Our plans to resume our bike riding hit a snag today. Eventually, we were able to saddle up and ride, but first we had to perform a small, surgical procedure.
But first, there is a lot of great information coming from all kinds of places to assist the small business owner.
Restaurant owners, check out https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-smart-guide-to-restaurant-takeout-11585653963
Businesses owned primarily by women, check out the grants being offered by Texas Women's University. The link is: https://twu.edu/
Small businesses needing help meeting payroll, check out the SBA link https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/disaster-assistance
And for all our locally owned Snyder & Scurry County businesses, please refer to the Development Corporation of Snyder. Executive Director Brooke Proctor and Administrative Assistant Michelle Welsh are ready and waiting to answer all you questions and relieve your concerns. The link is https://growsnyder.com/ The direct phone number is 325-573-1544.
Biking in WTX/Windmill Ranch, Snyder, TX |
T & I finally got our bikes up and running, but not without that small, surgical procedure. All our tires were flat or near flat. Everything was fine until one of Teresa's bike's tires wouldn't take any air..
So very slowly and very carefully, we removed what's called the Valve Core.
Yes. It's Upside Down/Surgical Tools |
Teresa: "You did that just like a surgeon Bill."
Me: "Yeah, the patient's okay. But, he woke up from all my cussing."
Teresa: "Still, it works."
Me: "Good job Dr. Robertson. Great surgery even though the patient woke up five times during the operation."
You've heard of the Food Channel. I call this the Food Craving Blog. I'm already a 'craver,' but this whacky diet has me really reachin'.
Sonic #2 w/ Hickory Sauce |
Here's a sample of my other cravings let me know if any sound good to you.....
-Joey K's Chicken Fried Steak (NOLA)https://joeyksrestaurant.com/
-Liuzza's Roast Beef Po-boy (NOLA) http://www.liuzzas.com/
-Mike Anderson's Seafood Platter https://mikeandersons.com/
-Runzas (Lincoln, NE) https://www.runza.com/
-Sally's Fried Chicken (Snyder America, 1966) https://ci.snyder.tx.us/
Always at the top of the list are: McDonald's #1, Burger King #1, Chili-Cheese Dogs with Fritos, meatloaf and Mac n Cheese (w/ A-1) and Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Oh yeah, I'm a nut for Ritz with very sharp cheddar cheese. And, I make a really good mini-muffaleta with chips, of course.
Gracie Update: She doesn't exactly know what to do with us riding bikes. She's used to us walking, but us riding bikes is new to her.
Diet Update: I'm down 26-pounds in six weeks(ish,) but hate it!!!!
Bill Robertson, I make a great turkey and American cheese grilled sandwich. I lacquer the bread with butter, preheat the turkey and add both mustard and ranch. Then, I cut the gooey concoction in half and serve it with Lays, Wavy chips and sometime a spicy pickle spear.