Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

They're Not Gone Yet!

      Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water or when I began to fill more comfortable at The Windmill Ranch Preserve near Snyder, America without CONSTANTLY looking down, they're back.

Watch for Snakes

     Yep. I'm talking about rattlesnakes, rattlers, rattle bugs, whatever you call em. I killed my first one in a very long time this morning. This one was probably a juvenile. It wasn't very big. That's the good news. The bad news is, it wasn't very big which usually means bigger ones are in the hood.

     Today's victim was laid out on the concrete breezeway between the ranch kitchen and pavilion. That exact location used to be 'rattlesnake alley' before the concrete. I haven't seen one there in at least two years. So it's no surprise that my 'guard' was down. Thank goodness, this one's brown stood out against the concrete's grey. 

Must Haves

     So how exactly do you remove a rattlesnake? In this case, my weapons were a walking stick and a garden hoe. I used the stick to scoot the snake from behind a big trashcan. Then, I used the stick to beat the soup out of it. The stick broke, but the hoe did the job. 

     Some of you might know about our very great dog, Gracie. She's fine, but probably a still traumatized, but not by the snake. She never saw it. I corralled her into the back of my truck and then returned to begin my snake clobbering. I think it was the repeated whacks of the stick to the snake/concrete and probably a little bit of my yelling that kept her in the truck bed..... for the rest of the day. So the bottom line is, "Watch for Snakes."

Gracie's Okay

     On a much lighter note, T & I are back on our diet. It's the one I've written about before that really works, but includes the absolute worst food I've ever put into my mouth. We're both down a few pounds in five days and determined to make it work , but already I'm dreaming and day dreaming about the foods that quench my cravings.

     I turned off the tabs in my head last night by thinking of what I'd have for breakfast at McDonald's. My choices were an Egg McMuffin, a Sausage Biscuit with Cheese or a Sausage Burrito. My rules were that I could choose just one. The extra sad part is/was I spent so much time thinking about what I would have for breakfast at McDonald's that I even began thinking about the ridiculous amount of time I was spending thinking about what I would have for breakfast at McDonald's. And to make it worse, I made my Mickey D's choice and then went on to What Would I have for Lunch at Burger King. Would it be a Whopper or Original Chicken Sandwich? Thank goodness I fell asleep some time between my imaginary breakfast and lunch. If sleep eludes me tonight, my debate will be supper. Should it be Taco Bell (Combo burrito w/ two crunchy tacos and lots of hot sauce,) Schlotsky's (small Original with Salt & vinegar chips )or Saggio's pizza (Italian sausage) in Albuquerque?

Bill Robertson (10/12//21) Egg McMuffin & Whopper (but I do love the Original Chicken Sandwich with Buffalo Sauce) and I suspect Saggio's will be the winner.

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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...