Bill Robertson. I'm the old one on the right. Those are my boys, Jack & Joe. I love 'em more than they can count.

Gracie and Me: Covid 19 #43

     I sure hope the bird in the pavilion doesn't poop on me and I'm smokin' chicken tonight and prepping some fantastic looking Ribs for tomorrow. Tonight's the night to give the ribs a good lacquer.
Bird in the Pavilion/Windmill Ranch Preserve
     I can't tell you how many times birds have crashed into our pavilion windows. Unfortunately for many, they have not survived. Clear glass at a whopping speed is apparently very bad for a bird's neck. They hit and then die dead as my Uncle Jimmie would say.
Good Girl/Windmill Ranch Preserve
     But in our 13-years of operation, I do not remember a single bird entering the pavilion until last night. Teresa was standing at the door leading to the breezeway between the pavilion and the kitchen. We were just about to leave to go home. And then all of a sudden, whoosh!
      T: "There's a bird!"
      Me: "What? Where?"
      T: "Right there."
      Me: "Get a broom."
      T: "What for?
      Me: "We can push it out."
                                                               T: "Huh?"

     Well, the broom idea didn't work. We left the door open for awhile all the while thinking the bird would see its escape route, but it never did.
     This morning, "She" as we're calling her because T calls all animals "She" was still in the pavilion. She pooped on the piano, but no where else. I opened a back window and we're pretty sure she pulled a Clarence Anglin, John Anglin or Frank Morris minus the inflatable raft. Hmmmmm, who? I bet you're saying.
Smokin'/Windmill Ranch Preserve
     I can't say I'm enjoying anything about the C-19 situation. But, I will admit the chaos and uncertainty has us thinking about the next few hours. Of course, I'm talking about cooking.
Pork Loin Ribs/Ready & Waiting, Windmill Ranch Preserve
     I eat according to my cravings. Subsequently, I'm at the grocery store every day, but not so much these days. I'm smokin' chicken thighs tonight and I'm prepping Pork Loin Ribs for tomorrow. I also had to buy a bunch of vegetables to abide by our diet. So tonight, we're having one chicken thigh with enough veggies to choke a rabbit. Tomorrow night, we're having one rib with a lot more veggies to choke the first rabbit and HER family.

     Gracie Update: She almost got T-Boned by a little deer today. T & she were bike riding. Of course Gracie wasn't riding a bike. A deer ran across their path. Then all of a sudden, another deer raced off and almost crashed into Gracie. G gave chase, but she was no match for wild, scared mother nature.
     Diet Update: Suffice it to day that Bleu Cheese is not a diet friendly salad dressing. Bummer.

Bill Robertson (4/30/20,) We took Gracie to town today. She jumped out each time we parked the truck. She's not going back to town.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #42

     I threw the cows under the bus, I do miss Sunday lunches and the Air Fryer Recipe magazine on the rack cost $12. So, we took picture..
Exonerated/Cow vs AT&T
      I wrote yesterday that the Akaushi cattle here at the Windmill Ranch Preserve destroyed our AT&T pedestal. Subsequently, we either lost or phone service or had to deal with absolutely terrible static. Well cows.. I was wrong. An AT&T technician informed me today that the real trouble is/was further up the line and off the property. So unless cows can open a gate and walk across a cattle guard, they are not responsible.
Sunday Dinners
     A friend of mine today posted an article on Facebook from The article's title is "Why Sunday Family Dinners Need a Comeback." Oh boy, do I agree!
     I remember coming home after church to roast beef and all the trimmings with sweet, juicy, delicious cantaloupe and ALWAYS that nasty pear and cottage cheese thing... whatever you call it. I hated that, but the rest of the lunch was fantastic.
    I also remember going to Sally's on Deep Creek here in Snyder after church. Imagine lots of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, peas, rolls, butter , good pie and ALL of it served family style. I remember one summer there was a collection plate at the register. Two bull riders had been gored at the county rodeo. Collection plates were out all over town to help pay the cowboys medical bills.
Air Fryer Magazine Pic/$0.00
     Youngest son Joe and fiancé Sharon gave us an air fryer for Christmas. We haven't used it yet mostly because we're on this whacky diet. But maybe, we're on the verge.
     Teresa noticed an Air Fryer Recipe magazine today while we were checking out at United. We almost got it but opted for the next best thing..
     T: "Ooh look. An air fryer recipe magazine."
     Me: "Get it. Let's start using it."
     T: "Really? It's $12.00."
     Me: "What? C'mon! Really? No way!"
     T: "Here (as she opened the magazine.) Take pictures of the recipes."
     The bottom line is, we got three recipes out of a $12 magazine for nothing... SCORE!

     Gracie Update: She's good. Today, her game was getting her baseball, throwing it up in the air, almost catching it and then doing it all over again.
     Diet Update: We were going to have shrimp tonight, 0-Carbs, 0-Calories, 17g-protein. Unfortunately, they smelled terrible when we opened the bag. Now, we're having salad. Not SCORE!

Bill Robertson, (4/29/20,) The phone technician's a transplant. He moved her from St. Louis.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #41

     The ranch cows are on the phone. I hope they're not calling Japan. C-19 is apparently great for beer sales and five dollars goes a long way at the pump.
The AT&T Pedestal vs Akaushi Cows
     I'm only kidding about the cows being on the phone, but they are screwing up our AT&T landline service at The Windmill Ranch Preserve in Snyder, America.. Paradise on the Plains. What you see is called a 'Pedestal.' I don't know what a 'Pedestal' is supposed to do, but by the looks of it... The cows completely demolished this 'Pedestal' and it's causing crazy static on our ranch line.
Heartbrand Beef
     The part about calling Japan is because the cows are half Akaushi. The bull's from Japan, like Kobe. And just like Kobe beef, Akaushi beef is fantastic. It's almost exclusively available through Heartbrand Beef. Follow the link to their website. You can buy steaks or even a whole live cow Some restaurants carry it, but not around here. Check out their online catalog, you won't regret it.
The Bud Beer Guy/Snyder, TX

     Apparently, beer sales are booming during these times. Here's what happened at the store today.
     Me: "Covid-19 slowing down beer sales?"
     Budweiser/Ultra Beer Guy: "Not a chance! Our sales are way up."
    Me: "What's way up look like?"
     Budweiser/Ultra Beer Guy: "We're already at our summer sales figures."
     Me: "Did that just start?"
     Budweiser/Ultra Beer Guy: "Nope. Been like this for at least three weeks."
WTX Needs Higher Gas Prices/United, Snyder, TX

     Gas prices are so low that I paid $5.00 today and practically filled up my five gallon can that I use to gas up the ranch lawn equipment. It was strange. 😏$5.00 and a nearly a full five gallon gas can. Now if cigarettes would fall below $1.00, I'd recommit myself to quit once they reach that previous, long ago threshold.

     Gracie Update: She's hot. We mowed all day.
     Diet Update: 31-pounds. Riding five miles a day on the Peloton. Just finished a virtual ride through Tuscany.

Bill Robertson, (4/28/20,) It's kind of sad that Blogger spell check knows the spelling of Budweiser but balks at Akaushi.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #40

     Texas and a lot of other states are reopening. There it is again... Another sentence I never expected to hear, say or write. I'm on the fence. In fact, a majority of Texans are on the fence and even opposed to reopening.
     A U-T/TTU poll shows that two-thirds of registered voters support the Governor's plan to suspend non-essential business operations. And more than three-quarters support Stay at Home orders.
Phased In Reopening/Texas
     But, Governor Greg Abbott is moving forward with a 'phased-in' re-opening. Places like retail stores, restaurants and even movie theaters can re-open Friday with the 'phased-in' restrictions like only 25% occupancy for awhile and then more and then more, etc.
     The Texas economy is second only to California. There's no question Covid-19 is more than evaporating our state's bottom line and it's absolutely devastating families. More than 208-thousand Texas workers filed unemployment claims through last week. C-19's also killing people and that's the rub. I guess I buried the lead.
     Is business more important than human life? Would there be quality human life without business? Should small, rural towns like Snyder enforce 'Stay at Home' sanctions for well being of approximately 11-thousand people or should it lift the sanctions for the 400+ businesses, many of them small, that help fuel it's economy?
     I bet about now our newly elected County Judge Dan Hicks is wondering something like "what in the world did I get into." He's the one stepping up to the plate and taking one for the team. He's the one charged with enforcing the Governor's plans with a few localized tweaks here and there. He's the one facing the terrible, terrible question... Open for the sake of the economy or stay closed for  safety?
     Judge, you have my respect and attention.  Readers, what would you choose? I've been a small business person. I've sweated those days when I needed two or three times the amount of businesses. I think, now in April 2020, I'd.....

Bill Robertson (4/2720,) Good luck to those re-opening. Let's support them as we feel that we can. Good luck to those preferring to 'Stay Home.' Let's be kind to them too.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #39

     Practicing golf in the kitchen isn't exactly what I expected. Before I write anymore, I was using rubber golf balls. Real golf balls would have been a disaster, especially the way I was hitting.
Kitchen Golf/Windmill Ranch Preserve, Snyder TX
     I set down a 'Welcome' mat. My target was our three basin sink, specifically the middle basin. My plan went south on the first swing.
Ball Under the Oven/Windmill Ranch Preserve, Snyder TX
     My first ball  bounced off the back wall, bounced off the big Rubbermaid trash can, which is just out of view on the right, and then rolled under the oven. You can barely see it in this picture on the right. The balls are half black and half yellow. That's the yellow part showing. My next ball wasn't much better. It ricocheted off the wall, the hot water heater and then rolled to a stop under the ice maker. Teresa came into the kitchen on my third ball to save me the embarrassment of losing three golf balls in a West Texas kitchen.
FORE!/Windmill Ranch Preserve, Snyder TX
     From the kitchen, I moved my mobile practice range into The Windmill Ranch Preserve pavilion. We set up one of my new chipping nets (public distancing is getting a little pricey😟) and I used another welcome mat and a couple carpet runners to mimic a 'tight lie.'.
     I'm happy to report that my practice round started to work. We had to make a few adjustments to keep the golf balls out in the open versus under the big couch, the little couch or the big, green man and dog chair, but I feel I'm ready for Augusta.😉
     On a completely different subject, have you noticed what they're doing with paper towels these days?
     During the great toilet paper and paper towels crises of 2020, we've had to buy those types of products that normally we would not buy. So imagine our surprise when we got this (left photo!) Crazy! Brawny's making paper towels now that you can separate down to coaster size. Wow! No wonder they're a little pricy.
     They're called Brawny Pick-A-Size and they really are a test product. It's actually a product wide test program being conducted by Consumer Reports. But whatever size you pick, the big test is all about Absorbency, Scrubbing and Wet Strength. A related article on this Google page was "How to Prevent Dryer Fires." I didn't read that one.

     Diet Update: We had a lot of raw vegetables for lunch today. Not bad with a lot of low-fat Ranch.
     Gracie Update: She's looking especially sad today. I think she's tired. We think that pesky, aggressive Cardinal that I wrote about in Blog #38 is keeping her awake.

Bill Robertson (4/26/20,) Great message on online church today about Philemon and Onesimus. The bottom line is be Loving and Useful. I wonder who will get that comparison???? Hmmmm????

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #38

     Teresa's ramping up her jigsaw puzzle game, our big rose bush is blooming and our BBQ feast cost me 2.5 pounds.
Rosebud/Snyder, America
     Sons Jack and Joe gave us four rose bushes a few years ago to honor Teresa's dad, Samuel Harrison Stephens... Mr. Sam as I called him. Unfortunately, only one survived my planting skills, but it's a great flowering rose bush.
Practically Perfect in Pink/Snyder, America
     Every year around this time, we watch and usually say, "Wow, that rose bush is about to explode" and then within a few days... it explodes in these perfect pink blossoms.
     I think it's a climbing rose bush. So, I need to devise some type of climbing apparatus. I'm thinking a trellis, maybe a split rail.. the jury's still out.
500 Pieces
      Teresa ordered and received her latest jigsaw puzzle. She had to order it because the painful fun was all sold out in Snyder, America. This one is some type of dog park. A couple of weeks ago, T knocked out a 300-piece puzzle in a short afternoon. This one is 500-pieces. So, we'll see if she finishes by supper.
Jigsaw or Dentist?
     She asked me to help turn over the pieces and separate the edges and corners. I did, but was then gently advised not to just stack 'em… I should just lay the pieces out flat. First of all, I'd rather go to the dentist than work a jigsaw puzzle. Next... Well there is no next. Suffice it to say that I'm not a jigsaw type of guy. So, I took a break.

     Diet Update: The BBQ feast was great but costly on the scale. So tonight, we're having spaghetti and meatballs made with Miracle Noodles and turkey meatballs. I think the total carb count is like oil prices... less than zero.
     Gracie Update: She's wiped out because a testosterone filled cardinal keeps attacking his reflection in all our windows. The bird's apparently interrupting Gracie's naps.

Bill Robertson (4/25/20,) I hope your team's doing well in the draft. My SAINTS drafted a lineman in round one... I'm not too sure about that. I guess we'll see.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #37

    I walked 75-miles in April. My SmartWatch says so. Plus, I honked and got some fantastic barbeque.
The SmartWatch Knows All
    75-miles!! Wow! I've driven 75-miles. I've flown 75-miles. But, I've never thought about walking for 75-miles. The rub is, I just pulled out my calculator. I divided 75 miles by today's date (April 24). So, that's 75-miles divided by 24 days. That equals 3.125 miles a day. That's a disappointment. I'm obviously lazy, a malingerer, akin to a sloth or something like all the above.
     At first, I was excited that I had walked 75-miles. 👏That's all the way to Lubbock, Midland or Abilene. So in my head, I was thinking... Wow! I walked to Sam's, Costco or The Plaza, which is a great Mexican restaurant on Milwaukee Street in Lubbock. It's always crowded, but get the Carne Guisada with the cheese enchilada and rice and beans. Top shelf!!👍
     Now after doing the math, which by the way is actually Algebra-1, I realize that I'm a sedentary, lazy, sit on my fanny bum.👎👎👎
     My new goal is.. 261.9 miles. That's how far it is from Snyder to Dallas. And once I get to Big-D, I'm going to Snuffer's for a burger, Javier's for their green sauce and lower Greenville for fun.
Blackland's BBQ/Snyder, Texas
     Speaking of food, this is a cheat day and when I say cheat... I'm talking about The Donald and the Billy Bush conversation or years ago JFK and Marilyn. Tonight, we're having BBQ from Blackland's. They're out of Roscoe, but they have a Snyder location in an old feed store warehouse.
     Thanks to our New Normal, we ordered by phone and then honked to get a waiter to come to our car. It worked perfectly. Please remember to tip the server. They may not be at your table, but they are reporting to work and they are still serving.

     Gracie Update: Gracie, T & I all went to the golf course this morning. Gracie is still asleep under our dining room table. The dog literally runs from the time I park my truck to the time I say "load up" after nine holes.
     Diet Update: The diet's working. I think I've lost my double chin. But, tonight's menu is not going to help. We're having chopped brisket, smoked turkey and sausage with cole slaw, potato salad, beans and chips. Teresa's said, "I'm going to eat real slow. I always do anyway, but tonight.. I'm going to eat especially slow to enjoy every bite."

Bill Robertson (4/24/20,) I'm thinking about leaving today for Lubbock, Midland or Abilene. But at only 3.1 miles a day or 75-miles a month, I won't get there until mid to late May. Then, I've gotta come back. So theoretically, I won't be back to Snyder until June 24th.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #36

     Latex gloves in a crystal bowl and guarding our toilet paper, I'm doing, saying and thinking things these days that just don't make any sense... at least not until our New Normal.
Gloves in a Bowel/Snyder, America
     About the only thing that's normal in the New Normal is living the country life and I'm not talking about our lives.
     We're showing our house today. Actually, the realtor's showing it. To make sure we're all as safe and smart as possible, we're following some previously unheard of guidelines.
     1) Only the realtor opens doors and turns on the lights
     2) The realtor wears a mask
     3) The realtor and client can wear latex gloves. That's why we have the gloves in the crystal bowl. We thought we had a basket.😁
Quilted Northern

     I'm only joking about guarding our toilet paper. But what's  even more comical to me is that it's both strangely appropriate and timely now to make a joke about guarding toilet paper. Up until our New Normal, most our T-P talk went more like...
     Teresa: "Get the good stuff."
     Me: "It's so expensive."
     Teresa: "It's worth it."
     Me: "How about middle of the road?"
     Teresa: "We can afford the good stuff."
     So what exactly is the "good stuff?" I suppose that's a very personal question but for our house it's Quilted Northern.
Heartbrand Beef/Akaushi

     The only thing that I can find that's really normal in our New Normal is country life. We're at The Windmill Ranch everyday, but every time we go to town we have to follow all the New Normal rules. You wanna know who or what doesn't have to follow the rules and is completely unaffected by C-19? Cows, that's who.
     It's calving season and we're covered up in Akaushi calves. I bet that got your attention. Right about now, you're probably asking yourself... "What's an Akaushi calf"?
Akaushi Calf/Windmill Ranch Preserve

     An Akaushi calf is a half breed. And in most of west Texas, it's half Black Angus (mother) and half Akaushi (bull.) The result is beef like probably nothing you've ever tasted. Right now, it's a little pricey, but the flavor is an A+++. The easiest way to get some is online through the Heartbrand Beef website, You won't regret it.
      Gracie Update: We ran so many errands today that she got tired of 'loading up.' She tried to chase turkeys yesterday and lost.
     Diet Update: We're now trying the one day on and one day off plan. We've lost enough weight that now we eat the diet stuff one day and then the next we sensibly splurge. Bring on tomorrow!!!

Bill Robertson (4/23/20,) We're going home soon. First thing is.. checking our toilet paper.


Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #35

     I missed the memo. Did you know it's National Earth Day? I didn't until I got bombarded with internet and TV news stories about the day set aside to honor our planet.
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Earth Day
Earth Day Flag.png
The unofficial Earth Day Flag created by John McConnell includes The Blue Marble photograph taken by the crew of Apollo 17
SignificanceSupport for environmental protection
DateApril 22
Next time22 April 2021
     I copied the following from Wiki.... "Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, it now includes events coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network[1] in more than 193 countries.[2]
In 1969 at a UNESCO Conference in San Francisco, peace activist John McConnell proposed a day to honor the Earth."
     McConnell started Earth Day, but it was United States Senator Gaylord Nelson and a young man who he hired named Denis Hayes who renamed the big day.
     Now, Earth day is Earth Week. the U-S, China and 120-more countries signed the landmark Paris Agreement, a key requirement for the entry into force of the historic draft Climate Protection Treated adopted by the 195 nations present at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also in Parish.
     Personally, Huh & I had no idea. I had no idea of the significance or did I really care until Teresa said "It's real." Now after reading about it, I'm a little ashamed that I scoffed at another "National Day." Seriously, it seems that  we have too many National Days, these days.
National Write a Blog Day
     Here's what I think are some fun examples for the balance of the year.

May: May 4th is National Candied Orange Peel Day. C'mon, what is a candied orange?
June: June 20th is National Hike with a Geek Day. Geez, I hope no one gives me a call. How embarrassing.😂
July: July 22nd is National Rat Catchers Day. It's apparently a big day for cats.
August: August 3rd is National Grab some Nuts Day. 😀 That makes me laugh.
National Weary Willie Day/December 9th
September: September 17th is National Monte Cristo Day. Are they talking about the novel or the sandwich? Both are really good. Alexander's a canny one.😜
October: October 21st is National Hagfish Day. Hagfish, of the class Myxini (also known as Hyperotreti), are eel-shaped, slime-producing marine fish (occasionally called slime eels).😖
November: November 9th is National Scrabble Day. What's a 10-letter word for C'mon man?😕
December: December 9th is National Weary Willie Day. 
     I wish I was making all this up, but the craziness that I've listed is only the tip of the iceberg. So, find a day and celebrate.

Gracie Update: Believe it or not there is a National Black Pet Day. I'll tell her and ask if she wants anything special.
Diet Update: Turns out if you add a few California walnuts and some sliced pear to a salad, it's really not too bad.

Bill Robertson (4/22/20,) I'm looking for National Dude Food Day. I think it's July 24th every year.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #34

     I found a wrench, a pair of golf shoes & socks, a couple hats, a few towels and a clock while cleaning out my truck's backseat today. I've noticed that this C-19 situation is giving all of us lots of time to do a lot of things we would normally wait to do until the weekend.
Snyder Nursery/Snyder, America
     Apparently, LOTS of people are tending to their yards and gardens. This photo is from Snyder Nursery owned by the Prince family. They're jam packed and have been for at least a week to 10-days. I think a lot of people, like my mother, are flexing their green thumbs.
Mom's Pots
     Just today, mom planted Oregano, Basil, Chives, Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Eggplant. Did I mention that she's 87-years old? I'm absolutely certain she's going to invite us over for a meal that will include each of the above ingredients. And somehow, I know she's going to slip in some Swiss Chard. She keeps asking if we want some and we keep saying "no," but I know it's in the future.
Mom's Backyard
     The truth is mom, Gmom, Marianne or Ms. Randals, as she's called, depending on who's doing the talking, has quite the green thumb and can back it up. A few years ago, she teamed-up with Snyder's one and only Stanley Clark to get her Masters Gardner certificate. She loved her time with Stanley. Everybody did. Now, mom's using her not so long ago learned skills to create some pretty amazing natural things. Stanley would indeed be proud.
Backseat Bounty/Windmill Ranch Preserve
     All these chores inspired me. I started cleaning out the backseat of my pickup and couldn't stop. First, there was the assorted amount of trash. Then, I began uncovering the real stuff.
     The towels range from bath towels to a golf towel that son Jack gave me at this wedding. I don't know much about the Mizuno hat, but the red, Big Apple Deli is something we created many years ago. No one liked it but me.
     Most of it went to the garbage, but not a few things. I kept the shoes and the red hat and Jack's towel. And then I hit the payload times two. First, I'd been looking for that wrench ever since I started on the ranch, kitchen sink catastrophe (see Blog #31, #32 or #33... I can't remember.) Then, I found my big prize. The clock was a gift from Dr. Barbara Beebe, who runs Western Texas College in Snyder. It was still ticking. The wrench went into my tool chest. The WTC clock, commemorating their 50-Year Anniversary, is keeping good time.
     Gracie Update: We went golfing today. She ran and ran and ran. Now, she's asleep under our dining room table.
     Diet Update: As of this morning, I've lost 30-pounds. The Miracle Noodles need some work but we're gonna keep trying.

Bill Robertson (4/21/20,) I'm not very good at golf.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #33

     I'm gonna write about the Miracle Noodle and "I can't believe this is not Butter" in just a bit, but today's big news is all about crude prices. May futures dropped below $0.00. Of course, that's absolutely unprecedented.😡
Global Wealth Advisors
     As my accountant, financial advisor and good friend Handsome Ben Murphy put it... "It's surreal." That's Ben. He's second from the left next to the tall guy, that's Kris. I don't know the really tall guy. I hope he played basketball.
     Ben's not tall but he is honest and good. He's good at life and his job.
$0.00 Oil
     If you were to know Handsome Ben, you'd like him. He's one of those kinda guys who quietly but sincerely becomes part of the family. He's with Global Wealth Advisors.      Teresa and I turn to him more times than I can count. His reply is always, "We this..." and "We that..." It's genuinely a tremendously comforting feeling to talk to the fellow who knows your Social Security Number and every time refers to your problems and worries as OUR problems and worries.
     Handsome Ben's advice these days is... "If you got in cash, leave it in cash." I know it sounds simple. But knowing Ben, he's really saying... Relax, if you can.. Be patient, if you can.. And now, is actually an opportunity.
It's Almost Sold Out/United, Snyder, TX
     I'm saving news about the Miracle Noodle until my Diet Update. So first, let's talk about butter or something that tastes like butter and must be very tasty.😜
     T & I are shopping a couple days a week for our area seniors. The stuff they buy is way out of my wheelhouse. So far, I've delivered diet Prune Juice, a lot of pre-cooked bacon, Sunny-D and "The cheapest chocolate ice cream you can find."
     I wrote in a few blogs ago that I've NEVER bought any kind of Prune Juice, but I have bought pre-cooked sausage... actually, it's not too bad. But, I've never bought Sunny D and I'm in Texas so the only ice cream I buy is Blue Bell. Now, they want Jiff Creamy Peanut Butter and "I Can't Believe it's Not Butter."
     Teresa practically swears by Jiff Creamy Peanut butter, but neither of us is familiar with "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter." Of course, we've seen the commercials but we've never bought it. I don't know what's in it, but it's very popular with our seniors.
Givin' it a Try
     Diet Update: The MIRACLE NOODLE is finally here. Zero carbs, zero sugar, zero calories... Wow.
     It's called a Sharataki noodle. It's made from water and some plant. Makers say it's been a Japanese favorite for 1,400 years. We'll let you know if it's really a Miracle Noodle or just a tasteless noodle.
     Gracie Update: Waiting for worms. She found a rabbit den. So, it's only a matter of time. The WTX rules are: Never eat any rabbit until after a freeze, but try telling that to a dog.😁

Bill Robertson (4/20/20,) Teresa made her world famous beans last night and the legumes did not disappoint. The trick is... Add spicy Rotel.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #33

     Online Church, Online Jigsaw Puzzles and Casseroles for a Cause delivered to your car,,, Once again, there's a partial sentence that I never expected to say, write or talk about.
Paul Jones & Vicki Bell/FUMC, Snyder, TX
     First, giant kudos to the team at Snyder's First United Methodist Church. This is the third Sunday in the midst of C-19 that church members have made and given away casseroles. They make about 60 of the comforting concoctions. Then starting at noon on Sundays, they begin handing them out to anyone. The meals are available until every casserole is gone.
     It's crazy how much the new normal masks can conceal a person's identity. I knew everyone of the people in these two pictures, except one, but I had to ask names because the masks disguised them so much.
Gina Jones, Sarah Smith, Leslie Moorman & Sheila O'Quin/FUMC, Snyder, TX
     The two people together are Paul Jones and Vickie Bell. He's a top shelf electrician with Big Country Electric Cooperative. She is Vicki Bell. She and her husband, Charlie, came into our deli back in the day. Now, she's making masks. She promised me a denim one. Thank you for all that you're doing. The others are: Gina Jones (Paul's wife,) Sarah Smith (who I didn't know but thank you for your kindness,) Leslie Moorman (runs The Butcher Block... get the Cobb Salad... it's as big as your head) and Sheila O'Quin (we were in a bible study class years ago with my mother on the Book of James... her husband is Mike, the produce manager at United... He just celebrated 30-years with the company... good guy.)  Thank y'all for all you are doing. I'm absolutely sure it's a needed and appreciated service.
Calvary Baptist Church Online
     The quality in the technology of Online Church is improving and that's both good and sad. I think this is our third Sunday to watch our church service on its Facebook page: The first time was, "Wow, that was pretty good." The second time was, "Good again," but this last time (our third time,) our service equaled the tech quality of something we'd see on the news.
     What I mean is that the audio, the graphics package, and the camera operation all seemed flawless. Not that anything was wrong with our first, two Online services... not at all. But this time, both of  us said, "They nailed it." And, that's both good and sad.
     It's good because it's just good. The message is good and all the techie stuff that could dilute the message didn't happen. It's sad because, it's a shame our church, your church and all churches have had the time to perfect Online services. But, keep 'em coming. It's the new normal and y'all are knocking it out of the park!!
Online Jigsaw Puzzles
     On a much lighter note, Teresa's discovered Online Jigsaw Puzzles in the app store and there's another crazy sentence.
     Bill: "That's GREAT!"
     T: "And, it's free. Lots of ads but I'm a very patient person."
     From what I can tell, you simply download the app and pick your puzzle. Some puzzles are fruit and others are landscapes. One's even a Pina Colada in a coconut on the beach. Then, you can select the level of difficulty. That's judged by how many pieces you want to try for each puzzle. I'm wondering if families and friends living apart from one another can join in from their locations.

Boone/Nashville, TN
             Gracie Update: She has a new cousin. Youngest son Joe and fiancé Sharon got themselves a Chocolate Lab. His name is Boone. Apparently, he was already sold to a Florida family, but they couldn't cross Florida state lines and return home without facing mandated quarantine.
     Diet Update: My new name for our diet is: "Forget the terrible tasting stuff. Eat what you like. Keep the carbs at a minimum. Exercise, at least a little. And don't be a pig. It's all about portion control, dummy." It's a long name but I'm working on an acronym. So far, all I've got is FEKPPD... not very catchy, is it?

Bill Robertson (4/19/20,) Nothing smart aleck today. Just a sincere "Way to go & thank you FUMC & CBC!"

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #32

     Score! Goal! Goodbye Mr. Spalding! We hit the trifecta today at the grocery store. That's the good news. The bad news is, we went to the store to spend $25-$50, but walked out with a $115 receipt.
Toilet Paper!!!!/The Earth is not Flat
     The fact that they had toilet paper, and a lot of it, isn't the biggest news even if everyone from us to the store manager was talking about it. No, the big news is they had hand sanitizing wipes. And maybe the bigger news is, they finally had Teresa's Hazelnut, No Sugar coffee creamer. I hate the stuff, but it's her weak spot.
     Granted, those three items don't add up to $115 but we got so giddy with our haul that we just started buying. We have meals planned through the week.
     Somehow that Hazelnut, No Sugar coffee creamer started a more serious conversation while driving back to the house.
     T: "I saw a woman on the news who said she'd rather catch the virus and die vs not going to work."
     Bill: "I hope that doesn't happen."
     T: "What about any others who might get infected? That's callous. I shouldn't say that. We know where our next meal is coming from. Maybe she doesn't."
     Bill: "And that would be a significant rebuttal. It's interesting the number of blessings that we take for granted."
     T: "Too many."

     My blessings are indeed too many to count. If you're like us, whether you live in Snyder, America or like my friends Rich and Tee Marvin in Cape Cod, Mass., you can Buy ONE-EXTRA! It's Pay it Forward with a new, flashier name. The concept is simple: Buy ONE-EXTRA to benefit local businesses that need financial support to stay in business which equals jobs which equals hope for families.
     If you want two brisket plates, buy a third. If you buy clothes from a local boutique, buy two items instead of just one. You can keep your purchase, take it home, give it away OR.... You can just pay for it and leave it at the store. Buy ONE-EXTRA to help local businesses that employ local people who support local families.

     Gracie Update: T said it best. She said, "Our puppy is pooped." Teresa went on a bike ride. I played 'don't lose the golf ball' on my freshly mowed Windmill Ranch golf course. Once Gracie finished chasing Teresa, she came to me to hunt down white orbs flying on and off target.
     Diet Update: Hate it! My cheating yesterday cost me three pounds.

Bill Robertson (4/18/20,) Has anyone heard about the Busch Sweepstakes? It's for couples who had to change their wedding plans due to Covid-19.

Gracie and Me: Covid-19 #31

     Five is the perfect number for Oreos, our neighbor has the most persistent car chaser in the county and Snyder's sold out of jigsaw puzzles, but that's not stopping Teresa.
Aisle Four/The Cookie-Cracker Aisle
     I went to bed last night craving arguably the most popular cookie in America. I'm speaking of the one and only Oreo. I'm talking about the good, old fashioned & original Oreo. Teresa was thinking of a Snickerdoodle.
     Five Oreos is/are the perfect number. Here's my formula: First, I pour a hearty, but short glass of whole milk. The short glass is crucial. I'll explain in a couple of sentences.
Five Oreos & Milk/The Perfect Formula
     Then, I get five Oreos. I eat the first two dry. Then, I individually dunk the next two and that's where the short glass comes into play. A tall, slender glass won't work. But, a short, fat lipped glass is ideal. After my two dunks, I eat the fifth and final Oreo dry. Then, I chug the ice cold milk. Sometimes, I grab a couple more Oreos to eat on the way to bed. But that varies. Once, I woke up with Fudgesicle sticks stuck to my chest. So, variety is okay.
Gabby, The Big White Dog
     Next, meet our neighbor's dog. Her name is Gabby and she might be the most car chasing canine in the county. She's a Great Pyrenees that our neighbors rescued and now she guards their chickens and their road.
     There's not a time that I drive by that Gabby doesn't try her hardest to catch-up. We can see her coming from around the house. She's gotta know that there's absolutely no chance of catching us, but she still chases us at a full gallop. And then, she stops! Gabby's a great road, guard dog. I don't know about the chickens.
Jigsaw Shortage
     We found out today that Snyder and apparently even Amazon is completely sold out of jigsaw puzzles. Sad, but true.
     Teresa and I made a couple stops today looking for a puzzle. Both places were sold out. Teresa went to Amazon, but they're sold out too. The earliest delivery is probably next month, but for a good reason. The Amazon head honchos say it's because they're delivering more essential items before games. Can't fault 'em for that.
     I gave T a challenge. She said she's not going to do it, but she's a competitor. So, I'm going to wait and see. I told her to dismantle her current puzzle, flip all the pieces, shuffle them and then put the puzzle together upside down without pictures to guide her. I think it's genius.

     Gracie Update: She's off her feed. We're not sure if she just doesn't like the 'active' dog food vs puppy chow or if she's got the Epizuda.
     Diet Update: Nathaniel Hawthorne would have a letter for us today.

Bill Robertson (4/17/20,) If I couldn't have Oreos, I think I'd choose Mystic Mints or Chips Ahoy. They're best with milk. T wants a chewy, oatmeal raisin.

Uncooperative Cows & English Bluebells

      I was going to title this blog STUPID COWS, but I think I got outsmarted and surprised by a batch of black and red bovines.  Uncoopera...