Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #34

     I found a wrench, a pair of golf shoes & socks, a couple hats, a few towels and a clock while cleaning out my truck's backseat today. I've noticed that this C-19 situation is giving all of us lots of time to do a lot of things we would normally wait to do until the weekend.
Snyder Nursery/Snyder, America
     Apparently, LOTS of people are tending to their yards and gardens. This photo is from Snyder Nursery owned by the Prince family. They're jam packed and have been for at least a week to 10-days. I think a lot of people, like my mother, are flexing their green thumbs.
Mom's Pots
     Just today, mom planted Oregano, Basil, Chives, Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Eggplant. Did I mention that she's 87-years old? I'm absolutely certain she's going to invite us over for a meal that will include each of the above ingredients. And somehow, I know she's going to slip in some Swiss Chard. She keeps asking if we want some and we keep saying "no," but I know it's in the future.
Mom's Backyard
     The truth is mom, Gmom, Marianne or Ms. Randals, as she's called, depending on who's doing the talking, has quite the green thumb and can back it up. A few years ago, she teamed-up with Snyder's one and only Stanley Clark to get her Masters Gardner certificate. She loved her time with Stanley. Everybody did. Now, mom's using her not so long ago learned skills to create some pretty amazing natural things. Stanley would indeed be proud.
Backseat Bounty/Windmill Ranch Preserve
     All these chores inspired me. I started cleaning out the backseat of my pickup and couldn't stop. First, there was the assorted amount of trash. Then, I began uncovering the real stuff.
     The towels range from bath towels to a golf towel that son Jack gave me at this wedding. I don't know much about the Mizuno hat, but the red, Big Apple Deli is something we created many years ago. No one liked it but me.
     Most of it went to the garbage, but not a few things. I kept the shoes and the red hat and Jack's towel. And then I hit the payload times two. First, I'd been looking for that wrench ever since I started on the ranch, kitchen sink catastrophe (see Blog #31, #32 or #33... I can't remember.) Then, I found my big prize. The clock was a gift from Dr. Barbara Beebe, who runs Western Texas College in Snyder. It was still ticking. The wrench went into my tool chest. The WTC clock, commemorating their 50-Year Anniversary, is keeping good time.
     Gracie Update: We went golfing today. She ran and ran and ran. Now, she's asleep under our dining room table.
     Diet Update: As of this morning, I've lost 30-pounds. The Miracle Noodles need some work but we're gonna keep trying.

Bill Robertson (4/21/20,) I'm not very good at golf.

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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...