Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #46

     I stayed buckled up at Drive-In Church, I bought some Aspercreme and Tapioca pudding today and I'm working to grow my vocabulary by one new word a day.
Mother's Day Drive-in Church/Snyder, America
     Our church, Calvary Baptist, in Snyder, America held another Drive-In service. This time, it was for Mother's Day. Again, kudos to the CBC team. Y'all did a great job. Everything was perfect from the gifts for each mom to the message and more.
     The weird thing is, I noticed about 20-minutes into the service that I was still wearing my seatbelt. I wonder if that's a metaphor. Hmm?
Aisle 10/United Supermarket, Snyder, America
     This will be the last week for senior grocery delivery in Snyder and the grocery lists are still a little surprising.
     I never expected that I'd be shopping for Aspercreme. In fact, I had to look at the picture just to make sure I spelled it correctly. Obviously, it's missing an 'A' and there's no need for the extra 'E.'  But if you're looking for it, it's under "Pain Relief" near the pharmacy, middle shelf, right hand side.
Dairy Section, Top Shelf/United, Snyder, America
     And shouldn't Tapioca pudding really be spelled Taf-E-Oca? And, who eats it? Well, it's not spelled how it should be and it's apparently pretty good. So, I got a six pack for Shopper #1.
Check-Out #6/Lower Left
     Finally, I've bought gum before but never in my life, until today, have I bought three packs of DoubleMint Gum. Remember the commercial with the twins? You're young if you don't. A funny sidebar is, the same person who wanted DoubleMint gum also wanted a pack of bite sized Snickers and a big package of Wurthers candies.

     Word of the Day: I've been inspired to learn a new word each day. Today's word is: Crepuscular. It means.... adjective: of, relating to, or resembling twilight; dim; indistinct.

     Gracie Update: She's acting a little unusual day. Tree trimmers came and she kinda freaked out.
     Diet Update: I'm really craving a Sonic #2, add hickory sauce with onion rings. Just sayin'.

Bill Robertson, (5/11/20,) I feel I gave a CREPUSCULAR description of my Drive In Church experience. Also, I'm a Big Red kind of guy and who in their right mind would eat Taf-E-Oca when there's perfectly good, Blue Bell Ice Cream sandwiches on Aisle 16? (third cooler from the end, on the left.)

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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...