Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid 19 #20

     Right now, We should be at my youngest son's wedding rehearsal dinner at Battle Mountain Farm near Franklin, Tennessee. We'd be having food from a Taco Truck. He sends me pictures all the time of the giant portions. T & I were looking forward to this great weekend.
     Completely unrelated to Joe's wedding, I never dreamed I'd write this blog 20-times, just like my old friend and co-worker Dave Wille said, "I don't do anything 20-times in one day."
Sharon Anderson & Joe Robertson/Middle Tennesssee
     Joe met Sharon Rose Anderson at Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville, Tenn. That's about an hour and half due east of Nashville. She's from the Chicago area and played volleyball. Joe grew up in middle Tennessee and played football. The two hoped to get married this weekend, but had to postpone everything due to Covid 19.
Joe and Sharon/Chicago
     The current crisis has meant a lot of changes for all of us, but just imagine the most important day of your life. We made our changes, probably just like hundreds of parents of the bride and groom around the country. But, imagine if you're the actual couple who planned to get married in these times and had to put absolutely everything on hold.
Joe Robertson/Sharon Anderson
     We feel for Joe and Sharon like other parents feel for their kids who had to stop their future. But if there's a silver lining, maybe it's an experiment in patience, possibly the most important virtue when it comes time for young couples to begin their next chapter. Much love Joe and Sharon. We'll see you in November.
     Now to Blog #20 and my old friend Dave Wille. We worked together back in the '90s at KOLN/KGIN (ch. 10/11) in Lincoln, NE. I worked news. Dave worked sports. One day he asked me a good question, but his response was even better.
                                 Dave: "Bill, how much do you smoke a day?"
                                 Me: "About a pack."
                                 Dave: "How many cigarettes are in a pack?"
                                 Me: "20"
                                 Dave: "20? I don't do 20 of anything in one day."
     I've never forgotten that conversation. Dave is now a sports photographer for a Denver area TV station. He married Pam Sullivan who we worked with in Lincoln.
     And like Dave said that he never did anything 20-times in one day, I never expected to write a blog with 20-parts on the same subject.

     Diet Update: Big Bummer
     Gracie Update: It's cold here and she doesn't like it.

Bill Robertson, We wish Joe and Sharon were getting married this weekend, but hardly as much as they do.

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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...