Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-`19 #55

     Our garbage smells like a McDouble, it's hard to choose a cantaloupe in C-19, our sunflowers are literally bursting through the soil here at The Windmill Ranch Preserve and The Word of the Day is a real yawner.
McDouble Smelling Garbage
     I'm not kidding about our garbage. We'd gone to the ranch and when we returned home, I noticed a good smell right away, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
     Me: "Mmmm, house smells good."
     T: "I don't know what it'd be."
     A little bit later after letting Gracie out, the appetizing odor began to get more and more familiar. It was on the tip of my tongue. 😂😂😂
    Me: "I got it! Our garbage smells like a McDonald's McDouble!"
    T (after laughing at me and with me): "It must be the onions from last night's supper."
The Cantaloupe Test/United Supermarket, Snyder, TX
     Speaking of smells, the only way I know how to check that a cantaloupe is good and ripe is to smell it. But in this day of C-19 and the wearing of masks, who can or wants to smell a cantaloupe. Think about it. To get a good whiff, one has to put one's snout as close to the orange fruit as possible. If it smells cantaloupy, then it's ready. I wasn't about to my nose to anything in this New Normal. So, I walked out of the store with a cantaloupe that could be great, completely tasteless or somewhere in middle.
Sunflower Plots/Windmill Ranch

     I found my green thumb, at least when it comes to SunSpot Sunflowers. I wrote earlier about prepping our flower beds here at The Ranch. I did that. Then, I planted a total of seven patches of sunflowers. My last seeds went into mother nature on May 17th.
Sun Spot Sunflowers/Windmill Ranch
     Now, they're popping up and with gusto. The lil' sprouts are actually cracking the soil to push through to sunlight. It's a ways off til we have actual sunflowers. I'll keep you posted.

     The Word of the Day: SOMNANBULISM: It's a noun that means Sleep Walking. "She would have liked to wake up from her SONMNANBULISM to find herself back in bed."

     Gracie Update: Apparently, a skunk has found her food her at the ranch. We can smell it every morning we come to work. Now, we make sure to put the food bowl in the kitchen and empty Gracie's water.
     Diet Update: Our garbage just reminded me of a McDouble. It didn't tempt me to go get one. I guess that's progress.

Bill Robertson (5/23/20,) I also planted English Lavender from seed. The odds are NOT in my favor.

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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...