Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #28

     I'm almost paralyzed by fear. I'm genuinely afraid that if I take the first step that I'll soon find myself at or near the point of no return. My issue isn't a C-19 paranoia, although that does weigh on my mind and heart. My issue is a plumbing problem here at the Windmill Ranch Preserve. Our two handle kitchen sink has a persistent drip.
The Dripping Sink/Windmill Ranch Preserve, Snyder TX

     I'm convinced I can fix it myself because I watched three, separate YouTube videos. I feel like a millennial.
     All three videos said; 1) Turn off the water 2) Unscrew the handle (the cold in my case) 3) Unscrew the stem or Bonnet 4) Buy a replacement at the local hardware store 5) Replace stem/Bonnet and handle.
My Tools/Windmill Ranch Preserve
     I'll bet the $1,000,000 I won yesterday in Blog #27 that as easy as the YouTube videos make it sound, it's actually going to be one of the top five frustrating tasks I've ever tackled.
     Seriously, have you ever, as a regular Joe/Jane, tried to take on even the most simple chore in the world of flowing water? I have and it's absolutely miserable. My plan is to plan.
     First, I laid out all my tools. I think I have the proper Phillips head screwdriver. I grabbed two Vice-grips, mostly because I have two Vice-grips. The pliers are on standby. Next, Teresa and I made a schedule. The bottom line is, I'm coming to the ranch tomorrow at 7:00ish. I figure I'll need a lot of time. I'll keep you posted.

     Diet Update: All the ham, potatoes and cool pistachio salad we had yesterday didn't add up to any extra weight. Apparently, I've found the perfect diet. I call it "Eat Only One Meal A Day" diet.
     Gracie Update: She's super needy today.

Bill Robertson (4/13/20), I'm adding the date now just in case anyone WAY in the future looks back.

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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...