Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #26

     This is Good Friday and the a napkin is the clue. A retired preacher's wife, who we know, shared an enlightening explanation as to why Mary Magdalene, John and Simon Peter discovered a folded linen cloth inside Jesus' tomb on Easter morning.
The Napkin
      So, Mary showed up at Jesus' tomb on Sunday morning. The big rock closing tomb had been rolled or pushed out of the way. She peaked in & saw Jesus' body was gone. She didn't go into the tomb. She ran and got John and Simon Peter. John wrote all this down in his gospel.
     John says he was faster. So, he got to the tomb before Simon Peter, but he didn't go inside the vault. Then, Peter ran up. He looked in and went inside the tomb. That's when they all noticed that the linen cloth covering Jesus' head was neatly folded where his head would have been. So, what's a neatly folded piece of linen or, in 21st language, a simple napkin to tell us in 2021?
The Neatly Folded Napkin
     Here's the information shared by the retired pastor's wife.Hebrew tradition was very simple 2,000 years ago. The master ate. The servant waited out of sight. If the master got up from the table and just tossed the napkin next to his plate, that meant he was done. But, if the master got up and neatly folded his napkin, then HE WASN'T DONE.
     The significance of the neatly folded linen in the tomb is... HE'S NOT DONE!

     Diet and Gracie Update... Maybe later.

Bill Robertson, Happy Easter all!

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