Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #17

     I won't eat a sandwich without chips. I once got out of bed at 1:00am to drive to the 7-11 at Carondolet and Napoleon in New Orleans just to buy Peanut M&Ms. And, I drizzle A-1 Steak Sauce over Kraft Mac n' Cheese and it's amazing!
     Our plans to resume our bike riding hit a snag today. Eventually, we were able to saddle up and ride, but first we had to perform a small, surgical procedure.
     But first, there is a lot of great information coming from all kinds of places to assist the small business owner.
     Restaurant owners, check out
     Businesses owned primarily by women, check out the grants being offered by Texas Women's University. The link is:
     Small businesses needing help meeting payroll, check out the SBA link
     And for all our locally owned Snyder & Scurry County businesses, please refer to the Development Corporation of Snyder. Executive Director Brooke Proctor and Administrative Assistant Michelle Welsh are ready and waiting to answer all you questions and relieve your concerns. The link is The direct phone number is 325-573-1544.
Biking in WTX/Windmill Ranch, Snyder, TX
     Now, Page Two.... Right about now, there may be some young people reading who are saying, "Wait! What! Where's page two?" If they're typing, they're probably not using that much punctuation.😂
     T & I finally got our bikes up and running, but not without that small, surgical procedure. All our tires were flat or near flat. Everything was fine until one of Teresa's bike's tires wouldn't take any air..
     So very slowly and very carefully, we removed what's called the Valve Core.
Yes. It's Upside Down/Surgical Tools
Believe it or not, I actually had the special tool for such extraction. It took a steady hand and a clear eye, but eventually the core came out, we cleaned it, refilled the tire and took off on a bike ride.
                               Teresa: "You did that just like a surgeon Bill."
                               Me: "Yeah, the patient's okay. But, he woke                                    up from all my cussing."
                               Teresa: "Still, it works."
                               Me: "Good job Dr. Robertson. Great surgery                                  even though the patient woke up five                                              times during the operation."
     You've heard of the Food Channel. I call this the Food Craving Blog. I'm already a 'craver,' but this whacky diet has me really reachin'.
Sonic #2 w/ Hickory Sauce
     Right now, I want a Sonic #2 add hickory sauce with tots, a coke and a small M&M shake. Right now!!

     Here's a sample of my other cravings let me know if any sound good to you.....
                               -Joey K's Chicken Fried Steak (NOLA)
                               -Liuzza's Roast Beef Po-boy (NOLA)
                               -Mike Anderson's Seafood Platter
                               -Runzas (Lincoln, NE)
                               -Sally's Fried Chicken (Snyder America, 1966)

     Always at the top of the list are: McDonald's #1, Burger King #1, Chili-Cheese Dogs with Fritos, meatloaf and Mac n Cheese (w/ A-1) and Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Oh yeah, I'm a nut for Ritz with very sharp cheddar cheese. And, I make a really good mini-muffaleta with chips, of course.

     Gracie Update: She doesn't exactly know what to do with us riding bikes. She's used to us walking, but us riding bikes is new to her.
     Diet Update: I'm down 26-pounds in six weeks(ish,) but hate it!!!!

Bill Robertson, I make a great turkey and American cheese grilled sandwich. I lacquer the bread with butter, preheat the turkey and add both mustard and ranch. Then, I cut the gooey concoction in half and serve it with Lays, Wavy chips and sometime a spicy pickle spear.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #16

     Necessity is the mother of invention, no one's eating their vegetables in Snyder except for me and Teresa and I want to be a Zoomologist when I grow up.
Our $1,000,000 Idea
     My last safety mask that I use when mowing in the West Texas wind recently bit the dust and like everywhere else, there are zero masks to be found in Snyder. First, I thought I'd use a tea towel. Then, I thought I'd use an old ranch bandana. Then came the epiphany! And of course, it was all Teresa's idea.
                               T: Cut up a white T-shirt
                               B: (Laughing) You just want me to cut up that                                     shirt you don't like
                               T: No. Seriously, cut it up. It'll work.
     She was right, but I'm taking the credit for perfecting the white T-shirt facemask. Just cutting it in half and trying to wrap it around my head didn't work. The trick is/was: Cut out the sleeve just an inch or two closer to the neck line. The result is, it fits over your head and it's snug to your nose. If I just gave away a million dollar idea, it wouldn't be the first time. Post Its.... who knew?😂
Eat Your Vegetables/Snyder, TX
     Snyder's main grocery store, probably like most others around the country, is running low on a lot of product, but not fruits and vegetables.
     The good news for us is we're on this whacky diet that's 10-parts really bad diet stuff, one part meat and then about five parts vegetables. The meat's been kind of tough to find, but we're eating ruffage like a herbivore.
Love Me Some Apples/Snyder, TX
     We're not getting to enjoy the fruits nor the potatoes because of too much sugar or starch. Personally, I'd like a Payday, Mr. Goodbar, Baby Ruth or a Snickers to satisfy my sugar fix. Sometimes, I even fall asleep thinking about Krispy Kreme. And as for the potatoes, it would be absolutely fantastic to take one of those big russets, bake it, chop it up and fill it with butter, bacon and cheddar cheese with a cheeseburger on the side just like Port O' Call on Esplanade in New Orleans. The good news is, I'm perfecting my baked cauliflower and asparagus. Soooooo good. 😡😡
     Next, do you know about Zoom? Apparently, it's the board room and business venue of the future and the future is now. It's FaceTime on Steroids.
     I attended my very first Zoom webinar the other day and now I'm hooked. We've actually created our own account. We have a tutorial with smarter, lil' sister Julia tomorrow. There are so many tabs to push that I'm pretty sure I can include the White House.
     Diet Update: So far, still good. Now, we're ramping up our exercise. We've been walking, but that means avoiding the cattle and their personal deposits. Now, we're breaking out the bikes.
Ride Sally Ride!/Windmill Ranch Preserve, TX
We bought these beauties after our Florida vacation with all intentions of shifting gears on our ranch roads. Uh, that didn't happen, but now we are bound and determined to ride again.
Gracie Update: She's sound asleep to my right, right now. She has done almost nothing today but still... she sleeps. Ahh, the dog's life.

Bill Robertson, I feel thin, but I'd probably punch ya if you tried to eat a Big Mac in my presence and try baking the cauliflower lacquered in spicy mustard. It doesn't suck.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #15

     We did something today that we've never done before, together or separately. I know we weren't the only ones. I bet we joined people from all over the world who had never done it before either. It was so much more than we expected or imagined. We went to OUR church home via the internet, the triple Ws… The World Wide Web.
Calvary Baptist Church/Snyder, TX
     Teresa and I had planned to go to Calvary Baptist on 35th Street today for the "Drive-In" service where we'd literally stay in our cars, tune our radios to a specific station and get our service while chilling in our vehicles. Turns out, our city/county is now in a Shelter in Place scenario so, we couldn't do that. But, that didn't stop Calvary and I'd wager a paycheck it didn't stop almost every church from Snyder, America to Timbuctoo.
Steve Highfield & Cody Voyles/Calvary Baptist, Snyder Tx
     I got the feeling that our church leaders said from the beginning of their planning, "This is different, but let's make it as usual as we can" and they did.
     That's Steve Highfield and Cody Voyles leading the worship music. Usually, Steve would have a group of singers and musicians in the background. Unfortunately, this scenario is the new normal. But, it worked! It worked in spades. It was almost more poignant than the old normal.
The New Normal/Windmill Ranch Preserve, Snyder TX
     The new normal for Teresa and me was figuring out the technology to watch. We had all of our devices going. We were watching the big screen, but the phone was on standby and the tablet was substitute for the laptop's display. I doubt city folks had to do it this way, but when you're in the country, and a big bird flying in front of your satellite can mess with your signal, this is how we do things in the country at The Windmill Ranch in Snyder, America.
     Our preacher is a very happy, reassuring young man named Matt Lowry. He jumped right in like he usually does, right after the music.
Matt Lowry, Pastor Calvary Baptist Church
     After a few corny, but exactly what we all needed jokes, Matt began his message of "When Life Throws You a Curveball." And boy oh boy, are we all at the plate and facing a curveball?
     Matt took his message from Matt 1:18-25. That's about what Joseph faced when Mary said, "Hey, I love you but ah... we need to talk." Joseph didn't freak out. He didn't run for the hills and he didn't give up. Matt's three points were: When Life Throws You a Curveball:

                                         -Don't Act on Impulse (Fear sees crisis. Faith sees opportunity)
                                         -Face your fear, worry or anger
                                         -Obey GOD's prompting

     Teresa went to the restroom during the service, which she'd ABSOLUTELY NEVER do in the old normal. I got up and smoked, twice... which I would do but can't do inside a church. And, we stood up and sang when Steve and Cody wrapped up the service with the hymn: How Great is our God.

Gracie & Diet Update: Not right now.

Bill Robertson, Take that curveball and hit it out of the park!!!


Gracie and Me: Covid -19 #14

     "You don't know what you don't know." I love that expression. It doesn't mean you're stupid. It means you're ignorant, which is completely different.
     FYI, this blog has absolutely zero to do with Covid-19, except a nod to toilet paper. But, that's for later paragraphs.
      No. This blog is about what we know and don't know about something we use everyday. I'm speaking of a place for relief, enlightenment, odorous infestation and sometimes even a place just to escape reality. I'm talking about the home toilet.
Toilet, John, Throne or Crapper?
     Call it what you will... The toilet, the Commode, the Potty, the John, the Throne, the Head and yes... even the Crapper. How much do we really know about are most personal, home luxury? Teresa and I realized we know nothing or practically nothing.
     For example: Did you know that an Englishman named Harrington invented the toilet in the 16th century, but it was Thomas CRAPPER who made all kinds of advancements including improvements to the Ballcock and believe it or not that's a real plumbing thing. I don't care who you are, that's funny.😆
     So why our fascination with the Potty? Well, we're trying to build a home and to save money we're advised to buy our own fixtures. Who knew that fixtures included buying toilets?
     Did you know any of the following about selecting a toilet? We sure didn't!😂
Standard vs Chair Heighth

     -What color? C'mon? Really? It's not 1975. Avocado is not an option.
     -One piece or two piece? Huh? I dunno.
     -Price range? That was pretty easy. I'm cheap.
     -Style? Did you know you can get a Mid-Century Modern Toilet? I looked 'em up. Thank goodness it's mid 20th century. I'm pretty mid 19th century or before wouldn't be big sellers, but, I'd bet they'd be cheap. Seriously, how much can you charge for an Out House?
     -Brand? Aren't they all the same?
     -Bowl Type? We had to Google this. The choices are: Compact Elongated, Elongated and Round. Apparently, Elongated is good for bigger people, but young children need round. Seriously, there's been real research on this.
     -Toilet Bowl Height to Rim? This is really a decent question. Think about it. Do want your knees under your chin and a little extra room? The choices are Standard or Chair. I promise. Pick Chair!
Left, Right or Center Pull?

    Believe it or not, those are only half the questions. Funny enough, the big question for us was 'on what side did we want the flushing lever'? I don't care, but Teresa's left handed. So, our toilets will all flush on Left Front or Left Side.
    So, that's been our Saturday, looking at places to poop. So whether it's the commode, toilet, john, throne or crapper, I suppose we all should give a nod of thanks to Mr. Harrington or Mr. Crapper (that's still funny😁) when, more than likely, we're deep in thought.

     Gracie Update: All good. Happy as a clam. Napping. A lot!
     Diet Update: Hovering around 20-lbs weight loss, but this would've been a great day for Chili Dogs with mustard, onions and Fritos on the side. Yesterday and tomorrow would be good too.

Bill Robertson, We have enough toilet paper for now but if we get the white, elongated, chair height bowl with the extra suction we could go through it real fast.

Gracie and Me; Covid 19 #13

     I asked someone today if they had time to take a look at an idea I had. They said, "I got nothing but time." The poignant question is, "Do you? Do you really?" The less serious inquiry is, so what are you doing with it.
     Me and Teresa? Hmmm, we're maintaining. We're isolating like so many. And for me at least, I'm daydreaming.
Windmill Ranch Preserve/Snyder, Texas
We're maintaining the Windmill Ranch. I tell people we're glorified innkeepers. We fight off everything from snakes, bees, wasps and some kind of weird circle looking bug to the West Texas dust that can cover everything within minutes. It's not brain surgery.👀
Chicken Express/Snyder, Texas
     I've written in most these blogs about our diet, including my addendum written below. It's absolutely miserable, but it works.
     Eating food, talking about food, seeing food or smelling food is a real thing for me. Just today, we were at the drive through at our bank. I noticed Mart and Carmen Wampler eating in their vehicle outside a popular chicken restaurant. I could almost smell the fried bird while just taking this picture.
I told them my plight.
                   Me: Hi. I'm Bill. I'm writing a blog during these times. Mind if I take your picture? I'm also on a diet and I really like fried chicken.
                   Mart Wampler: (laughing) No go ahead.
                   Me: Are you having the rolls or the biscuits?
                   Mart: The rolls
         Chicken Express has good chicken, but don't miss their rolls. Grand daughter Halli gave us the 411 on them.
Daydream #1/Snyder, Texas
      We get a lot of requests to re-open our Big Apple Deli. The flattery is very flattering, but I'm pretty sure we'll never get back into that business, at least as the on sight operators. But..... but... I sure daydream about creating a restaurant. I just don't want to run it and try to sleep every night with all the headaches that come with it. But, I do daydream.
      Daydream #1 is this old warehouse at the corner of Avenue T and 22nd street. Just up the road is Mrs. Goodwin's house. She makes the best old school, soda biscuits.. The hard kind. They're so thin, you put the butter on top.
      In this daydream, I take the old warehouse, gut the inside but leave the outside almost untouched. The back opens to a grove of trees along our Deep Creek. The inside would be funky rustic. The menu would include good West Texas food with a healthy dose of healthy food as that's the thing these days. Our specialty would be either a fried catfish plate (Snyder loves fish) or a chicken fried steak (Texas loves chicken fried steak.) Also, we'd make the best salads in West Texas. No liquor. We'd serve beer and wine only and have a two drink limit, just like Luigi's, the most popular Italian eatery in Midland.
Daydream #2/Snyder, Texas
     Daydream #2 is this old fire station that's only one block from the downtown square. This might be my Chicken House.
     I'd get one of those big doors operational, but leave the other as just a bunch of windows. The big door would be up or down pending the weather.
     I think you'd walk in and sit down. Immediately, you'd get a basket of Mrs. Goodwin's biscuits with fun butters and jams. Then, it's a help yourself atmosphere. First, a simple salad for your table would be ready and waiting at a central counter. Then, you or someone in your party would be responsible for bringing the chicken and sides to the table. Desserts would be off the charts. Again, we'd have beer and wine, but only a two drink limit.

     Gracie update: She rolled in cow manure today. She's banished from anything inside... kind of.
     Diet update: Maintaining. Lost 22-lbs so far. Teresa's lost more.

Bill Robertson, Texas Monthly says the best chicken fried steak in Texas is at Mary's in Strawn. That's about 2-hrs from Snyder. One and a half if we drive fast.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #12

     If I were writing a news release reflecting my community's response to Covid-19, I'd start with personal bullet points that in order range from the most severe/necessary information to the least. The last item or two would be more light hearted to always sign off with hope.

     By the way, it's a news release NOT a press release because the information being delivered is for more than the press media.
                                              -Scurry County Covid-19 Update
                                              -Scurry County Response & Action Plan
                                              -City of Snyder Response
                                              -Development Corporation of Snyder Response
                                              -Volunteer Services
                                              -Ireland, Gracie & Diet (Obviously, not necessary😂)

Scurry County Newser
     First of all, our county leaders held a news conference this afternoon informing us of two very important things: 1) There are no cases of Covid 19 in Scurry County and 2) as of 11:59pm tomorrow (Friday,) our county is under a Shelter in Place order. I don't have a problem with that because I know these people issuing the order and I trust them.
     The man in the middle, in the light colored shirt, is our Judge, Dan Hicks. I know Dan. This is his first term. He's a former cop and city ordinance officer. He's a white hat wearing type of guy.
     The man to his right is Dr. Bid Cooper. Back in our deli days, he'd call in and order two Rueben sandwiches. I know him. The gentleman to Dan's left is our school superintendent, Dr. Bland. Believe me, he's got our community's best interest at heart. The woman in front left runs our hospital. She's married to Squatty. Her name is Ella Rae Helms and she's fantastic. The men in back are left to right,Fire Chief  Perry Westmoreland and Mayor Tony Wofford. They're all very good people and I trust them.
     Our city government has already posted it's Emergency Declaration. The city and county's policies are similar and both are progressive and well thought out.
Brooke Proctor, DCOS/Snyder, TX
     The Development Corporation of Snyder, which is charged with bringing business to town, is now in helping existing businesses stay in business. Brooke Proctor is the executive director. Her responsibility now is delivering crucial updates so businesses know where to turn for help. She's posting a "Business Minute" daily to give our local businesses all the news they may need to stay afloat.
Snyder Chamber Staff/Snyder, TX
      Volunteerism is alive and well in Snyder, America like so many other cities, towns and villages across the world. The beauty of living in rural America is the wonderful volunteers are not anonymous people. They're friends and neighbors and we know them. We know their families. We know their children. We know their back story.
     I walked into our local grocery store, United Market, this morning and met this smiling group. They are our Chamber of Commerce staff. From left to right, that's Josh, Summer, Sandra and Linda. They're giving their time to sanitize grocery carts, specifically on Mondays and Thursdays in the morning hours which coincide with United's senior shopping hours. They're definitely NOT six feet apart, but they were before I asked for this picture.
     Our Senior Center with United is delivering groceries Monday-Friday to Seniors. They couldn't do that without a battalion of unselfish people. Thank you!
Not Spring Yet/Scurry Co. Texas
       To the lighter side, spring has sprung. Or has it? Don't trust this wave of warmer weather. I've seen ants, but not Scissortails nor mesquites blooming yet. Those are two tried and true Old Wives Tales that indicate spring is here.
     This big tree is Old Trusty. Once it pops out, spring is here. But right now, it's not doing anything nor are the smaller mesquites.
Ireland or Texas/Scurry Co. Texas

      You'd never guess it wasn't spring yet judging by all the green we have out here at The Windmill Ranch Preserve.
      I've never been, but all this green grass has me thinking of all the Ireland stuff that I've seen in the movies or on TV. The cut grass smells good too.

     Gracie Update: She wallowed in a mud puddle this morning on our walk. She's been outside ever since.
     Diet Update: I saw a commercial that Jersey Mike's is offering 50% off all sub orders when ordering through their app. That news chaps my fanny for two reasons... 1) The Italian Sub Mike's Way is not on our diet and 2) We don't have a Jersey Mike's.

Bill Robertson, having chicken tonight.




Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #11

     The word TIMES is getting bandied about a lot these days. Scary times, uncertain times, challenging times, etc, etc. Covid-19 certainly merits all those descriptions, but also a question. How are you spending your time in this time of quarantine, isolation or self-preservation or whatever you choose to call these TIMES?
     Before I write anymore, this benign question DOES NOT APPLY to those on the front lines ranging from medical teams to grocery store personnel. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say YOUR TIME IS CRITICAL to our time in the future. I'm talking about the rest of us who aren't exactly performing brain surgery.. The regular folk in this irregular time. How are you spending your time and more precisely what are you binging on TV?
     For me, watching sports has always been a mindless passion... specifically watching golf. I'm a golf fanatic. There was a time when, if I wasn't playing golf then I was practicing golf. If I wasn't practicing then I was watching golf. If I wasn't watching golf then I was watching the GOLF channel. And, if I wasn't watching the GOLF channel then I was watching a golf related program or movie.
     The rub now is, all the golf programming is a rerun. I already know who won.    
      Teresa and I are Netflix, Prime TV & Disney+ newbies. We didn't even know we had to have a Smart TV to access these streaming services. But now, we got 'em and we're gettin' our money's worth.
     T's a big Grey's fan as in Grey's Anatomy so we gotta watch that. My favorite character is/was George, but they killed him off in Season three. Richard's pretty good too. Of course, Miranda Bailey's always fun. Grey herself is a whiner. And McDreamy is a brilliant brain surgeon. Oh and Karev… anybody remember him from The Wedding Planner and the male bonding? But, I don't watch Grey's as intently as Teresa.
       My favorite show now is Outlander, the story that crosses back and forth from the 20th century to the 18th century and back again. The Scottish accents are so thick, we activate the subtitles just to understand the dialogue.
     Time travel might be fun in moderation. I wouldn't go forward, ignorance is indeed bliss, but going back is interesting to me.
     First, I'd replay just one high school football game in 1979. I was our school's quarterback and I ran for my life every Friday night. Wouldn't it be fun to be 17-years old with a 57-year-old's football savvy? I think so.
     After that, imagine all the people you could meet. I think I'd like to visit with Wyatt Earp. I know I'd like to interview Abraham Lincoln. It'd be fun to see a jousting tournament, but I don't want the cats meat or hot wine (that's a line from Knight's Tale with Heath Ledger.) What if you could go way, way back and walk with Jesus and his disciples? What if you were one of the five thousand? And for the sake of relevancy, how about a couple days with Noah?
     I'm pretty sure there would have to be certain rules so you didn't interrupt history in the making. I wonder how hard it would be to abide by those regulations. 

     Gracie Update: Bored, bored and bored, but good. Actually, she's gettin' kinda fluffy. 

     Diet Update: We're not getting kinda fluffy. The diet food without taste is really paying off. Tonight, we're having a one real meal. We're having Eric's Salad from Pour House Dallas or PHD. I don't do the Thousand Island dressing, but T says if you do,,, it tastes a lot like a Big Mac... my fav.

Bill Robertson, Check out Outlander, but beware because it's pretty racy.


Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #10

          I've used a dime to screw in more things than I can count. I did it because I didn't have the right tool. I'd either lost the tool, forgotten the tool and just didn't have the tool. Come to think of it, the previous statement is pretty much a metaphor for my mechanical aptitude or lack of it. I better get the right tools because we're building our forever home. The good news is Cody Wall's our contractor and he's the kid who rebuilt a lawnmower when he was a toddler.
The Right Equipment/Windmill Ranch Preserve

     Spring has sprung and the Windmill Ranch Preserve near Snyder, America is absolutely sprouting. If it has a root, it's growing. We're definitely in mowing season.
     The great news is all of our equipment actually works. Really, it's a big surprise but I guess it shouldn't be. I think I've finally learned that if I take care of something then there's a pretty good chance that it might last more than just a couple months.
Mowing Season/Windmill Ranch Preserve

     The John Deere has a perpetual flat but otherwise the battery's good, the fluids are good and the fuel is good. It started right up!
     We had a little more trouble with the riding lawnmower. The battery was dead, but not kaput. A quick charge and a quick prayer had it running like a top. The biggest surprise probably was the weed eater. Good grief! It's always a pain, no matter the occasion, but after sitting idle for about six-months with old fuel, I was expecting a big headache. But, it zinged into action on just the third pull.
     The lesson grasshopper is.... Take care of your stuff and keep your stuff in a good place and odds are good that you'll be mowing again. And, I was. The ranch looks like Ireland right now... Green, green and green!
Cody Wall/Wall Construction-Ira,TX

     We are building our 'forever home,' despite Covid-19. The word from the financial folks is all good.
     From the start, one of the biggest reassurances has been that Teresa's son, Cody, agreed to build our home. I'm not exactly sure how to brag about Cody. He's thorough, honest, incredibly hard working and a perfectionist. If that's not enough, he was the little boy, who when his grandfather turned his back, he rebuilt a lawn mower.
Forever Home/9825 CR 242

     The work's going slow probably because of the current chaos, but today was a minimal milestone. The electric company set our poles and set up our transformer. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it's progress. This picture shows my favorite part of our entrance. The tree's in the middle of our driveway. Pretty cool, huh?

     Gracie update: She's exhausted. She ran everywhere we went on the ranch today to get our equipment running. If she wasn't running, she was jumping in and out of the old, white ranch truck.

     Diet update: We're both back to pre-weekend cheating weight. Still, it's such a bummer to see more vegetables on the dinner plate than meat and potatoes.

Bill Robertson, The weedeater's alive and well and about to get a serious workout!

Gracie and Me: Covid 19 #9

     Scary times and scary weather today in Snyder, America! The good news is the city, county, hospital, emergency services and schools are taking a very impressive proactive approach to dealing with Covid-19. One thing that appears unavoidable though is, we need to go high tech or go home if we want to stay in business.
Snyder on Avon/Scurry Co., Texas

     This morning, we looked more like London than West Texas. The fog set in before 6:00 and by 8:00ish or so the visibility got even worse. Teresa and I took this picture after an early morning run to the grocery store.
     That's our driveway in front of us and out there, some where is our house. I bet the distance from the front of our trusty Kia to our front door is within throwing distance. Not mine necessarily but an easy toss for the best quarterback in the universe... Drew Brees.  To make matters even more unusual, the thick fog didn't clear till around noon. Now, it's around 3:30pm and it's a beautiful day, but definitely snakey weather.

     I don't know how much luck anyone, anywhere is having staying ahead of this new normal, but here in Scurry County it's sure not for a lack of trying.
     A one stop shopping and all things local regarding Covid-19 is up and running on the Snyder Independent School District website. The page has the latest local updates, the most frequently asked questions and the plans for keeping pace with the chaos. Kudos to organizers and our local officials.
Snyder Downtown Merchants/Snyder, Texas

     There's no question that Covid-19 is affecting our economy, locally, nationally and globally. So what should we do? What should small business do? What about the workers who work at work and can't work from home? What about all the restaurants, bars and tourism related businesses? Did you know a recent study shows one in 10 jobs in the United States is somehow connected to tourism?
     The short answer is... Go high tech or go home! In a webinar today, "Coronavirus, 10-Impacts on the Economic Development Profession, Antalio Ubalde, CEO of SizeUp shared his expertise.
     Ubalde said the businesses with the greatest chance of survival going forward will be businesses, small and large, that wholeheartedly invest in the 21st century and all technology has to offer. He said, a teleconference or webinar is the new board meeting.
     Ubalde says groups like Snyder's Downtown Merchants Association have a good head start. Long before any of us heard about Coronavirus, the merchants began aggressively selling and communicating through their own Facebook group. He didn't mince words, Go high tech or go home.

     Gracie update: She's good. Her latest habit is tearing strips off the cedar posts we have outlining our flower beds. Then, she takes them to the front door and rips them into shreds.

     Diet update: Weekend cheating (pizza, Ritz, cheese) equals four pounds back on my svelte like bod.😉😉

Bill Robertson, I'm craving a #2 with hickory sauce and tots at Sonic, home of great ice!


Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #8

          The Covid-19 chaos is really messing with my head. I blame the unprecedented, completely unusual and unexpected notifications bombarding us almost 24/7. Still, there is some completely routine stuff out there that, if we stop long enough, proves itself practically perfect in every way.
The Unexpected/Snyder TX

     I'm going to blame the media for my recent, couple of mental lapses. I've become so caught up in the daily briefings and ceaseless bad news that I feel I've lost my touch with reality. Just last night, I woke up around 4:30am wondering... Is it early Sunday morning or early Monday morning? Then just hours ago, Teresa and I drove past Marianne's house. Marianne's out of town visiting grandkids. A friend does the driving. So, she leaves her car at home. But, here's what happened.

     Me: "Where's mom's car?"
     Teresa: "What?! I ah.... Oh yeah, it's at the shop. We gotta go get it."
     Me: "I completely spaced on that."
     Teresa: "Let's get it tomorrow."
     Me: "Geez, I'm losing my marbles."

     We took the car in for an oil change and to fix a broken rear tail-light. I knew M would be gone for a bit. So, I told 'em at the shop… "I'll come back for it later." Later was about six days ago.
Lone Oak/South of Snyder, TX

     There is relief from the bad and sad and maybe it's just outside your front door. T & I found a couple pretty good examples just while taking a Sunday drive today.
     First, look at this solitary, big oak tree in our land of mesquites. It's almost perfectly round. I've driven by it many times and always slowed to appreciate it. It's kind of crazy how today on a cloudy, gloomy day, just like our times, that this big tree that still rises above all else in a pasture of winter wheat. I suspect most folks in our area know where it is, but if you don't... Head south from Snyder on Round Top Road, go past the Calley place on the east side, keep going past Round Top Acres on the west, past the Hickman place on the west until you almost get to FM 1606. The big tree's on the west side of the road, by itself and rising above a green pasture.
Snyder Texas

     Next, we came back through town and just began driving the neighborhoods when we spotted this PRAY sign.
     This used to be the Hatfield house. I'm not sure who lives here now, but their sign caught our eye. We were headed the other direction, but whipped around to take this picture. We noticed other neighbors had Christmas lights ready and waiting for darkness to show their family's signs of hope.

     Snyder's a small(ish) community bound by folks who  know each other. I don't mean we know each other in the sense that we recognize someone.
Snyder Sharing and Caring FB page
     I mean that not only do we know each other, but also we know their family tree. Subsequently, we care about each other.
     Please join the Snyder Caring and Sharing Facebook page. Simply put, if something's available, wait and watch.

Diet update: We cheated on our diet this weekend and immediately saw the consequences. But, it was worth it!

Gracie update: We changed her food and SHE LOVES IT. Gotta wonder what's in it.

Bill Robertson, We're switching back and forth between a golf rerun and a Triple-D rerun. It's a whole lot easier to watch golf.





Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #7

     EXTRA! EXTRA! The Festus and Fife blows it again. Tillie loves her Baby Shark. And, what's the real Golden Ticket? Is it T-P or P-T? You'll have your chance to vote coming up.
My New Normal
     But first, I have a new normal to report. All this week, I got out of bed in the dark and early, showered and dressed of course so I could beat the crowds to the grocery store. Today was my earliest dash for just about anything left on the shelves.
     The sad part is, a lot of other people have a new normal and it's just like my new normal. I got to the store and there was already a line in the checkout. All water, toilet paper and meat was still long gone. As another shopper on aisle five said, "You sure can tell what people don't like."

     I wrote yesterday about a mystery that had the world famous team at the Festus and Fife Detective agency dusting off their fedoras and getting their trench coats out of mothballs.
CR 242/Scurry Co., TX
     We had a mystery vehicle, an H2 Hummer to be exact, cruising our country road. My neighbor reported the silver SUV driving up and down our road not once, not twice but three evenings in a row. The driver didn't show on the fourth night, but returned on the fifth. That's when we got the following message: "The Hummer is back."
     The neighbor pursued and got the license plate number. First, we called the sheriff who dispatched a deputy. Then, we hopped in Big Red, our old red chevy truck and picked up the surveillance.
     The first thing to note is, we drive a red truck and our neighbor drives a very similar red truck. We wondered if the mystery man at the wheel thought he was seeing double. The second thing to note and what should've been a sure sign that the FFDA was wrong again was..... The driver actually waved to us as we crossed paths.
     In the end, the sheriff called. His deputy pulled over the driver. He was a local oilfield worker from Missouri out on an evening country drive with his young son, who'd probably been cooped up all day since schools are closed.
     So, not only did the FFDA strike out again, but also we probably caused trauma to the child who's already very scared by the Covid-19 emergency and then watched his dad get pulled over by the cops.
     It's our granddaughter Tillie's third birthday today and she got her Baby Shark Bike with training wheels. The word from mom is SHE LOVES IT!
The Golden Ticket/T-P vs P-T?
     And now the GOLDEN TICKET debate. Here's the question: What's the real Golden Ticket? Is it toilet paper or paper towels? Sounds like a trick question, right? Well, think about this... We gotta have T-P, but you can't clean with T-P. Even the really good stuff falls apart once it gets saturated in bleach water. But PAPER TOWELS, now we're talking. Of course, a paper towel picks up spills, works good as a cleaning cloth and holds up relatively well and long to saturation. But the real reason the PAPER TOWEL is the GOLDEN TICKET  is because it can double as not even the worst toilet paper. Thoughts? Post 'em below or on this FB page.

     Gracie Update: Our sweet Heinz 57 dog has some unusual eating habits. Sometimes, she'll eat alone. Sometimes, she won't eat at all unless we wait and watch. As per Teresa's suggestion, I got her some new food today. I'll keep ya posted.

     Diet Update: Still losing a pound here and a pound there and feeling thinner. My good, old friend Rich Marvin from Episcopal High School in Baton Rouge, LA says he's lost a whopping three pounds thanks to his wife's new, Vegan diet. Knowing how much Rich likes meat, his weight loss is probably like mine.... We simply don't like the diet food.

Bill Robertson, Fridays are our diet cheating today. Bring on the carbs!!!


Gracie and Me; Covid-19 #6

     The Festus & Fife Detective Agency is back in business. Covid-19 can't stop a good country mystery.(pic)
     Teresa is Festus and I'm Fife and on the side... we like to try to solve mysteries whether they're about mystery lights on the ranch at night or, in our latest case, a mystery vehicle traveling our county road.
     There's one very important point to tell you about our FFDA. Simply put, we are ALWAYS wrong. Still, we like to try.
CR 242/Scurry Co. TX
     First, we got the facts. A neighbor, a white male in his mid-20s, 165-190 pounds and a big white dog, who we'll keep mostly  anonymous told us: The vehicle's a silver, H2 Hummer. The SUV's driver goes past our Windmill Ranch gate and then turns around about a mile down the road.  The neighbor told us, the drive-by happened the past three nights, each time around 19:30 (that's 7:30pm.)
     Recon isn't our strong suit. We normally just bat around a few 'what ifs,' think we solved the mystery and then realize we're completely wrong.
Windmill Ranch Preserve/Scurry Co. TX
     But this time, we hatched a plan. First, we'd wait just inside the gate. We'd let the Hummer go west, turn around and when it passed our gate again we'd exit and casually get behind the vehicle to get the license plate number. At the time, we thought it was a great idea.
     Well... First, we were too close to the gate. So, we backed up. Then, I ran over a little, mesquite tree so I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have a flat. Finally, we found a spot and it started to rain. In the end, there was no Hummer. In fact, there was no one. So like usual for our budding detective firm, we got nothing. But, we're good with that.
Betty Elam/Snyder, TX
     Next, we met Betty and she gave us her paper towels. There were only three packages of paper towels in all of Snyder this morning. There are zero packages tonight. But thanks to Mrs. Betty Elam this morning we walked away from CVS with the golden ticket. Here's what happened at the register.

     Me: "Is that all the paper towels."
     Mrs. Elam: "Yep. I got the last of it. And don't go to Walmart or United. They don't have any."
     Me: "I know."
     Mrs. Elam: "Do you need some?"
     Me and Teresa: "Uh, no ma'am. If you need 'em, you take 'em."
     Mrs. Elam: "I don't know if they'll let me. I may be over my limit. Will ya sell 'em to me," she asked the young woman at the register.
     Young Woman at the Register: "That's up to you ma'am."
     Mrs. Elam: "Y'all take 'em. You can have my paper towels, but YOU CAN'T HAVE MY TOILET PAPER!!"
The Golden Ticket

     So, we paid $9.69 for a package of six paper towel rolls. But the lady in the great, green t-short and sense of humor, we now have paper towels for a few days. Thank you Mrs. Elam.

     Gracie update: Gracie's off her feed. Teresa's convinced we need to give her a variety.
     T: "How would you like to eat the same thing every night.".
     Me: "She's a dog. An animal."
     T: "Still."
      I bet Gracie gets something with chicken tomorrow.

     Diet update: I'm down another pound. Tonight, we're having Swai (catfish) stuffed with spinach Madeleine (Mrs. Olivier's recipe) and blanched asparagus with cracked peppers & lemon. I know it sounds good, but I used fancy words. I'd rather have a Whopper with pickles, onions and heavy mustard and fries with some of Burger King's fancy sauce. Then after awhile, I'd like a brownie topped with Blue Bell's Homemade Vanilla.

Bill Robertson, Thanks Mrs. Elam. The direct line for the FFDA is: 1-800-ONE-BULLET

Gracie and Me, Covid-19 #5

     Covid 19 can't stop time. The Coronavirus, no matter how serious and scary, can't stop birthdays and anniversaries.
     Today (3/18) is my step-son Cody's 34th. Tomorrow is his wedding anniversary to Kayci. And the day after tomorrow (3/20) is their daughter's birthday, my granddaughter.... Tillie Ann Wall. She'll be three years old and she wants a bike and not just any bike.
The Baby Shark
     Tillie's asked for the yellow, Baby Shark bicycle with training wheels she saw while shopping with her mom at Walmart.
     At first, we didn't know if were looking at the right bike. There were a lot of them, but none said the two most important words: Baby Shark. We spotted it high up on the bike rack. I couldn't understand how a three year old could look up so high and spot her birthday wish. But, we would learn, thanks to a nice Walmart lady.

     Here's how it played out...
     Me:" I'm sorry to ask but can you get that yellow bike up at the top?"
     Nice Walmart Lady: "Don't be sorry. That's what I do. I'll be right back. I gotta grab the ladder."
     Well, 'right back' wasn't exactly 'right back.' So, I had time to text Kayci the above picture. I added to the text, "Is this the right bike?" We didn't have to wait for Kayci to reply before we got absolute confirmation from the nice Walmart lady.

     Nice Walmart Lady: "Okay. You want the yellow, Baby Shark, right?"
     Me: "Yes. Please."
     Nice Walmart Lady: "Does someone have a birthday coming up? There was a little girl in the store the other day with her mom and she REALLY wanted that bike."
     Me: "Was she a little blonde headed girl?"
     Nice Walmart Lady: "Yep."
     Me: "That'd be Tillie! How'd that go for you?"
     Nice Walmart Lady: "She REALLY wanted that bike."

     Viola! Confirmation! Turns out Tillie had seen the Baby Shark when the store had it on display at ground level. So, I'm happy to report that she wasn't just wondering around Walmart and staring up at the ceiling.
The Baby Shark
     We took the yellow bike back to our house for safe keeping until Tillie's big day, but not before another Walmart helper filled me in on the Baby Shark craze.
     Turns out that Baby Shark is a very popular kids program with apparently lots of merchandizing that goes with it.

     Me: "I didn't know that," I told the helpers.
     The Nice Walmart Lady: "Oh yeah. My daughter loves 'em. She has all their stuff. She plays the song all day long."
     Me: "There's a song? Didn't know that."
    Other Walmart Helper: "It doesn't come with the bike."
                                                             Me: "Thank goodness."

     So back off Covid-19! Tillie's getting her bike and you can't shut down time. Don't worry. We're not ruining her surprise by writing about it. She can't read.

     Diet Update: I'm down 19-pounds as of this morning. Teresa's down even more. Still, it's tough. Today, I can't get a chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes and gravy and push peas out of my head.

     Gracie Update: I'm pretty sure she's bored. She had to go out this morning at 4:00. When I called her back, she definitely wasn't ready to get back in her kennel or basket as Tillie calls it.

Bill Robertson, Ride Tillie Ride!

Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...