Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid 19 #43

     I sure hope the bird in the pavilion doesn't poop on me and I'm smokin' chicken tonight and prepping some fantastic looking Ribs for tomorrow. Tonight's the night to give the ribs a good lacquer.
Bird in the Pavilion/Windmill Ranch Preserve
     I can't tell you how many times birds have crashed into our pavilion windows. Unfortunately for many, they have not survived. Clear glass at a whopping speed is apparently very bad for a bird's neck. They hit and then die dead as my Uncle Jimmie would say.
Good Girl/Windmill Ranch Preserve
     But in our 13-years of operation, I do not remember a single bird entering the pavilion until last night. Teresa was standing at the door leading to the breezeway between the pavilion and the kitchen. We were just about to leave to go home. And then all of a sudden, whoosh!
      T: "There's a bird!"
      Me: "What? Where?"
      T: "Right there."
      Me: "Get a broom."
      T: "What for?
      Me: "We can push it out."
                                                               T: "Huh?"

     Well, the broom idea didn't work. We left the door open for awhile all the while thinking the bird would see its escape route, but it never did.
     This morning, "She" as we're calling her because T calls all animals "She" was still in the pavilion. She pooped on the piano, but no where else. I opened a back window and we're pretty sure she pulled a Clarence Anglin, John Anglin or Frank Morris minus the inflatable raft. Hmmmmm, who? I bet you're saying.
Smokin'/Windmill Ranch Preserve
     I can't say I'm enjoying anything about the C-19 situation. But, I will admit the chaos and uncertainty has us thinking about the next few hours. Of course, I'm talking about cooking.
Pork Loin Ribs/Ready & Waiting, Windmill Ranch Preserve
     I eat according to my cravings. Subsequently, I'm at the grocery store every day, but not so much these days. I'm smokin' chicken thighs tonight and I'm prepping Pork Loin Ribs for tomorrow. I also had to buy a bunch of vegetables to abide by our diet. So tonight, we're having one chicken thigh with enough veggies to choke a rabbit. Tomorrow night, we're having one rib with a lot more veggies to choke the first rabbit and HER family.

     Gracie Update: She almost got T-Boned by a little deer today. T & she were bike riding. Of course Gracie wasn't riding a bike. A deer ran across their path. Then all of a sudden, another deer raced off and almost crashed into Gracie. G gave chase, but she was no match for wild, scared mother nature.
     Diet Update: Suffice it to day that Bleu Cheese is not a diet friendly salad dressing. Bummer.

Bill Robertson (4/30/20,) We took Gracie to town today. She jumped out each time we parked the truck. She's not going back to town.

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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...