Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #64

    I'm full of hot air today, I'm an excellent label reader, I wonder if product placement in our stores leads to our country's growing waist lines and KUDOS to a pair of  progressive pastors in Snyder.
Windy & Hazy/Snyder, TX
     We had one of those really rattle my cage kind of days today in Snyder, America. The wind started blowing out of the north before the sun came up and the dirt came with it.The picture doesn't do it justice-not even a little bit.
     We get these days a lot in the spring when a dirty haze seems to hover. I guess June 9th is technically Spring, but it's definitely a late spring, hazy day. The thing is; the warm to hot haze seems to create a mood. At least, it creates a mood for me.
     I'll be honest. It gives me a headache. The headache makes me irritable. The irritability makes me snappy and no one likes a snappy kinda guy. The flip side is, it's only 85ish today. So if I take my normally joyful self, subtract  my irritability, but add back my comfortability it's what we'd call a PUSH in the game of Blackjack.
Reading Labels/Unsalted Peanuts
     Our new diet has me reading food labels and I'm getting very good at it. But, I'm wondering. Is it my imagination or is the healthier stuff only on the top and bottom shelves while the 'Bad for You' stuff is at eye level? Hmmm? Is it a conspiracy by Big Brother Food Producers (BBFPs) to fatten America? 😂😂 
     I had a craving for peanuts today at the store (Aisle 8/northside/east end, just before the jerky but after the Gardettos, of course walking east down the aisle.)  I wanted unsalted peanuts because sodium is bad. The whole section is nuts... Big ones, lil' ones, honey roasted, Siracha flavored. All I wanted was some unsalted peanuts. Guess where I found them. The absolute bottom row. I've lost 35 pounds as of this morning. There was a time, and not so long ago, that if I had to get on my knees to get anything edible I would have reached only for the middle (fatty) shelf and taken my chances. Conspiracy? Possibly.
Tony Wofford & Reid Johnson/W.I.L.D. Church & Colonial Hill
     Kudos to two Snyder Pastors. They took their online Sunday services and teamed-up to address the murder of George Floyd and the tidal wave of anger, but enlightenment sweeping across America. 
     Tony Wafford and Reid Johnson used their messages to deviate from probably a previously planned sermon to address the biggest, most out of control, absolutely necessary to talk about elephant in Snyder and the country's living room.
     Tony's (L) our city's Mayor and Pastor at The Word is Life Deliverance Church. Reid (R) is the Pastor at Colonial Hill Baptist Church. The two men held an open dialogue and opened up their hearts and positions for all to see. Kudos men. Thank you. Folks, it's very simple. It's called The Golden Rule. It's not brain surgery!

    Diet Update: 35-pounds!!!
    Gracie Update: I forgot to close her kennel or 'basket,' as grand-daughter Tillie calls it, today while T & I went to town. We came home and she was just laying in the living room. The 64-thousand dollar question is: What'd she do while we were gone? Did she check out the garbage? Did she drink out of the toilet? Did she go upstairs? We'll never know because right now, she's not talking.

Bill Robertson (6/09/20,) Advil fixed my headache, I felt good that I could get off my knees after hunting for the healthier peanuts and I walked away from Tony & Reid's message more hopeful than when I started Sunday. It's all about how we frame our day.

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Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...