Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #56

     Online church has gotten smooth-real smooth, our pastor's message today saved me from dishing out a real ass chewing to a WRONG WAY shopper and who stayed behind to make all those Sunday, after church feasts that I remember so well?
Calvary Baptist Church Online/Snyder, Texas
     First thing our pastor said this morning for online church was, "Great job to our staff" and I couldn't agree more.
     Our church, Calvary Baptist in Snyder America (,) is taking online church to the next level. They're embracing it, accepting the challenge and delivering in spades. It's gone from kind of fundamental to absolutely seamless and sophisticated with great audio, smooth camera operation, graphics and more. The CBC team is a perfect example of a group taking a rotten situation, adapting and making it completely comfortable.
    Speaking of online church, the message today saved me from blistering a WRONG WAY SHOPPER on aisle six, the bottled water aisle. Here's how it all played out.

     1) I'm going the correct way down the aisle. It's the water aisle. We needed what we call 'coffee water,' the big one gallon jugs.
     2) I pass the greeting cards on the left and right and I can see there's a store pallet in front of me with more water to be put on the shelves.
     3) The pallet's blocking the aisle and near the end of the aisle. There's only one way around it that's to my right.
     4) Just as I get close to the pallet, a lady turns down the aisle, going the WRONG WAY!!!!! Here's the conversation I had with myself...

      Me: "Don't do it DUMMY!"
      Me again: "Don't you see the big red box with the white, one way arrow?"
      Me again: "I'm not moving."
      Me again: "Get ready to back up lady. I'm gonna let you have it. I might even bump your cart."

     Then, a voice came into my head. It was our pastor Matt Lowry. He said: "Give kindness and most times, you'll get kindness. Not always, but most times."
     Me: "Ah Matt... I wanna chew this idiot out!"
     Matt in my head: "Give kindness and most times, you'll get kindness."

     Bottom line is, Matt's voice in my head won out. The lady was saved everything from a lot of choice words to maybe even a cart bump. Still.... FOLLOW THE SIGNS & WEAR A MASK!!!
Teresa's Killer Chicken Spaghetti/Windmill Ranch Preserve

     Now to Sunday, after church lunch. Who stayed home and made it because I remember leaving church at noon and eating a big feast shortly after services. How's that possible?
Hot and Bubbly/Teresa's Killer Chicken Spaghetti
     Someone had to stay home to make the roast with potatoes, onions, slice the cantaloupe and make that weird pear and cottage cheese salad. I don't remember a delay from leaving the church house to sitting at the table. Church was over at 12:00. BAM! Lunch was at 12:30. Someone stayed home to make the feast. But who? Whoever you were, thank you.
     By the way, Teresa made her killer Chicken Spaghetti today. Her double secret ingredient is on Aisle 3, top shelf at United in Snyder.

     Word of the Day: MALFIC (Mel-ah-fick.) It means: Causing or capable of causing harm or destruction, especially by supernatural means. Sentence: "She was hypnotized by the spider's malefic eyes."

     Gracie Update: Worn out. Played nine before online church. I played, Teresa watched and Gracie ran and ran and ran.
     Diet Update: That Chicken Spaghetti will last a very long time considering our diet only allows us a two ounce portion. Anybody want some?

Bill Robertson (5/24/20,) The big message from today's service was be like Paul.... Reset your mind. You have supernatural powers to do so.


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