Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #15

     We did something today that we've never done before, together or separately. I know we weren't the only ones. I bet we joined people from all over the world who had never done it before either. It was so much more than we expected or imagined. We went to OUR church home via the internet, the triple Ws… The World Wide Web.
Calvary Baptist Church/Snyder, TX
     Teresa and I had planned to go to Calvary Baptist on 35th Street today for the "Drive-In" service where we'd literally stay in our cars, tune our radios to a specific station and get our service while chilling in our vehicles. Turns out, our city/county is now in a Shelter in Place scenario so, we couldn't do that. But, that didn't stop Calvary and I'd wager a paycheck it didn't stop almost every church from Snyder, America to Timbuctoo.
Steve Highfield & Cody Voyles/Calvary Baptist, Snyder Tx
     I got the feeling that our church leaders said from the beginning of their planning, "This is different, but let's make it as usual as we can" and they did.
     That's Steve Highfield and Cody Voyles leading the worship music. Usually, Steve would have a group of singers and musicians in the background. Unfortunately, this scenario is the new normal. But, it worked! It worked in spades. It was almost more poignant than the old normal.
The New Normal/Windmill Ranch Preserve, Snyder TX
     The new normal for Teresa and me was figuring out the technology to watch. We had all of our devices going. We were watching the big screen, but the phone was on standby and the tablet was substitute for the laptop's display. I doubt city folks had to do it this way, but when you're in the country, and a big bird flying in front of your satellite can mess with your signal, this is how we do things in the country at The Windmill Ranch in Snyder, America.
     Our preacher is a very happy, reassuring young man named Matt Lowry. He jumped right in like he usually does, right after the music.
Matt Lowry, Pastor Calvary Baptist Church
     After a few corny, but exactly what we all needed jokes, Matt began his message of "When Life Throws You a Curveball." And boy oh boy, are we all at the plate and facing a curveball?
     Matt took his message from Matt 1:18-25. That's about what Joseph faced when Mary said, "Hey, I love you but ah... we need to talk." Joseph didn't freak out. He didn't run for the hills and he didn't give up. Matt's three points were: When Life Throws You a Curveball:

                                         -Don't Act on Impulse (Fear sees crisis. Faith sees opportunity)
                                         -Face your fear, worry or anger
                                         -Obey GOD's prompting

     Teresa went to the restroom during the service, which she'd ABSOLUTELY NEVER do in the old normal. I got up and smoked, twice... which I would do but can't do inside a church. And, we stood up and sang when Steve and Cody wrapped up the service with the hymn: How Great is our God.

Gracie & Diet Update: Not right now.

Bill Robertson, Take that curveball and hit it out of the park!!!


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