Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #50

     My Apple Watch thinks I'm a slacker and Teresa's thinks it knows everything. Plus, this is planting day for sunflowers and lavender. And, today's blog marks an unfortunate milestone.
Sunflowers & Lavender/Windmill Ranch Preserve
     Today's important for two reasons. First, the soil's at a perfect 73-degrees for planting sunflowers. I'm just joking about the perfect soil temp stuff, but I have finally cleaned my flower beds enough to plant Sunspot Sunflowers and English Lavender.
     The above picture shows what we call the "Rail Bed" and the three dirt spots in the background are called the "Drive Way Bed." We also planted some English Lavender in another bed. The odds are very slim we'll get any results.
     Today's also important because it's one of my best friend from high school's birthday. I had two great friends in high school. They were Stephen Conner and Richard Olivier,Today is Richard's 58th birthday. I haven't seen nor spoken to Stevo since about 1995 and I haven't seen nor heard from Richard in years, except for a brief visit a couple years ago. We were indeed great friends at Episcopal High School in Baton Rouge and for a few more years later at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas. Stephen's family taught me to water ski and Richard and I got into a lot of trouble in those years, but most times we didn't get caught.😆😆
Smart Ass Watches
     If you have an Apple Watch, you'll get this.... Teresa's watch is stupid and I think mine is mocking me.
     My watch just informed me: "Congratulations! You just set a new exercise record of 23-minutes!" I think my watch is a smart ass.
     Teresa's watch likes to tell her: "At this time yesterday, you were further along. You could do better." The watch is so stupid, it doesn't know that sometimes Teresa puts on her watch at 8:00am. Other times, she doesn't put it on til around noon. So dummy..... Of course, yesterday was better! Score: Humans-1! AI- 0.😁
#50 is a Bummer
     I'm surprised and bummed that this is my 50th blog during C-19. That means for at least 50-days I've dedicated enough time to write about what Teresa and I are doing in a time that we'd usually have time to write about something else.
     Like so many of you, I'm waiting for the day that we can all write, talk and relate to something else.

     The Word of the Day is: NORMATIVE. It's an adjective that means: Establishing, relating to, or deriving from a standard or norm, especially of behavior. A helpful sentence might be: "We need to enforce negative sanction to enforce normative behavior."

     Gracie Update: We have a lot of frogs after last night's heavy rain. She's not too sure what to do. Also, we gotta cut off her water after about 6:00pm. She's woken up around 1:30am the past two nights needing to relieve herself.

     Diet Update: We've eaten so much lettuce that I actually have a favorite. That's big considering I never knew there was a difference.

Bill Robertson (5/16/20,) I'm keeping my watch because bullies need to be bucked!


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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...