Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Wedding(s) Blog #11 (The second & Last Wedding)

     There's no point burying the lead. The second and final wedding in our 2018 Wedding(s) Road Trip is in the books. Jack Dennison Robertson married Allison MacLean Grant at 6:00pm, June 23, 2018 at St. George's Episcopal Church in Nashville, Tennessee.
Grant-Robertson Wedding
       Thanks to the bride's mom, Mary Howell Grant, I can give you my society page impersonation, the bride wore a pearl, sweetheart neck-spaghetti strap gown, a beaded bodice with a ball gown skirt of layered silk tulle and a simple-fingertip veil. Not a bad description, if I say so myself.
Allison & Jack Robertson
      The groom wore a navy blue tuxedo with a white shirt, gray bow time and gray suspenders with brown shoes. 

     By the way, I still don't get the brown shoes with everything look. I like it, but back in my day we wore black or cordovan shoes with matching belts. Apparently back in my day was so long ago that I actually had to explain what cordovan is/was. By the way, it's the color of a liver chestnut horse... that probably doesn't help.

     There are many, many highlights to share about Allison and Jack's great evening. But first, here's how they got to the "I Do's" and how we arrived at the reception.

Bridal Luncheon
     While Jack and his groomsmen were off doing their thing, Allison's three aunts, on her dad's side, hosted a bridal luncheon.

     The ladies all met at The Harding House restaurant. Mom is definitely height challenged by the looks of the photo at left but, she and Teresa returned to their drivers, that is my sister Julia and I, all smiles and excited about meeting so many of Allison's family.

     Funny thing about a wedding weekend when you're part of the bridal group.... time absolutely disappears. It's uncanny. You wake up. You set a schedule. At first blush, it sure looks like there's time. But, poof! It's like the clock is over-caffeinated. All the time you thought you would have between events absolutely vanishes.

Allison & Jack's Rehearsal Dinner/Maffioza's
     A few hours later that seemed like mere minutes, we were all gathered at Mafiaoza's, a fun Italian place in Nashville's aggressively gentrified east side.
      I think a pretty good time was had by all. It's funny when you get so many family members and friends together in one place for a special reason.
      I met more aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents than I have in a long time. Thank goodness Teresa was at my side or at least within eye contact. 
      "Okay, who's the woman in the blue dress," I'd ask.
      "The short blue dress or the tea length blue dress?"
      "What's tea length?"
      "It's longer but not to the floor."
      "I dunno…. that lady." Then, I'd point.
      "Don't point!!!"
      "Okay, the lady at 12 o'clock. Is that Mary's mom (mother of the bride) or John's mom (mother of the groom)?"
       "You're 12 o'clock or my 12 o'clock?"
       "Her." And, I'd point again.

      Anyway, it was kind of like that most of the night. By closing time, I think I knew who belonged to whom, but name tags and a brief description in parentheses would've been a huge help. Something like: Name: Jane Doe (John's younger sister, third child to Mr. & Mrs. Grant from Atlanta). Just saying. 

Groom's Breakfast
        Wedding day began with a groom's breakfast at our place while Allison and her attendants did their thing.

           We cooked the green chile & cheddar eggs while Mr. Cracker, Mrs. Barrel and little place called Publix provided the lion's share of the feast.
         It turns out, ice-cold bottled water was the big attraction at breakfast. Apparently, it was a dehydrating type of night after the rehearsal dinner.
         Thank goodness my step-son Cody convinced their apparent mary-jane smoking contract driver to stop for snuff and water on their way from the big fun at Mafiaoza's.

Jack & Bill Robertson

          Again as it's apt to do, time flew by. Before I knew it, we were at this fantastic church taking pre-ceremony family pictures. I've thought about changing the picture to the right because it looks like I'm a little worse for wear. The truth is, I'm whispering something to Jack.
         I'm not sure who Allison's family hired as their photographer, but her middle name should be 'efficient.' Wow. 

      The ceremony began promptly at 6:00. Sorry, no inside pictures. We were kindly encouraged to refrain and I know we did because we were sitting on the first row.

     By 6:30 on the dot, we were done and gathering for the drive to the reception at Nashville's Bell Tower.

     Allison & Jack entered the reception and the joyful applause set the tone for the night and fun ahead.
     Beginning with the couples' first dance to Allison's dance with her father, family and guests couldn't have asked for more.
Father-Daughter Dance

     He's hard to see but the young man singing, on the left side of this photo is Allison's younger brother, Jack. He's a recent Tulane graduate who's bound for law school at Belmont University in Nashville. I didn't know the song, but he's a Tulane grad going on to law school and he sings.. really sings.  I'm pretty sure he's the right stuff.

     After the dances, a short welcome from Mr. Grant and a feast of food- stations ranging from Asian fare to good old fashioned southern favorites to mashed potatoes, the party jumped from holy cow to hold onto your hat.

     Just when I thought I had enough gumption to get on the dance floor and shake, rattle and roll, Teresa turned to me and said... "You knew it when you married me. I'm not a dancing girl." I felt like I dodged a bullet, but take a look.

     So, that's a wrap on our wedding(s) road trip... at least the wedding(s) part. Just like about everyone else involved, we too gotta get back to the real world. I hope to put a 'firm' wrap on the whole adventure when we're back in Snyder, America.
     But I couldn't sign off without extending my thanks to the many, many old and new friends and family who really did the leg work for Zachary, Nadia, Jack and Allison. So to all of you, please accept our heartfelt thanks.
     But I must give proper thanks to our Lord who provides all blessings. Also, I offer a huge thanks to my lovely bride, Teresa, who's talked me off of every ledge imaginable, to my mother (Marianne) who at 86 doesn't have a worrisome bone in her body, to my amazingly patient and helpful little sister Julia and to my older sister, Laura, and her family who are Webster's dictionary of all things that should be right in the world.

Bill Robertson


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      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...