not use dirty or abrasive cloths to clean lenses." It's real heady stuff.  The flip side is, we've learned 28 different ways to say MANUFACTURER'S INFORMATION NOTE. For example, Danish for Manufacturer's Information Note is: FABRIKANTENS OPLYSNINGSSKEMA. Use that at your next cocktail party. 

The Hermleigh, TX Camel

     I'm not sure what was a bigger surprise this week, the sunglasses surprise or seeing a real live camel in a west Texas town. He, or maybe it was a she, was just wondering around eating the grass in Hermleigh. 

     He or she was fenced in, but otherwise the Arabian camel or dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) seemed happy as clam. I asked around, "Who knew there was a camel in Hermleigh"? Most folks were like us, they had no idea, but not everyone. According to our good friends Laurie and Don Chandler, this Camelus dromedarius even made an appearance the Hermleigh Cardinals Homecoming Parade. I bet it didn't get hot or thirsty.

Bill Robertson (10/8/21,) We have one new granddaughter (Ruthie ) and another one (name TBD) due any day. Times are good. 



1 comment:

  1. Sunglasses are necessary in the desert when camel watching! I will have another grandson due Monday! Keeps us young!


Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...